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Ukrainian Constructicon

Principal investigator: Yuliia Palii

Project title: The Ukrainian Constructicon

Summary of the project:

The aim of this project is to create the Ukrainian Constructicon (UkrCon), a free open access digital educational resource that offers a collection of Ukrainian multi-word grammatical constructions, i.e. prominent linguistic patterns of phrase and sentence structures that are characteristic of the Ukrainian language.

This project takes the initiative of making the linguistic data on Ukrainian constructions more accessible and visible to the scholarly linguistic community, as well as to learners of Ukrainian as a second language and to the general public. Moreover, the outcome product can serve to develop automatic translation software and educational materials.

Project team: 

  • Yuliia Palii
  • Zoia Butenko
  • Anna Endresen
  • Laura A. Janda
  • Valentina Zhukova

Link to the project results:

Project duration: 2023

Funding: UiT The Arctic University of Norway funded a one-year-long position of Yuliia Palii

Key publications:

  • Janda, L.A., Palii, Y. (2024). Understanding ‘many’ through the lens of Ukrainian багато. Russian Linguistics 48(18). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11185-024-09301-7
  • Palii, Y. “A constructicon resource for Ukrainian” (under development)

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