Industrial Waste management in Arctic waters – closing session for the EWMA programme

sediment sample

sediment sample (photo Stian Røberg)

The multidisciplinary research and education project Environmental Waste Management (EWMA) has since 2010 focused on questions related to the expanding petroleum- and mineral industry in the Arctic region. The work of EWMA was in 2013 further strengthened by the BARCUT project (Barents Sea Drill Cuttings Research Initiative), focusing on local impact of drill cuttings in the Barents Sea. The two projects have had a parallel focus on research questions raised by the industry itself or scientists. The research have been organised into two main priority areas – effects of environmental pollution and the actions that are to be put in place for preventing and reducing the effects of potential environmental impacts. Building competence and conducting relevant research within these fields have been a priority in order to establish EWMA as a key centre for knowledge, research and education in the High North, and in areas relevant for new and expanding industrial activities in cold climates. In addition, EWMA have payed special attention towards the establishment and further development of educational programmes that fall within these priority areas. This side event presents scientific outcome and results from these two projects, co-funded by the Norwegian Research Council and ENI Norge AS.

Read more about the side event at Arctic Frontiers 25th January 2018: Program


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