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CLEAR is committed to publishing its research in leading international journals and presenting at major international conferences. Specific key publications for each of our research projects can be accessed from the Projects page.

CLEAR’s research is primarily focused on a variety of topics relevant to Russian linguistics and pedagogy: verb aspect, constructions, rival forms, paradigm structure.

CLEAR has produced nearly 900 research results since 2010, over 100 of which are books and articles.

This page is not being updated continuously. For a full list of publications, see CLEAR’s page on Cristin.

Here we list some selected publications:


Sokolova, Svetlana. 2021. When Three is Company: The Relation Between Aspect and Metaphor in Russian Aspectual Triplets. Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 57(1), pp. 107-137, doi: 10.1515/psicl-2021-0005.

Zlatev, J., Blomberg, J., Devylder, S., Naidu, V. & J. van de Weijer. 2021. Motion event descriptions in Swedish, French, Thai and Telugu: a study in post-Talmian motion event typology, Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 53(1), pp. 58-90. doi: 10.1080/03740463.2020.1865692

Nesset, Tore. 2021. Review of the book H. Diessel. The grammar network. How linguistic structure is shaped by language use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. 289 p. ISBN 9781108671040. Voprosy Jazykoznanija 5. Pp. 137-141. doi: 10.31857/0373-658X.2021.5.137-141

Janda, Laura A. 2021. Prefixation: Slavic Verbal Prefixation from a Typological Perspective. In: Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics. ISSN 2589-6229. doi: 10.1163/2589-6229_ESLO_COM_036310


Janda, Laura A., Anna Endresen, Valentina Zhukova, Daria Mordashova, Ekaterina Rakhilina. 2020. “How to build a constructicon in five years: The Russian Example”. In Frank Brisard, Timothy Colleman, Astrid De Wit, Renata Enghels, Nikos Koutsoukos, Tanja Mortelmans, and María Sol Sansiñena (eds.) “The Wealth and Breadth of Construction-Based Research” [a thematic issue of Belgian Journal of Linguistics 34], pp. 162-175. Available here.

Endresen, Anna and Laura A. Janda. 2020. “Taking Construction Grammar One Step Further: Families, Clusters, and Networks of Evaluative Constructions in Russian”. In Mike Putnam, Matthew Carlson, Antonio Fábregas, Eva Wittenberg (eds.) Defining Construction: Insights into the Emergence and Generation of Linguistic Representations (special issue of Frontiers in Psychology 11). Pp. 1-22. ISSN 1664-1078.

Nesset, Tore. 2020. What’s in a Russian Aspectual Prefix? A Cognitive Linguistics Approach to Prefix MeaningsJournal of Slavic Linguistics 28(2). Pp. 141-162.

Nesset, Tore. 2020. A long birth: The development of gender-specific paucal constructions in RussianDiachronica 37(4). Pp. 514-539.

Endresen, Anna, Valentina Zhukova, Daria Mordashova, Ekaterina Rakhilina, Olga Lyashevskaya. 2020. “Russkij konstruktikon: Novyj lingvističeskij resurs, ego ustrojstvo i specifika” [= The Russian Constructicon: A new linguistic resource, its design and key characteristics]. In: Computational linguistics and Intellectual Technologies. Papers from the Annual International Conference “Dialogue 2020”. Issue 19. Pp. 226-241. ISSN 2075-7182. DOI: 10.28995/2075-7182-2020-19-241-255

Janda, Laura A., Dickey, Stephen M. 2020. Cognitive Linguistics (Cognitive Grammar). Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics.

Janda, Laura A., Antonsen, Lene. 2020. Davvisámi earutkeahtes oamasteapmi [Inalienability in North Saami]. Sámi dieðalaš áigecála. Pp. 61-87.

Janda, Laura A. 2020. Sannheten trenger hjelp når feilinformasjon spres i sosiale medierTransit magasin.

Nesset, Tore, Laura A. Janda. 2020. Metaphor: Unidirectional vs. nondirectional carrying in Russian. I: VAProsy jazykoznanija: Megasbornik nanostatej. Moskva: Buki Vedi. ISBN 978-5-4465-2882-0. Pp. 303-308.

Janda, Laura A., Mihail Kopotev, Tore Nesset. 2020. Constructions, their families and their neighborhoods: the case of durak durakom ‘a fool times two’. Russian Linguistics: International Journal for the Study of the Russian Language 44.(2) Pp. 109-127.

Janda, Laura A. 2020. Yggur and the power of language: A linguistic invention embedded in a Czech novel. Slavic and East European Journal 64(2). Pp. 226-246.

Devylder, Simon René Charles, Christoph Bracks, Misuzu Shimotori, Poppy Siahaan. 2020. Carving the body at its joints: Does the way we speak about the body shape the way we think about it? In Language and Cognition 12(4). Pp. 577-613.

Devylder, S., and J. Zlatev. 2020. Cutting and Breaking Metaphors of the Self and the Motivation and Sedimentation Model. In Baicchi, A. (Ed.) Figurative Meaning Construction in Thought and Language. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Pp. 254-281.


Janda, Laura A., Anna Endresen, Robert Reynolds. 2019. Aspectual opposition and rivalry in Russian are not discrete: New evidence from experimental dataRussian Linguistics: International Journal for the Study of the Russian Language 43(3): 249-271. Print ISSN: 0304-3487; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11185-019-09217-7

Nesset, Tore, Laura A. Janda, Sergey Say. 2019. Prezidentskie vybory vs. vybory prezidenta: how to choose? Russian Linguistics: International Journal for the Study of the Russian Language 43(3): 181-204. Print ISSN: 0304-3487; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11185-019-09214-w

Endresen, Anna. 2019. Two origins of the prefix IZ- and how they affect the VY- vs. IZ- correlation in Modern Russian. Russian Linguistics: International Journal for the Study of Russian and other Slavic Languages 43(3): 205-229. Print ISSN: 0304-3487; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11185-019-09215-9

Janda, Laura A. 2019. The Slavic Field in NorwaySlavic and East European Journal 63(3): 339-348. ISSN 0037-6752 http://www.aatseel.org/publications/see_journal

Janda, Laura A., Antonio Fábregas. 2019. Seeing from without, seeing from within: Aspectual differences between Spanish and Russian. Cognitive Linguistics 30(4): 687-718. ISSN 0936-5907; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/cog-2018-0054

Nesset, Tore, Svetlana Sokolova. 2019. Compounds and culture: Conceptual blending in Norwegian and Russian. Review of Cognitive Linguistics 17(1): 257-274. Print ISSN 1877-9751; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1075/rcl.00034.nes

Janda, Laura A., Robert Reynolds. 2019. Construal vs. Redundancy: Russian Aspect in Context. Cognitive Linguistics 30(3): 467-497. ISSN 0936-5907; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/cog-2017-0084

Nesset, Tore, Maria Nordrum. 2019. Do Russian paucal numerals govern the genitive? Evidence from stress placement. Russian Linguistics: International Journal for the Study of the Russian Language 43(2): 87-105. Print ISSN 0304-3487; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11185-019-09209-7

Janda, Laura A. 2019. Quantitative perspectives in Cognitive Linguistics. Review of Cognitive Linguistics 17(1): 7-28. ISSN 1877-9751; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1075/rcl.00024.jan

Janda, Laura A., Wei-Lun Lu, Naděžda Kudrnáčová. 2019. Deep dives into big data: Best practices for synthesis of quantitative and qualitative analysis in Cognitive Linguistics. Review of Cognitive Linguistics 17(1): 1-6. ISSN 1877-9751; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1075/rcl.00023.jan

Nesset, Tore. 2019. Big data in Russian linguistics? Another look at paucal constructions. Zeitschrift für Slawistik 64(2): 157-174. ISSN 0044-3506; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/slaw-2019-0012

Janda, Laura A. 2019. Name-calling: The Russian ‘new Vocative’ and its status. Current issues in linguistic theory 345: 381-394. ISSN 0304-0763; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1075/cilt.345.18jan On MUNIN: https://munin.uit.no/handle/10037/15476

Sokolova, Svetlana; Bjørg Helene Edberg. 2019. Are There Analytical Adjectives in Russian? Evidence from a Corpus Study and Experimental Data. Poljarnyj Vestnik: Norwegian Journal of Slavic Studies, vol. 22, pp. 57–82, doi:https://doi.org/10.7557/6.4861.


Nesset, Tore. 2018. When a single word is enough: Norwegian compounds and their Russian counterparts. Slovo. Journal of Slavic Languages, Literatures and Cultures 59: 61-72. ISSN 2001–7395; DiVA, id: diva2:1271107

Nesset, Tore. 2018. How to Translate Compounds into Russian? Scando-Slavica 64(2): 242-263. ISSN 0348-744X; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00806765.2018.1525319

Nesset, Tore. 2018. Metakonstruksjonssammensetninger. Maal og Minne: 139-164. ISSN 0024-855X. On MUNIN: http://hdl.handle.net/10037/14154

Janda, Laura A., Francis M. Tyers. 2018. Less is more: why all paradigms are defective, and why that is a good thing. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 14.(2): 1-33. ISSN 1613-7027; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/cllt-2018-0031

Janda, Laura A. 2018. Ten Lectures on Cognitive Linguistics as an Empirical Science. Brill Academic Publishers (ISBN 978-90-04-36350-2) 343 s. Distinguished Lectures in Cognitive Linguistics (13). Here

Nesset, Tore, Anastasia Makarova. 2018. The decade construction rivalry in Russian: Using a corpus to study historical linguistics. Diachronica 35(1): 71-106. ISSN 0176-4225; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1075/dia.16043.nes

Janda, Laura A., Olga Lyashevskaya, Tore Nesset, Ekaterina Rakhilina, Francis M. Tyers. 2018. A Constructicon for Russian: Filling in the Gaps. In: Constructicography: Constructicon development across languages. John Benjamins Publishing Company. ISBN 9789027201003. Pp. 165-181. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1075/cal.22.06jan

Endresen, Anna, Laura A. Janda. 2018. Экспериментальное исследование русских потенциальных глаголов с приставками о- и у- [= An experimental study of Russian possible verbs prefixed in O- and U]. Voprosy Jazykoznanija 2018 (1): 45-63. ISSN 0373-658X; On MUNIN: http://hdl.handle.net/10037/14551 ; Data at TROLLing.


Janda, Laura A. 2017. The Quantitative Turn. In: The Cambridge Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics. Cambridge University Press 2017. ISBN 9781107118447. pp. 498-514. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/9781316339732.032

Nesset, Tore. 2017. When We Went Digital and Seven Other Stories about Slavic Historical Linguistics in the Twenty-First Century. Journal of Slavic Linguistics 25(2): 441-464. ISSN 1068-2090; https://slavica.indiana.edu/journalListings/jsl/Volume25_No2

Janda, Laura A., Stephen M. Dickey. 2017. Cognitive Linguistics: A Neat Theory for Messy Data. Journal of Slavic Linguistics 25(2): 369-387 ISSN 1068-2090 https://slavica.indiana.edu/journalListings/jsl/Volume25_No2 ; Available here.

Eckhoff, Hanne M, Laura A. Janda, Olga  Lyashevskaya. 2017. Predicting Russian Aspect by Frequency Across Genres. Slavic and East European Journal 64(1): 844-875. ISSN 0037-6752; Data

Anastasia Makarova, Stephen M. Dickey and Dagmar S. Divjak (eds.) Each Venture a New Beginning: Studies in Honor of Laura A. Janda. Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers. ISBN 978-0-89357-478-9.

Endresen Anna, Laura A. Janda. 2016. Five statistical models for Likert-type experimental data on acceptability judgments. Journal of Research Design and Statistics in Linguistics and Communication Science. Vol. 3(2). 217-250. ISSN 2052-417x; DOI: 10.1558/jrds.30822 Available here.

Sokolova, Svetlana, Anna Endresen. 2017. The Return of the Prefix ZA-, or What Determines the Prototype. In: Each Venture a New Beginning. Studies in Honor of Laura A. Janda. Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers. pp. 239-256.

Janda, Laura A., Valery D. Solovyev, V.V. Bočkarev. 2017. Динамика частот употребления семантически близких слов. Труды международной конференции “Корпусная лингвистика-2017” – СПб., 2017. ISSN 2412-9623; pp. 325-329.

Nordrum, Maria2017. The aspectual triplets of putat’: the Telicity Hypothesis and two ways to test it. Russian Linguistics: International Journal for the Study of the Russian Language 41(2): 1-22. Print ISSN 0304-3487; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11185-017-9179-z

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