Refer to your data

Once your data have been deposited and published, they can be referred to by using the reference in the blue box provided by the archive:

Depending on the guidelines applying for the publications channel you are using, you may have to adjust the reference style.

A brief introduction into the whys and hows of research data citation is available here.

Refer to unpublished dataset

In DataverseNO, you may grant editors or research partners access to your dataset before it is published (see Step 3: Get your data published). When referring to such an unpublished dataset, you need to make sure the information in the dataset reference (an in other parts of the metadata) satisfies the anonymity requirements of the publisher (primarily for double-blind reviewing).

Here is an example of a non-anonymous reference to an unpublished dataset:

Ji, Yinglin, 2018, “Cognitive representation of spontaneous motion in a second language”,, DataverseNO, DRAFT VERSION.

Here is an example of an anonymized reference to an unpublished dataset:

NN, 2018, “Cognitive representation of spontaneous motion in a second language”,, DataverseNO, DRAFT VERSION.

Once your article or book manuscript has been accepted for publishing, you may also publish your dataset. At this stage, that is before the final version of your article or book manuscript is published, you need to carry out the following changes in the dataset citation you have used in the manuscript:

  • Replace “DRAFT VERSION” with “V1”
  • (If applicable) de-anonymize the author(s)’ name(s)
  • Change the publication year of the dataset in case there has been a turn of the year since you added the reference to the DRAFT version of the dataset.

For more information about research data citation, please see the support services of your home institution.