Knowledge Production and Local Participation. Making Communities Visible in Marine Resource Management
Thursdays 14.15 p.m. at the Centre for Sámi studies, University of Tromsø
(the meeting room Guovssu)
The Fávllis-project at Centre for Sámi studies at University of Tromsø, in collaboration with Svein Jentoft and Petter Holm at Norwegian College of Fishery Science (also University of Tromsø), invites to this seminar:
14.01. From management to governance; which knowledge?
Svein Jentoft, University of Tromsø, Norwegian College of Fishery Science (Social scientist, professor)
04.02. Drawing Communities Together: Assessing the Potential of Participatory Environmental Mapping for Marine Resource Management and Community Development
Kevin St. Martin, Rutgers University (US) (Geographer, associate professor). Project: Communities At Sea Mapper
18.02. The fisheries scientist’s role in a fjord ecosystem – research and local participation
Knut Sunnanå, Institute of Marine Research (Fisheries scientist). Project: EPIGRAPH. (Information in Norwegian: EPIGRAPH)
04.03. Seminar: GIS as a tool in (fisheries) research across science and management boundaries
Seminar language: Norwegian
Steinar Larsen, Fiskeridirektoratet i Troms (Fisheries Directorate in Troms county): Erfaringer med innsamling av erfaringsbasert kunnskap om fiskerier i Troms (Experience with collection of experience-based knowledge in fisheries in Troms county). Se presentasjon her.
Einar Eythórsson, Fávllis: Erfaringer med innsamling av lokal økologisk kunnskap i Fávllis-prosjektet. (Experiences with collection of local ecological knowledge data through the Fávllis research project)
18.03. Socio-ecological history in relation to local ecological knowledge, a “counter-mapping” approach
Einar Eythorsson, Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research (Social scientist, leader of the Fávllis project). (His article (in Norwegian) about ecological changes in Tana, based on interview with Terje Pedersen, see right meny on this web page).
25.03. NB. Postponed due to technical problems.
Fishery film from Porsanger. Work-in-progress screening and discussion. Sirkka Seljevold, Visual Cultural Studies and the Fávllis project, University of Tromsø (Film anthropologist)
Language: English, but the language in the film is Norwegian only.
08.04. Open
15.04. MODIL-NAO – a monitoring project in collaboration with indigenous peoples in Russia. Winfried Dallmann, Norwegian Polar Institute. For more information:
22.04. Fishers and fisheries scientist’s roles in co-production of knowledge Petter Holm, Norwegian College of Fishery Science, University of Tromsø
(Professor, social scientist)
06.05. Private fiskerettigheter i fjorder og kystnære farvann
(Private fishery rights in fjords and along the coast) Susann Funderud Skogvang, the Law Faculty, University of Tromsø (Legal professional/ PhD student)
Seminar language: Norwegian
20.05. NB: POSTPONED. The roles of the fishers and fisheries scientists in production of ecological knowledge. Relation of trust and credibility in collaboration
Jan Sundet, Institute of Marine Research (Fisheries scientist). Project: EPIGRAPH. (Information in Norwegian: EPIGRAPH)
03.06 NB: POSTPONED. Subsistence fisheries – of great value in Coastal Sámi areas, but irrelevant for fishery research and managemant?
Selvbergingsfiske – sentralt i sjøsamisk levemåte, men irrelevant for fiskeriforskning og fiskeriforvaltning?
Svanhild Andersen, Centre of Sámi studies (the Fávllis project), University of Tromsø (Social anthropologist)
Seminar language: Norwegian
10.06. NB: POSTPONED. ”Summing up comments”. Possibilities for working further on theoretical perspectives and research collaboration?
Kevin St. Martin, Einar Eythorsson, Else Grete Broderstad, Svein Jentoft, and Institute of Marine Research (Knut Sunnanå and/or Jan Sundet)