The overall objective is to advance the knowledge of spreading of drill cuttings/mine tailing related contaminants after their discharge to the marine environment. This shall be achieved through:
– filling of major gaps in the knowledge of the present sea-bottom contamination
– investigation of the influence of drill cuttings/mine tailing in the past
– improved predictions of future environmental consequences related to pollutant loadings
To answer these questions an integrated, multidisciplinary study will be performed on a selection of sediment surface and core samples. This study will include two research scientists Juho Junttila and Matthias Forwick (Department of Geology, UiT), Prof. II. Jolynn Carroll, two post.doc positions focusing on deposition of drill cuttings and mine tailings. One assistant professor and one post.doc position will connect WP2 with WP1 on Life-Cycle Analysis (LCA) and modelling connected to mine tailings/oil industry related drill cuttings.
- Task I:
Effect of deposition of submarine tailings placements from mining activities on fjord systems in northern Norway - Task II:
Relations between benthic communities and bottom sediment (substrate) including the imprint of natural/ anthropogenic environmental changes on benthic foraminifera. - Task III:
LCA and modelling of sediment pathways, geo-bio coupling and transport of pollutants by ocean currents.
- Resources:
Two research scientists Juho Juntilla and Matthias Forwick
Two postdoc focusing on deposition of mine tailings and drill cuttings, sedimentology and foraminifera; Kari Skirbekk and Beata Sternal, and one professor II: Jolynn Carroll APN. Within LCA there is one Assistant Professor; Johan B. Pettersen Asplan Viak and one postdoc (shared with WP 1). There is also PhD candidate Hanne Vidgren studying Capping technology at HiN and Rambøll Oslo.- WP-leader is Juho Junttila Department of Geology, UiT