Deposit your data

Before archiving your data in DataverseNO, we recommend you to read the following introduction on how to register and upload your data. For general information about research data management, please see the support services of your home institution.

By using DataverseNO you confirm that you have read and agree to the DataverseNO Deposit Agreement.

Step 1: Create a user account / Log in

Users from Norwegian research organizations

If your organization provides authentication through Feide, log in with Feide.
If your organization does not provide Feide authentication, log in with ORCID.
For TROLLing, follow these instructions.

    • Log in with Feide: Go to DataverseNO, and click on Log In (in the upper right hand corner). To the right of Your Institution, select Feide – Norwegian educational institutions, and click on Continue. At first-time log-in, you are asked to approve Feide/Dataporten to forward user information about you. Once you have approved this request, a user account will be created for you in the DataverseNO repository.

      Note! If your institution is not listed in the log-in menu, please ask the IT user support at your institution to activate Feide log-in for DataverseNO.

      After log-in, you will be granted deposit access to DataverseNO. If your organization is a DataverseNO partner institution, you will have deposit access to the institutional collection of your organization. If your organization is not partnering with DataverseNO, you will have deposit access to the top collection in DataverseNO. If you do not have deposit access to any collection, contact the DataverseNO team at
  • Log in with ORCID: Go to DataverseNO, and click on Log In (in the upper right hand corner). Under Other options, choose ORCID and click on Create or Connect your ORCID. Log in with your ORCID username and password. If you do not have a ORCID account, you can create one by clicking on Register now. Make sure you use your institutional email address, otherwise you will not be granted automatic deposit access to DataverseNO.

    After log-in, click your user name in the top right corner, select Account Information, and click the Send Verification Email button. You will get an email asking you to verify your email address. If you have chosen your institutional email address you will after verification be granted deposit access to DataverseNO. If your organization is a DataverseNO partner institution, you will have deposit access to the institutional collection of your organization. If your organization is not partnering with DataverseNO, you will have deposit access to the top collection in DataverseNO. If you do not have deposit access to any collection, contact the DataverseNO team at

Other users

If you are not affiliated with a Norwegian research organization, you may choose one of the log-in options below. With the exception of TROLLing, only researchers from Norwegian research organizations and international collaborators can get deposit access to DataverseNO. For TROLLing, follow these instructions.

    • Log in with eduGAIN: Go to DataverseNO, and click on Log In (in the upper right hand corner). Under Other options, choose eduGAIN and click on Log in with eduGAIN. Choose International provider (eduGAIN) and look up your country and the name of your organization and click on Continue. Log in with your institutional credentials.

      Note! If your institution is not listed in the log-in menu, please ask the IT user support at your institution to activate eduGAIN log-in for DataverseNO.

      After log-in, a DataverseNO user account will be created for you, but you will not have deposit access yet. Fill in and submit this form to request deposit access. As a rule, your request will be processed within three working days. For questions, please contact the DataverseNO team at
  • Log in with ORCID: Go to DataverseNO, and click on Log In (in the upper right hand corner). Under Other options, choose ORCID and click on Create or Connect your ORCID. Log in with your ORCID username and password. If you do not have a ORCID account, you can create one by clicking on Register now.

    After log-in, a DataverseNO user account will be created for you, but you will not have deposit access yet. Fill in and submit this form to request deposit access. As a rule, your request will be processed within three working days. For questions, please contact the DataverseNO team at

Step 2: Deposit your data

Create a dataset draft

  • Once you have logged in to DataverseNO (see step 1), choose the collection in which you are supposed to deposit your data:
    • If you are an employee, student or affiliate at one of the DataverseNO partner institutions, choose the appropriate institutional collection (e.g. the UiT collection)
    • If you are a linguist and have got access to TROLLing, choose TROLLing (
    • All other users are supposed to choose the top-level collection (DataverseNO).
  • Once you are in the right collection, you can create a dataset draft by clicking on the Add Data button on the right hand side, and choose New Dataset. The Add Data button is only visible if you are in the right collection.
  • If you want to test how depositing into DataverseNO works, please use our sandbox at

Enter metadata

Information about the various metadata fields can be obtained by placing the cursor on the field names (a roll-over window appears). Here is some more information about some of the fields:

  • Title:
    • Enter a title for your dataset.
    • If your dataset is used in a publication, you may enter the title of the publication, and click on Add “Replication Data for” to Title. Instead of “Replication Data for: ” you may use “Background Data for: “, “Supporting Data for: ” or another suitable prefix.
  • Author:
    • Enter your name as you use it in your publications. We recommend you to add your affiliation as well. For entering co-authors, click on the plus button. We also recommend you to add your ORCID (, e.g., 0000-0001-0003-0004 (without “”).
  • Contact:
    • Enter a contact email address. Also add the name of the contact person or research group/institution.
  • Description:
    • Enter information about the data to be uploaded. Avoid using certain HTML tags and other special characters (e.g. [ or ]). If you need to add paragraphs, add the HTML tags <p> and </p> around each paragraph.
    • If relevant, enter information about the data collection/methodology here.
    • If applicable, also enter the publication abstract. The abstract should be entered into a second description field, which can be added by clicking the plus button to the right. NB! If your article is only submitted and not accepted (yet), DO NOT mention the name of the journal it has been submitted to.
  • Keyword:
    • Information such as the subject area(s) (e.g. morphology or zoology) and the statistical method(s) may be entered into the keyword field.
    • Each keyword needs to be entered separately. Please click the plus button to enter more keywords.
    • Vocabulary and Vocabulary URL are not mandatory and may be left empty.
  • Related Publication:
    • If the files you are depositing are the background data for a publication, you should include a reference to the publication here.
    • Note! If your manuscript has been submitted for review but has not yet been accepted, DO NOT list the name of the journal or publisher. Instead you may simply write “Submitted for review” or similar.
    • Note! If the review of your manuscript is going to be double blind (both author and reviewer are anonymous), you must add a note about it in the Related Publication field. This way, the curators can assist you in anonymizing the dataset.
    • (When adding more than one publication, only the first of them will be visible on the overview page of the dataset. If you don’t want to highlight any of the publications in this way, you may add the following text in the first publication field: “Click Metadata tab below to see related publication(s).” This text will show up on the overview page, and to see the actual publications, user will have to click the Metadata tab.)
  • Depositor and Deposit Date:
    • These fields are pre-filled. Do not change them. Deposit Date refers to the date when the dataset first was uploaded to the repository.

Confirm/specify data license and attribution

Note that the default license for reuse of data archived in DataverseNO is Creative Commons Zero (CC0); see the Terms tab. CC0 provide maximal reuse and visibility of your data, but implies also that there are no legal restrictions on reuse of your data. However, as is also stated in the Terms tab, good scientific practice and basic research-ethical principles entail that proper credit is given via citation. In case the CC0 license is not suitable for your data, please contact the support services at your institution.

Upload data files

  • Before uploading your data, we strongly advise you to store and document your data according to best practice. Please refer to the section Prepare your data in our Deposit Guide.
  • A single dataset must not contain more than 300 files. If you need to deposit more files, you may opt for one of these alternatives:
    • Pack the files into one or more (max. 300) container files.
    • Distribute your data files across multiple (sub-)datasets.
  • Note! If your dataset contains a lot of files, it is convenient to place the ReadMe file on top of the file list. To achieve this, you can add an initial zero to the file name, e.g. “0_ReadMe.txt”.
  • For container files, please adhere to the following recommendations:
    • Create archives (container files) only with extensions .zip or .tar (do not use .7z, tar.gz, .rar, and so on).
    • Do not use archives within your ZIP or tar files.
    • Please create your archives without any data compression (compression level “store”)
    • Avoid encrypting your files with a password.
  • DataverseNO has no upper size limit for a dataset. However, below are some advices and procedures for handling uploads of large files. The following advice, size limits and procedures apply to single files, file uploads and datasets:
    • The size of individual files should not exceed 100 GB. Bigger files can create problems for others when it comes to downloading and reusing data.
    • A file upload should not exceed 200 GB in total size to minimize the likelihood that errors will occur when transmitting the data.
  • If you are not able to upload your data according to the guidelines above, or if your dataset exceeds 200 GB, contact the support services of your home institution for more information about how to upload the data.
  • Once you are ready for uploading your files, select the Files tab and click the Upload Files button to the right.
  • If you only need to upload single files, click the Select Files to Add button, and choose your files from your computer or server space. You may select multiple files using Shift + arrow keys or Ctrl + mouse click.. Instead of clicking the Select Files to Add button, you can drag your files into the area marked with Drag and drop files here. When you have uploaded all the files in your dataset, click on Save Dataset. A draft of your dataset will be saved.
  • If your files are organized in folders (and sub-folders) and you want to keep the folder structure in your dataset, click the Upload a Folder button. After that, click on Select a Directory. Here your select the folder which contains the folders and files you want to upload. Here is an example:

    |– Folder01
    |– Folder02
    |– 0_README.txt

    If you want to upload the file 0_README.txt and the folders Folder01 and Folder02, each of them containing files, select the top folder MyData for folder upload. When you select this folder, you won’t see any of the folder content in the upload window which will appear. The top level in the selected folder, i.e., the folder name MyData, will not be uploaded/reflected in the dataset, only the content in the folder. In the example above, your dataset will look like this after upload:

    |– Folder01
    |– Folder02
    |– 0_README.txt

    Once you have selected the correct folder, confirm the upload by clicking on Upload. Your files will be listed, and if the list looks fine, click on Start Uploads.

    Note! If you upload large files, the upload may take a long time. Do not close the upload window before you get the following confirmation on green background: “Upload complete, all files in dataset. Close this window and refresh your dataset page to see the uploaded files.”.

  • Note! If you have uploaded a folder to keep your folder structure, you need to select Tree View to be able to see the folder structure: Click the Tree button to the right of Change View on top of the file overview.

Enter more metadata

Once you have created a dataset draft, we recommend that enter more information about the dataset. This will increase the chance of others being able to discover your data and interpreting and reusing it correctly.

Select the Metadata tab and click the Add + Edit Metadata button. To the extent applicable, we recommend that you enter information in the fields below. When you are finished, click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.


  • Language:
    • Select the language you have used to describe your data. Often this will be English.
  • Contributor:
    • Here you should credit those who have contributed to the dataset, including those who are not to be listed as authors. In the Type field you can choose what role they have had (e.g. Data Collector).
  • Grant Information:
    • Note! Important information about possible funding. Use the full name of the funder, e.g. “The Research Council of Norway”.
  • Time Period Covered:
    • What time period is the data from or about?
  • Date of Collection:
    • When was the data collected / generated?
  • Data Type
    • What type of data is it? Hover your mouse over the question mark to the right of the field name, and you will see some suggestions, e.g. survey data, experimental data, observation data.
  • Related Material:
    • Material related to the dataset.
  • Related Datasets:
    • Other data sets related to the dataset. This may be your own or others’ data sets. If available, use full reference, including persistent identifier (e.g. DOI).
  • Data Sources:
    • If you have not generated or collected the data yourself, enter information here about your sources. This can for example be an archive, a corpus, or a website from which you downloaded the data. Also inform about the license or Terms of Use for the used sources. The curator at your home institution can help you with this.


Many datasets are related to one or more geographical locations. Entering geographical information in this section will make your dataset more discoverable in search engines that use a geographical entrance point, e.g. a map. You can specify a geographic location under Geographic Coverage, and / or enter coordinates under Geographic Bounding Box. If you specify a Geographic Bounding Box, you need to fill in all four fields. A geographical point has the same value for West Longitude and East Longitude, and the same value for North Latitude and South Latitude. A box, on the other hand, has four different values ​​in these fields. The values ​​must be specified as decimal degrees. For example, mainland Norway has these values: West Longitude: 4.09; East Longitude: 31.76; North Latitude: 71.38; South Latitude: 57.76. Note: Use period (“.”) as decimal separator, not comma. The value for West Longitude must be lower than the value for East Longitude. The value for South Latitude must be lower than the value for North Latitude.


In addition, we encourage you to register domain-specific metadata where applicable. Currently, there are three domain-specific metadata schemas  in DataverseNO:

  • Social Science and Humanities Metadata
  • Astronomy and Astrophysics Metadata
  • Life Sciences Metadata

(Specify file embargo)

DataverseNO is a repository for open data. This means that all uploaded files must be made openly available. However, you may restrict access to (some of) your files for a period. During this embargo period the selected files will not be accessible, but the metadata about your dataset will be visible. In order to restrict access to a file, follow these steps:

  • Upload the file (see the step Upload data files above).
  • Select the file by checking the box to the left of the file name.
  • Click on the Edit files button above the file section to the right, and choose Restrict.
  • When you have restricted all necessary files, click on Save Dataset, and enter the terms of access in the pop-up window. Check the box Request Access if you want users to be able to contact you for requesting access. Click Continue.
  • Select the file(s) once again by checking the box to the left of the file name(s).
  • Click on the Edit files button above the file section to the right, and choose Tags. Enter into the Custom File Tag field: “Not available until YYYY-MM-DD”. Click on Apply and Save Changes.
  • Specify the date for when your file(s) will be made accessible using the metadata field Distribution Date (see the step Enter more metadata above).

Step 3: Get your data published

  • Your dataset is still only a draft, and you still may change or delete it. If you would like to grant someone (e.g. a collaborator or a journal editor) access to the unpublished dataset, please contact the support services of your home institution. Even if the dataset is at the draft stage, it has been given a valid DOI, which will be the same also when the dataset is finally published, but the DOI will not be activated and work until after the dataset is published. Note! If, after the curation (see below), it turns out that the dataset cannot be published in DataverseNO, the dataset will be deleted and the DOI will never be activated. It is therefore important that you do not use the dataset reference until the dataset has been curated and approved for publication in DataverseNO. More information about how to cite research data can be found in the section Refer to your data.
  • Once you have entered all the necessary metadata and uploaded all the data files needed, and your are ready to get it published, click the Submit for Review button. You will receive a notification from DataverseNO that your dataset is submitted.
  • A curator from your institutional collection will review your dataset and if necessary inform you about possible changes to be done before publication. Once the curator has approved your submission, you will be notified, and once you have given the go-ahead to the curator, the curator will publish the dataset and it will be searchable and accessible on the Internet.
  • If needed, you can modify metadata and/or data files after publication. This will create a new version of the dataset, which needs to be approved by a curator from your institutional collection, so remember to submit new versions for review. Note that previous versions are not deleted but archived open access.
  • NB! Please note also that once a dataset is published, it is NOT possible to delete it. However, in certain cases, the dataset can be deaccessed, which means that the data files no longer are openly available. But information about the dataset (author, title, description etc.) will still be visible. For deaccessing, please contact the support services of your home institution.

For questions, comments or suggestions, see our support services.