Below you can find scientific papers published by our research team
- Hausner, V.H., Engen, S., Bludd, E.K., Yoccoz, N.G. 2017. Policy indicators for use in impact evaluations of protected area networks. Ecological Indicators 75: 192-202
- Brown, Greg; Pullar, David; Hausner, Vera Helene. An empirical evaluation of spatial value transfer methods for identifying cultural ecosystem services. Ecological Indicators 2016; Volum 69. ISSN 1470-160X.s 1 – 11.s doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.03.053.
- Hausner, V., Brown, G., and Lægreid, E. 2015. Effects of land tenure and protected areas on ecosystem services and land use preferences in Norway. Land Use Policy 49: 446–461
- Brown, G., Hausner, V.H, Lægreid E. 2015. Physical landscape associations with mapped ecosystem values with implications for spatial value transfer: An empirical study from Norway. Ecosystem Services 15: 19-34
- Brown, G., Hausner, V.H, Grodzińska-Jurczak, M., Pietrzyk-Kaszyńska, A., Olszańska, A., Peek, B., Rechciński, M., and Lægreid, E. Accepted Sept 18, 2015. Cross-cultural values and management preferences in protected areas of Norway and Poland. Journal for Nature Conservation
- Engen, S. og Hausner V. 2015. Kartlegging av naturverdier og lokale forvaltningspreferanser i Jotunheimen, Breheimen, Sognefjorden og i Midtre-Nordland 2014/2015. Formidlingsrapport, 15 s.
- Engen, S., Runge, C., Hausner, V.H., Fauchald, P., Nilsen, L., Brown, G. Social acceptability of conservation through small-scale consumptive use. Results from web-based Public Participatory GIS surveys in Norway. Fagdag AMB 2016-11-23 – 2016-11-23 2016.
- Engen, S. How do local developmental preferences align with protected areas?. European Ecosystem Services Conference 2016-09-20 – 2016-09-23 2016.
- Munoz, L., Hausner, V.H., Brown, G., Fauchald, P., Runge, C. Web-based PPGIS as a tool for analyzing confl icting values in protected areas. European Ecosystem Services Conference 2016-09-19 – 2016-09-23 2016.
- Hausner, V.H. Global changes in local ecosystem services in Alpine and Arctic regions in Europe (introduction). European Ecosystem Services 2016 conference 2016-09-19 – 2016-09-23 2016.
- Hausner, Vera Helene; Engen, Sigrid; Munoz, Lorena. Assessing spatially explicit cultural ecosystem services for adaptive management in the alpine north. Guest lecture at USU (Utah State University) 2016-04-18 – 2016.
- Hausner, V.H. What kind of science do we need to create sustainable pathways in the Arctic?. Roundtable An information-sharing forum for the NCEAS community (fulltekst) 2016-10-14 – 2016-10-14 2016.