- It is still possible to send us a prerecorded video of your talk. We can upload the video on the conference youtube channel that will be available during and after the conference. This is not a requirement and it is OK not to do this.
- You can also send us your slides or handouts that we can use in case there occur unexpected technical difficulties and the presenter will not be able to share the screen and show these materials. The contact person for this issue is Håkon Roald Sverdrupsen (
- Those prerecorded videos of your presentations that we received are now available on our YouTube channel.
- You are welcome to visit this channel and subscribe to it.
- The Book of Abstracts (updated on May 12) is available here: SCLC-2020:2021 Book of abstracts Final.
- Conference program (updated on June 5) is available here: SCLC-2020_2021_Conference program updated June 5
- Although a few talks have been cancelled since May 27, we introduce no more changes to the program that was sent to you last time (on May 27).
The organizing committee has reached a decision to make SCLC-2020/2021 a digital event.
In order to avoid parallel sessions, we extend the conference for one additional day.
The dates of the conference: June 3-6, 2021.
We will do our best to make this conference a content-rich and pleasant experience.
Instructions on how to make a prerecorded video of your presentation
A digital conference with participants from across the world can be vulnerable to technical problems, such as the loss of internet, power outages, etc. Therefore, we kindly ask you to make a pre-recorded video of your presentation and share it with us through the file hosting service Dropbox. The video can then be played if a speaker experiences any technical difficulties at the time of her/his presentation. This measure has become standard practice in large digital conferences. The video should not be longer than 20 minutes.
We will make your presentation publicly available online a few days in advance of the conference. Participants who cannot attend the live talk may then watch the presentation before or after the live presentation.
We understand that some speakers may be unable or unwilling to provide a video. In this case we propose sending us your PowerPoint presentation, although we recommend providing a pre-recorded video.
Please share your video or PowerPoint presentation with us within May 1.
How to record your presentation in Zoom
- Start a Zoom meeting.
- Select the record icon at the bottom of your zoom-meeting window (If given an option where to record, select “record on this computer”).
- You may pause or stop the recording at any point during the Zoom meeting.
- After ending the session there will be a brief conversion process where you will see the recorded file is completed.
- The recorded file will be accessible from your documents folder in a sub-folder called Zoom.
For a more detailed explanation you may consult this video.
Sharing your files through Dropbox is simple and safe.
How to share your pre-recorded video through Dropbox
- Sign in to
- Upload the video to your dropbox folder.
- Find the video, hover over the file, and click the Share button that appears.
- Enter the email address and click share.
Feel free to ask any questions about this process, or let us know if you prefer to use another way of transferring your video to us. For that matter, you can contact Håkon Roald Sverdrupsen at
We ask all participants to register by filling in this form:
Please fill in the registration form no matter what you decide (confirm participation in the digital conference or cancel participation) before February 17.
The conference is now called “SCLC-2020/2021” to reduce confusion.
Confirmed invited speakers:
Masako Fidler (Brown University, USA) and Václav Cvrček (Charles University, Czech Republic)
Conceptual flooding: A discourse-cognitive approach using Market Basket Analysis
As cognitive linguistics expands its scope of investigation it has brought many insights into political discourse (Cienki 2013) which is analyzed e.g. with the help of metaphor (Zinken 2003, Lakoff and Wehling 2016). Cognitive linguistics is also combined with Critical Discourse Analysis to study discourse that manipulate power (Hart et al. 2005).
This study is an attempt to show how cognitive linguistic approach could benefit from incorporating a data-mining technique called Market Basket Analysis. MBA was originally used in marketing to discover associations between items customers are likely to buy together, e.g. “customers who bought X and Y also bought Z”, i.e. X, Y -> Z. We use this method after extracting keywords (KWs), i.e. prominent linguistic units extracted from a corpus via keyword analysis (Scott 2010: 43), to identify recurring and widespread conceptual associations (associative links, ALs) in the “antisystem” (ANTS) media class. ANTS is defined by the algorithm that measures social media preferences developed for Czech web portals by Josef Šlerka in his project Mapa médií ( ANTS are on the fringe of the Czech media, unlike e.g. the center-right (CR) media class, the mainstream media class. The data will be drawn from the Czech antisystem media class from 2017-2018, the period of migration crisis when displaced people fled to Europe to seek asylum.
Sergey Say (Institute for Linguistic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences)
Nominal causal constructions across Slavic: competing cognitive schemata
Nominal causal constructions are constructions in which the causing event is expressed by a noun phrase, such as ‘They trembled with fear’ or ‘I missed my train because of my son’. In the Slavic languages, nominal causal expressions are marked by prepositions or sometimes by cases. The choice of the specific marker typically reflects one of a few universally attested cognitive schemata, such as SOURCE OF MOTION or INSTRUMENT, as manifested in the polysemy of specific markers involved. Although some types of semantic contrasts are attested in the Slavic languages across the board (e.g., the contrast between direct and indirect causes), individual Slavic languages also differ in the specific ways in which they differentiate between subtypes of nominal causal meanings. In my talk, I will elucidate these differences drawing on data from a parallel corpus (PARASOL). In particular, I am going to introduce a distance metric based on Mutual Information, and argue that areal convergences among Slavic languages are no less significant than similarities attributed to their genealogical relationships.
Steven Clancy (Harvard University)
The Quantitative Turn Towards Teaching Languages
There is a long tradition in Slavic linguistics and cognitive linguistics of adapting our theoretical understanding of language for pedagogical purposes and this is no less true in times of exciting new technologies. Nevertheless, the question remains of how to most effectively adapt findings in cognitive linguistics for an audience of language learners and how to avoid merely turning to technology because it is there. In this talk, we will present some new approaches to language teaching stemming from work in linguistics that effectively integrate the “quantitative turn” in language teaching inspired by cognitive linguistics. We will explore the tools in the Visualizing Russian project (Clancy 2014-202:, the SMARTool (, and the Russian Constructicon ( and see how they integrate with two new textbooks for Russian language study: Foundations of Russian (Clancy, Egorova, Green, Willis forthcoming) and Min russkiske reise (Nesset, Sokolova, Bjørgve, Kosheleva, Zhamaletdinova forthcoming).
We would like to announce an important update:
The situation with COVID-19 here in Norway and in the world forces us to make adjustments to the initial dates of the Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Conference (SCLC-2020, December 4-6, 2020).
The board of The Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Association and the organizing committee of the SCLC-2020 decided to move to Plan B (mentioned to you earlier) and hold the conference on June 3-6, 2021 instead. Fortunately, we have been allowed to extend our funding also to that period.
The language of the SCLC conferences has traditionally been English, and we encourage you to hold your presentation in English. If this is not possible, in the registration form you can indicate what Slavic language you will use, and in this case we recommend that you provide your ppt slides or a handout in English, so that the participants who do not speak that Slavic language can also understand the content of your contribution.
We thank you for your kind understanding and patience given the situation.
Sincerely yours,
Organizing Committee of the SCLC-2020
There are two more events in June 2021 that are of interest for cognitive linguists and will take place right after SCLC (Plan B), so that it is possible to attend all three events:
- In June 7-9 2021, there will be a course “Statistical Modeling for Linguists” by Bodo Winter (University of Birmingham, UK) (read more here; concerning registration for the course contact the local organizer Gillian Ramchand at
- In June 10-11 2021, we will hold a Summer Seminar of the Norwegian Cognitive Linguistics Association (NORKOG Sommerseminar, confirmed invited speakers are Maarten Lemmens (Université de Lille) and Hanne M. Eckhoff (University of Oxford); the language of the conference is Norwegian).
Sincerely yours,
Organizing Committee of the SCLC-2020
The Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Association (SCLA) will hold its 17th conference on December 4-6, 2020 at UiT The Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø, Norway. The conference will be locally organized and hosted by the CLEAR research group led by Tore Nesset and Laura A. Janda at UiT.
We invite abstracts for 20+10 min presentations on any topic of relevance to Slavic Cognitive Linguistics. Abstracts should be based on work that has not yet been published. We especially encourage submissions from young researchers. Abstracts can be written in English or in any Slavic language. For more details see the abstract submission section.
Invited speakers
- Masako Fidler (Brown University, USA) and Václav Cvrček (Charles University, Czech Republic)
- Steven Clancy (Harvard University)
- Sergey Say (Institute for Linguistic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences)
Important dates
- June 15, 2020: deadline for abstract submission
- June 30, 2020: Notification of acceptance
- February 17, 2021: Registration deadline
- June 3-6, 2021: Conference dates
- The conference will take place on Tromsø campus of UiT The Arctic University of Norway in the town of Tromsø, Norway. UiT is the northernmost university of the world. Tromsø is located more than 300 km north of the Arctic Circle. One can say that Tromsø is the gateway to the Arctic, the major town in Arctic Norway, an administrative centre and historically also the point of departure for Polar expeditions. Today, Tromsø is a modern town of over 70,000 inhabitants. Read more about Tromsø here.
Abstract submission
- Abstracts can be written in English or in any Slavic language.
- Abstracts should not be longer than 500 words, including references.
- Please refrain from any self-identification in the body of the abstract.
- Each individual may be involved in a maximum of two abstracts (maximum one as sole author).
- Abstracts should be submitted via EasyChair. Abstract submission link is
- The deadline for abstract submission is May 22, 2020. Please, note that the NEW deadline for abstract submission is June 15, 2020. The same abstract submission link can be used.
- Authors will be notified of acceptance / rejection by June 30, 2020.
Conference fees
- No conference fees
Organizing Committee
- Mirjam Fried (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic)
- Mateusz-Milan Stanojevic (University of Zagreb, Chroatia)
- Tore Nesset (UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Norway)
- Laura A. Janda (UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Norway)
- Anna Endresen (UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Norway)
- Svetlana Sokolova (UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Norway)
- Håkon Roald Sverdrupsen (UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Norway)
- James McDonald (UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Norway)
- Elmira Zhamaletdinova (UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Norway)
- Elena Bjørgve (UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Norway)