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Launch of the new educational resource Construxercise!

We invite all students and colleagues at UiT to the launch of a new digital resource called “Construxercise! Hands-on learning of Russian constructions”

Anna Endresen (postdoctor at CLEAR group, UiT)Why we built the Construxercise!resource (in Norwegian)
Valentina Zhukova (PhD student at CLEAR group, UiT)Demonstration of the website(in English)
Elena Bjørgve (senior lecturer, CLEAR group, UiT)Teacher perspective (in Norwegian)
George Lonshakov (exchange student at UiT, MA student in Computational Linguistics)Student perspective on interface-building (in English)
David Henrik Lavén (3rd year BA student of the Russian program, UiT)Student perspective on learning Russian (in Norwegian)
John McNicol (Vice Dean for Education, HSL, UiT)HSL perspective (in Norwegian)

WHEN: The launch will take place on June 8, 2022 at 12.00-13.00

WHERE: lobby of the university library, UiT

A cake and some refreshments will be served. There will be several short speeches about the project.

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