We invite all students and colleagues at UiT to the launch of a new digital resource called “Construxercise! Hands-on learning of Russian constructions”
Program | |
Anna Endresen (postdoctor at CLEAR group, UiT) | Why we built the Construxercise!–resource (in Norwegian) |
Valentina Zhukova (PhD student at CLEAR group, UiT) | Demonstration of the website(in English) |
Elena Bjørgve (senior lecturer, CLEAR group, UiT) | Teacher perspective (in Norwegian) |
George Lonshakov (exchange student at UiT, MA student in Computational Linguistics) | Student perspective on interface-building (in English) |
David Henrik Lavén (3rd year BA student of the Russian program, UiT) | Student perspective on learning Russian (in Norwegian) |
John McNicol (Vice Dean for Education, HSL, UiT) | HSL perspective (in Norwegian) |
WHEN: The launch will take place on June 8, 2022 at 12.00-13.00
WHERE: lobby of the university library, UiT
A cake and some refreshments will be served. There will be several short speeches about the project.