The overall objective of the project is to contribute to reduced environmental impact from the building sector and reinforce opportunities for development of cross border trade of goods and services.
To achieve the objective, the project will bring effective operation and management of buildings of the Barents region into action by adapting concepts of energy efficiency and energy saving through upgrading or renovation.

Work packages
WP1 Renovation for northern climates
- Identify specific challenges related to renovation in Barents climate.
- Classify different conditions for soils, foundation, materials, structures and indoor environment.
- Determine preservation criteria for architectural and cultural values.
- Optimize for efficient energy performance and living conditions in northern climates using on-shelf technical equipment and assembled indoor design criteria.
WP2 Sustainable operation and maintenance
- Further develop models for efficient management of buildings in the operation stage.
WP3 Practical case assessment
- Establish technical documentation needed to support sustainable operation and maintenance, including assessment of suitable document handling systems.
- Select and evaluate a case where project recommendations are implemented.
WP4 Education and dissemination
- Implement results into learning tools, courses and ensure dissemination and visibility of results.
The project is funded by Kolarctic CBC and Kolarctic Norway.