Principal investigator: Yuliia Palii Project title: The Ukrainian Constructicon Summary of the project: The aim of this project is to create the Ukrainian Constructicon (UkrCon), a free open access digital educational resource that offers a collection of Ukrainian multi-word grammatical constructions, i.e. prominent linguistic patterns of phrase and sentence structures that are characteristic of the Ukrainian language. UkrCon Read More
Principal investigator: Tore Nesset Project title: ConLab: The Tromsø-Moscow Constructicon Laboratorium Summary of the project: Norway needs strong competence in Russian language and internationally competitive Russian language programs. The goal of ConLab – The Tromsø Constructicon Laboratorium – is to contribute to a sustainable future through building the expertise and enhancing the quality of UiT’s Russian language Read More
Working title: “Threat in Russian – a constructional perspective” Supervisors: Tore Nesset, Laura A. Janda Summary: My research project is at the intersection of two larger projects: the Threat-Defuser ( and the Russian constructicon ( This study aims to investigate the Russian constructions of performing threats such as po-Verb-Imp eščë (mne/u menja)! — Pogovori mne eščë! ‘Don’t Read More
Title: “Svalbard through the prism of Russian media. A discourse and cognitive perspective” Supervisors: Laura A. Janda, Tore Nesset Summary: The permanent economic and scientific presence of Russia and Norway in the Svalbard archipelago involves both cooperation and diplomatic tensions. The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to clarifying the Russian view of Svalbard by Read More
Principal investigator: Simon Devylder Project title: MAPS – A Multifactorial Analysis of Possessive Structures: Mapping the Interaction of Language, Culture, and Cognition Summary of the project: Cognitive Linguistics views language as embedded in its cognitive, social, and multimodal dimensions. We propose a novel methodology of linguistic analysis that integrates these interacting dimensions and provide new data Read More
Principal investigator: Elena Bjørgve Co-coordinators: Svetlana Sokolova and Guro Reisæter Project title: Vår felles seier (“Our common victory”) Summary of the project: The project “Our common victory” was planned in connection with the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II. It combines three academic components: history, language and film. History: In order to find Read More
Principal investigator: Laura A. Janda Project title: THREAT-DEFUSER: Hybrid warfare and a plan to safeguard societies Summary of the project: THREAT-DEFUSER explores the role of “soft” information strategies propagated through mass and social media that constitute hybrid warfare. We investigate Norwegian perceptions of Russia, as well as Russian perceptions of Norway, in the context of Norwegian Read More
Principal investigator: Tore Nesset Project title: MAJAK: Det russiske læringsfyrtårnet Summary of the project: Formålet med MAJAK, som er det russiske ordet for «fyrtårn», er å forbedre undervisningen i russisk språk på BA-programmene i russisk og russlandsstudier, slik at studentene får bedre muligheter til å nå læringsmålene. Gjennom seks arbeidspakker utvikler vi et nyskapende undervisningsdesign som Read More
Principal investigator: Hanne Eckhoff, Tore Nesset, Laura A. Janda Project title: Birds and Beasts: Shaping Events in Old Russian Summary of the project: The aim of the Birds and Beast project was to investigate the relationship between verbal aspect and aktionsart in the history of Russian. An important aim was to do this on a strictly Read More
Dissertation title: “Aspect and Meaning in the Russian Future Tense: Corpus and Experimental Investigations” Supervisors: Laura A. Janda, Tore Nesset Summary: This dissertation is a study of the Russian future tense within the framework of cognitive linguistics. In this dissertation I focus on the distribution of the perfective and imperfective future forms, their future and Read More