FAMARB International Team Commended by EU Delegation in Russia

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The Kolarctic project FAMARB: Facility Management of Residential Buildings in Barents Region aimed at strengthening the interaction between the northern Nordic and northern Russian industry, academic and R&D communities within building technology, has been selected by the EU Delegation in Russia as an example illustrating effective international cooperation.

The project’s uniqueness consists in the fact that it allows international experts from BEAR to gather and analyze data on facility management, including the specifics of such management in all involved countries, the existing legal framework, grounds, timeframes and benchmarks. Considering the positive experience of the European countries, where automated control over the condition of buildings throughout their life cycle is more advanced, the project also encompasses renovations pointed at energy efficient optimization of living environment. The project team is developing innovative and efficient facility management techniques based on the best cases from BEAR countries.

The most valuable outcome expected out of the project is the development of practical guidelines for housing microclimate optimization and creation of a more comfortable living environment in the North, as well as for periodic renovations in residential buildings with the introduction of automated systems for ongoing building condition monitoring and early detection of various technical issues. The handbook will constitute a roadmap for facility management companies and all actors involved in building exploitation.

In the framework of Working Package 1 (Renovation for Northern Climates) NArFU experts are currently gathering, consolidating and analyzing data from the partner countries (Russia, Norway, Sweden, Finland) related to the relevant climate aspects, typical construction materials, architectural solutions, approaches to ventilation and conditioning, microclimate control. The results of the analysis will be posted on the project website and used in the framework of the project workshops.

Working Package 3 involves the assessment of a practical case, with one of NArFU’s dormitories (3 Voronina Street, first floor, right wing) selected as the demonstration site. NArFU experts have already conducted an engineering survey of the object, which revealed several significant design flaws: some vertical fractures and brickwork destruction. A detailed study of the heating system encompassing the dormitory’s living, administrative and recreational spaces has shown evidence of defects and thermal losses. In addition, an ecological survey has been performed, which included measuring of such key indoor environment quality indicators as temperature, dew-point temperature, humidity, illumination, airspeed, air composition (CO, CO2, H2CO).

Based on the outcomes of the surveys, the experts have scheduled a series of renovations aimed at thermal loss reduction and microclimate improvement, including the following: 1) installation of external heat insulation in the first floor areas specified by the technical documents – external heat insulation via ventilated facades with removable windproof membranes and window replacement; 2) repairs of the heating system with the installation of various types of automatically controlled radiators. The renovations include 2 stages, with the first one already finished, and the second one currently at the preparatory phase. The results of the completed part of the renovations are being monitored. The experts are remotely collecting data on the microclimate indicators, air temperature and humidity, as well as CO2 content, which allows them to perform detailed analyses for any selected timeframe.

In order to confirm the smooth operation of the automated data collection system the experts have conducted a series of studies with portable analytical equipment (ТКА-ПКМ 65 and Сенсон-М). The investigations showed some improvement of the indoor microclimate indicators, except for the air composition, which demonstrated high levels of formaldehyde. This can be attributed to low indoor airspeed and the phenol-formaldehydes contained in the furniture.

Therefore, alongside the already planned insulated façade installation and radiator replacement, the research confirmed the need for the installation of a mandatory ventilation system at the next stage of the renovations.

Despite the hindrances posed by the current COVID-19 pandemic and the cancellation of the project meetings and workshops in Sweden and Arkhangelsk, the international project team remains active and working.