Principal investigator: Tore Nesset
Project title: MAJAK: Det russiske læringsfyrtårnet
Summary of the project:
Formålet med MAJAK, som er det russiske ordet for «fyrtårn», er å forbedre undervisningen i russisk språk på BA-programmene i russisk og russlandsstudier, slik at studentene får bedre muligheter til å nå læringsmålene. Gjennom seks arbeidspakker utvikler vi et nyskapende undervisningsdesign som utnytter det digitale handlingsrommet og fremmer studentaktive læringsformer.
Les mer her:
Project team:
- Tore Nesset
- Laura A. Janda
- Anna Endresen
- Valentina Zhukova
- Elena Bjørgve
- Svetlana Sokolova
- våre studenter
Link to the project results:
- A free open access digital educational resource “Construxercise! Hands-on learning of Russian constructions” built in collaboration between instructors, researchers and students of Russian (launched on June 8, 2022 at UiT).
Project duration: January 1, 2021 – December 31, 2022
Funding: 2 millioner NOK fra UiT (strategisk utdanningsutvalg)
Key publications:
- “Construxercise!: implementation of a construction-based approach to language pedagogy.” Forthcoming in the Special Issue of the Russian Language Journal (Vol. 72)
- “Flipping the classroom? From text to video in teaching Russian grammar.” Forthcoming in the Special Issue of the Russian Language Journal (Vol. 72)
- “Empirically determined strategic input and gamification in mastering Russian word forms.” Forthcoming in the Special Issue of the Russian Language Journal (Vol. 72)
- “The participatory approach and student-active learning in language teaching: language students as journalists and filmmakers.” Forthcoming in the Special Issue of the Russian Language Journal (Vol. 72)