Policy Framework
About DataverseNO
DataverseNO is a national generalist repository for open research data, operated by UiT The Arctic University of Norway on behalf of the DataverseNO partner institutions. The organization of DataverseNO is described in the section About on the DataverseNO information webpage. In particular, curation and training are carried out by Research Data Service staff from the DataverseNO partner institutions, covering the general subject areas within a university or research institution. Through its network of partner institutions, DataverseNO has access to a pool of experts in the field of research data management. This includes experts in the full range of academic subjects, IT experts as well as legal experts.
The mission of DataverseNO is to provide to its Designated Community a generalist repository for research data from all fields of science, managed according to international standards and principles of best practice for Trusted Digital Repositories. This includes secure archiving, long-term preservation and continuous, reliable, and as open as possible access to and reuse of research data, also across disciplines. DataverseNO contains primarily institutional collections, but also special collections may be established. DataverseNO is intended to be responsive to its Designated Community. DataverseNO is supported by its partner institutions, and endeavours to be both durable and sustainable in the long term.
DataverseNO is intended to provide maximum public access to unrestricted research data for the advancement of scholarship and the public good in ways that are consistent with the FAIR Data Principles [1]. As regulated in the DataverseNO Accession Policy, DataverseNO through its partner institutions maintain their responsibility to seeing that restricted data are not inappropriately or inadvertently disclosed, consistent with all requirements pertaining to the collection, storage, access, use, transmission, and disposal of sensitive data. Researchers are obligated to be vigilant in seeing that such restricted data are not made publicly accessible through DataverseNO or any other unmediated public access mechanism.
Quality Commitment
DataverseNO (by owner) commits to ensure the proper management and operation of the repository in accordance with the responsibilities described in the DataverseNO Organizational Agreement [2]. By the requirements of DataCite, DataverseNO commits to secure archiving and data retrieval for at least 10 years after the assignment of DOI. The intent of DataverseNO is to sustain the repository in a long-term perspective, by supporting the international FAIR principles for research data management and stewardship to make data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
DataverseNO Policies
The following policy documents govern the obligations of the DataverseNO repository and its users:
- Access and Use Policy
- Accession Policy
- Deposit Agreement
- Preservation Policy
- Continuity Policy
Review of Policies
The DataverseNO policies are intended to be dynamic and flexible documents, responsive to changes in the Designated Community and attentive to the work of other stakeholders in the field of research data management. The responsible Research Data Service staff will review all policies as needed, and at least every third year. All past versions of each policy will be available from the version control table at the end of each document. The Research Data Service at DataverseNO partner institutions will strive to see that any Dataset deposited in DataverseNO remains subject to the DataverseNO policies that are in place on the date the Depositor of that Dataset accepts the DataverseNO Deposit Agreement. The Steering Group of DataverseNO is responsible for the DataverseNO policies, including the approving of any revisions and/or exceptions to these policies. The DataverseNO Repository Management is responsible for DataverseNO plans, procedures and similar documents below policy level, including the approving of any revisions and/or exceptions to these documents.
The following are simplified definitions of terms as they are used in DataverseNO policies. Sources are provided where possible. Please note that many definitions have been adjusted to reflect the specific context of DataverseNO.
synonym: Creator(s)
An individual or group of individuals who make, conceive, reduce to practice, author, or otherwise make a substantive intellectual contribution to the creation of intellectual property (e.g., Datasets).
synonym: Author(s)
Reviewing process performed by a curator ensuring that deposited Datasets comply with the DataverseNO Deposit Guidelines.
Note: The DataverseNO partner institutions assume curation responsibility for all Datasets deposited into their respective collections in DataverseNO.
Factual material commonly accepted in a given research community as necessary to validate or extend research findings. Data may be qualitative, in the form of literature, interviews, observations, etc., or quantitative, in the form of numerical or spatial data, measurements, etc.
Data File
File of Data that enables ready inspection and/or reuse of the Data in visualization tools, analysis software, or analysis scripts.
An intentional collection of Data Files and/or Metadata Files together with the associated Descriptive Metadata. [3]
Note: A Dataset may be as simple as a single Data File and/or Metadata File and the associated Descriptive Metadata. A Dataset could also be a package of any combination of raw, semi-processed, or aggregate Data Files, relevant processing and analysis scripts, and Metadata Files such as a ReadMe file.
Dataset Publishing
The process of making a Dataset publicly available, discoverable, and citable independent of other research publications such as a journal article.
The process by which DataverseNO removes public access to Data and/or Metadata files in a Dataset from its holdings for a compelling reason.
Note: See the DataverseNO Deaccession Procedure for more details about deaccessioning in DataverseNO.
The person (Family Name, Given Name) or the name of the organization that deposited a Dataset to the repository.
Descriptive Metadata
The information about the Dataset being deposited in DataverseNO, such as Dataset Creator(s), title, funder, etc.
Note: Descriptive Metadata is initially provided by the Depositor during the submission process. Modifications to the Descriptive Metadata can be made after a Dataset is published by the Depositor and/or the Research Data Service staff.
Designated Community [4]
An identified group of potential users who should be able to understand the data published in the repository. The Designated Community of DataverseNO is composed of multiple user communities, as described the section Designated Community of the DataverseNO Organizational Agreement [2] and the section DESIGNATED COMMUNITY on the DataverseNO information webpage.
Digital Object Identifier [5]
abbreviation: DOI
A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is a unique alphanumeric string assigned by a registration agency (the International DOI Foundation) to identify content and provide a persistent link to its location on the Internet. Datasets in DataverseNO are assigned a DOI from DataCite, a leading global non-profit organisation that provides persistent identifiers (DOIs) for research data.
Digital Preservation [6]
Policies, strategies, and actions to allow access to and (re)use of digital content over time regardless of the challenges of media failure and technological change. The goal of digital preservation is the accurate rendering of content over time.
The organization designated by the author or producer to generate copies of the particular work including any necessary editions or revisions.
Embargo Period [7] The period of time during which public access to all or part of a Dataset is not yet allowed.
Note: DataverseNO supports Embargo Periods for the Data Files and Metadata Files only. The Dataset with its findable Descriptive Metadata are not embargoed. The items under Embargo are released to the public on a date specified by the Depositor.
Long-Term Contact Person [8]
synonyms: Corresponding Author, Corresponding Creator
A person who serves as the primary contact and information provider for third parties wishing to find out more about a specific Dataset.
Note: This person generally carries ultimate responsibility for the validity of the Dataset and is most often a faculty member and/or Principal Investigator (“PI”) of the project under which the Dataset originated.
Metadata File
File that provides information about a Data File(s) pertinent to the understanding, inspecting and/or reusing of the Data File(s), including descriptive information, documentation, technical specifications, ReadMe files, Provenance, and rights information.
The individual, organization, or other entity that owns the intellectual property rights to the Dataset.
Note: Nothing in these DataverseNO Policies shall be considered as enlarging or reducing the ownership rights of the Creators of the Datasets.
See also the general rules regarding ownership at DataverseNO partner institutions.
Person or organization with the financial or administrative responsibility over a Dataset.
Provenance [9]
Information regarding the origins, custody, and ownership of a Dataset.
[1] Guiding Principles for Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable Data Publishing version b1.0. https://www.force11.org/fairprinciples [2] DataverseNO Organizational AgreementSteering documents for DataverseNO. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13118440 [3] Dataverse. Dataset + File Management. http://guides.dataverse.org/en/latest/user/dataset-management.html [4] Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS), Recommended Practice, CCSDS 650.0-M-2 (Magenta Book) Issue 2, June 2012. http://public.ccsds.org/publications/archive/650x0m2.pdf [5] American Psychological Association. What is a digital object identifier, or DOI?. http://www.apastyle.org/learn/faqs/what-is-doi.aspx [6] Association for Library Collections & Technical Services. Definitions of Digital Preservation. http://www.ala.org/alcts/resources/preserv/defdigpres0408 [7] Embargo Period. SPARC Europe. Publication embargo. https://web.archive.org/web/20160226192027/http://sparceurope.org/embargoes/ [8] SCoRO, the Scholarly Contributions and Roles Ontology. contact person. https://sparontologies.github.io/scoro/current/scoro.html [9] Society of American Archivists. A Glossary of Archival and Records Terminology. provenance. https://www2.archivists.org/glossary/terms/p/provenanceAcknowledgements
Illinois Data Bank. Illinois Data Bank Policy Framework and Definitions. http://hdl.handle.net/2142/91039
Contact support@dataverse.no with questions or to request an addition or revision to this policy.
Policy Document History and Version Control Table |
Version | Action | Approved By | Action Date |
1.2 | Policy revised. | DataverseNO Steering Group | 2024-08-21 |
1.1 | Policy revised. | Board of DataverseNO | 2019-10-03 |
1.0 | Policy revised. | Board of DataverseNO | 2018-06-21 |