EWMA is developing different kinds of educational offers according to environmental challenges for oil, mineral and shipping industry in cold climate.
Foldere 2014: Biologi klima og miljø/Arktisk forurensningsbiologi og forvaltning
Arktisk forurensningsbiologi og forvaltning – bachelor
Video: https://vimeo.com/90100852
Forskningsløft i nord (NORDSATSING)
Hun studerer verdens største kjønnsorgan
Forskningsløft i nord (NORDSATSING)
Næringslivsløft i nord
Bio 2008: Introduction to ecotoxicological reserach:
An introduction to ecotoxicological research in the Arctic and sub-Arctic region through lectures, seminars and a research project.the course will give an overview of bioaccumulation and biomagnification, toxicokinetic (absorption, distribution, biotransformation and excretion) and effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and persistent organic pollutants in Arctic marine animals:
Bio 3001-8002-8003: Anthropogenic pollution and environmental impact in arctic marine environments (I, II and III)
Bio 3001: The course aims at giving students an introduction of pollution and ecotoxicology in the Arctic Ocean. It takes a ecosystem-based approach and introduces also issues such as food security, human health, evaluation of pollution in marine ecosystems as well as managements aspects:
Bio 8002: http://uit.no/for-studiesokere/vis-emne?p_document_id=302023&ar=2012&semester=H
Bio 8003: http://uit.no/for-studiesokere/vis-emne?p_document_id=302023&ar=2012&semester=H
Bio 3007 Ecotoxicology: A practical introduction to environmental monitoring tools. The course aims to give an introduction to- and practical training in biological and chemical monitoring tools utilized in environmental monitoring programs:
Geo 3118 Environmental geology: Environmental geology looks at issues related to human impact on nature as well as natural hazards. http://uit.no/studietilbud/emner/emne?p_document_id=236813
Continued education:
Arctic Environment and Sorroundings:
(PDF Norwegian only:Arktisk miljø og omgivelser brosjyre )
A multidisciplinary competence program, that aims to give an introduction to Arctic Environment and Surroundings. The program answers to the competence need of the industry within environmental waste management in the Arctic. This will be done through four modules (biology, risk assessment and social science), that can be taken as a package or single modules. The program will be a based on educational solutions which allows the student to study off campus. One module will run each semester. The program addresses the petro maritime industry, companies, organizations and authorities.
Module 1: Bio-6001. Introduction to marine Arctic biology 2 ECTS.
Module 2: Business development, management and community 5 ECTS.
Module 3: Risk/Safety in Arctic environment 5 ECTS .
Module 4: Introduction to Arctic terrestrial biology.