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The EPSE projects offers exchange for students and staff between partner institutions, save for outgoing from IFSH/Hamburg.

Exchange to UiT Centre for Peace Studies/Tromsø:

For students exchange: Please see our website for information about our courses.  NB! If wanting to take ECTS credits while sojourning with UiT, the deadlines are April 15 for exchange in the fall semester, and October 1 for exchange in the spring semester. Most lectures on campus are open and free.

For staff/PhD exchange: CPS may offer office space, access to library and online resources, and contacts with other staff members. Incoming parties are expected to give a guest lecture. Teaching in regular courses is also welcome, if planned in advance. Most lectures on campus are open and free.

Exchange to HU Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik/Hamburg: 

For students exchangePlease see the course catalogue of the first semester of our one-year master program. Students can get credits only in courses in English (unless they speak German) in the winter semester (October-January 2018, 2019).

For staff exchange: IFSH may offer office space, contacts to staff members and other universities in Hamburg (Berlin is also very close and to reach cheaply by bus), access to library and online facilities. For PhD students we may offer the same, office space, depending on availability. Please note that all incoming parties are expected to give a guest lecture. Teaching is welcome (regularly or in bloc seminars), but only in the winter semester (October-January 2018, 2019) and if planned in advance. Our lectures are free to sit in if you wish, and they run from the second week of January until ca late March/early April.

Exchange to NAES Institute for Social and Political Psychology/Kyiv:

For students exchange: Please contact Iryna Hubeladze for information about our courses.  Most lectures on campus are open and free.

For staff/PhD exchange: ISPP may offer office space, access to library and online resources, and contacts with other staff members and other universities in Kyiv. Incoming parties are expected to give a guest lecture. Teaching in regular courses is also welcome, if planned in advance (September-June).

Exchange to American University Central Asia/Bishkek:

For students exchange: Please see our website for information about our courses.

For staff/PhD exchange: AUCA may offer office space, access to library and online resources and contacts with other staff members and other institutions in Bishkek. Incoming parties are expected to give a guest lecture. Teaching in regular courses is also welcome, if planned in advance.

Exchange to I.I.Mechnikov NU Department of International Relations/Odessa:

For students exchange: Please see our webpage for information.

For staff/PhD exchange: I.I. Mechnikov may offer office space, access to library and online resources, and contacts with other staff members and other institutions in Odessa. Incoming parties are expected to give a guest lecture.

Exchange to Ilia State University/Tbilisi:

For students exchange: Please see our website for information about our programs.

For staff/PhD exchange: ISU may offer office space, access to library and online resources, and contacts with other staff members and other institutions in Tbilisi. Incoming parties are expected to give a guest lecture.

Exchanges so far:

Fall 2017:

  • Two Kyiv PhDs to Hamburg for one month

Spring 2018:

  • One Bishkek PhD to Tromsø for one month
  • One Kyiv PhD to Tromsø for three months
  • One Kyiv PhD to Tromsø for one month
  • One Odessa PhD to Tromsø for one month
  • One Odessa staff to Tromsø for two weeks
  • One Bishkek staff to Tromsø for two weeks
  • Two Tbilisi staff to Odessa for one week
  • Two Odessa staff to Hamburg for one week

Fall 2018:

  • One Bishkek PhD to Tromsø for three months
  • One Bishkek PhD to Tromsø for two months
  • One Bishkek PhD to Tromsø for one month
  • One Bishkek staff to Tromsø for one week
  • One Tromsø MA to Tbilisi for three months
  • Three Tromsø MA to Bishkek for three months

Spring 2019 and beyond (to be updated):

For questions about EPSE exchange, please contact: elisabeth.sandersen@uit.no

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