Environmental Waste Management (EWMA) is a competence cluster focusing on research and education related to petroleum-and mineral- industry in cold environment. The research prioritizes two main areas – the study of effects of environmental pollution and the identification of actions that are required for preventing/minimizing the influence of potential environmental pollution. In this respect, as pointed out by the industry, it is important to pay attention towards the Best Available Technique (BAT) and Life Cycle Assessments (LCA). Improved knowledge within relevant fields for new and expanding industrial activities in cold climates will be essential to develop EWMA to a key research and knowledge centre in the High north. In addition, EWMA will pay special attention towards the establishment and further development of research based educational programmes that fall within these priority areas.
EWMA is funded by the Research Council of Norway and Eni Norway.
RCN project number 195160
Based on the progress of EWMA and the outlined achievement of objectives in the project up until now, we have for the extended project period outlined one main ambition based upon the three identified main pillars of the project – research, education and network. It is our overall ambition that EWMA will stimulate and promote development of eco-safe industry in the Northern region:
Research. By the end of the extended period, EWMA have established viable and permanent research groups based upon the two outlined work packages and across partner institutions. We have made significant progress within the fields related to petroleum and mineral activities, also with a special focus on PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) and LCA (Life Cycle Assessment methodology).
Education. By the end of the extended period, EWMA will have established permanent educational programmes that will secure highly qualified candidates for the benefit of local, regional and national development of new and expanding industries, management and research. These include a continuation of the recently established BSc programme at UiT, a new MSc programme and further development of relevant PhD courses. EWMA partner institutions will also offer an attractive and relevant portfolio of EVU (continued education) courses for local and regional industry, management and NGOs (non-governmental organisations).
Network. By the end of the extended period, EWMA researchers have become important partners contributing significantly to long-term structures such as MIKON, the Amundsen consortium and ARCEx. Through EWMA, we have built a lasting competence cluster that emphasizes partnerships between research, management and industry, and that is an important asset especially for Northern Norway (Nordland – Troms – Finnmark). By the end of the EWMA period, we will have expanded our national and regional network of industrial partners that are engaged in EWMA research.