EPSE is a SIU/DIKU/HK-dir funded Eurasia Peace Studies Exchange project, running from 2017 through 2019, and prolonged through covid to September 2022.
The EPSE 4 main goals are:
– Bridging diversities: Network building Europe/Eurasia/intra-Eurasia
– Managing diversities: Create a stable platform for student and staff exchange (Europe/Eurasia and intra-Eurasia)
– Sharing diversities: Mutual exchange of knowledge of and competence on studies related to peace and conflict transformation
– Employing diversities: Jointly work out elaborate understandings of complex intra-Eurasia Eurasia/Europe relations and dynamics, to develop, improve and quality secure jointly and locally offered courses/modules/programs.
The post-Soviet Spaces and Eurasia as a region has gained momentum on the international agenda. Being in a crucible betwixt and between the East and the West, the developments in this region has effects far beyond its borders. The overall ambition of the Eurasian Peace Studies Exchange (EPSE) network is to develop in-house competence and strengthening these perspectives within the CPS Master’s in Peace and Conflict Transformation (MPCT) program and the AUCA Master programs in Sociology, Anthropology and Central Asian Studies. Furthermore, the aim is to nuture a continued arena for mutual exchange of knowledge and competence on Eurasia and post-Soviet spaces, between all six involved EPSE institutions/countries.
Through three workshops (startup, midterm and closing), EPSE has developed, consequently refined and finally evaluated three meriting intensive courses (3 ECTS) in peace studies related to Eurasia issues. All six activities involved staff and students from the six EPSE network partners. Moreover, student/PhD and staff exchange has been a continuous activity throughout. Main EPSE partners are CPS/Tromsø and AUCA/Bishkek. Other committed partners are Ilia State University/Tbilisi, I.I.Mechnikov University/Odessa, ISPP/Kyiv and IFSH/Hamburg. The results are development and/or improvement of program modules and curricula at all partner institutions.
For questions about the project, please contact: christine.smith-simonsen@uit.no