EWMA comes to an end

Preparing multicore

Preparing multicorer for sediment sampling.  Photo: Stian Røberg

EWMA has come to an end, and the active project period is over. However, the knowledge, candidates and education offers developed during the project period from 2010-2017 will bring on the legacy of EWMA. During the project 5 PhD successfully defended their thesis, and a total of 11 Post.Doc candidates has done EWMA research. 82 scientific papers is published, and there are still about 20 more to come. 52 poster and conference contributions, 27 popular science articles and interviews, and 3 dialogues seminars have been held. EWMA scientists has also contributed to several publications not directly credited EWMA. The scientific community in EWMA has also led to establishing of other projects such as BARCUT 

If you want to know more in detail about the activity and scientific production in EWMA, please read the EWMA Endreport

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