
Ajit Menon

Professor and PI

Madras Institute of Development Studies


Research Expertise: Political ecology with a focus on fisheries and forests, the political economy of development and conservation, agrarian transformation.

Christophe Proisy

Researcher and Head of the Department

Department of Geospatial Monitoring & Information Technology

French Institute of Pondicherry                                                        Email:

Research Expertise: Remote sensing of mangrove forests, coastal zone monitoring and simulation of the dynamics of mangrove coasts. Interdisciplinary research focus on challenges facing southern developing countries.

Balasubramanian D.

Research Engineer

Monitoring & Information Technology                                                  French Institute of Pondicherry                       

Research Expertise: Information technology applications and platforms for knowledge on biodiversity and social sciences. Technology studies with a focus on technological communities and their practices, coordination of bio-information programs.

Muthusankar G.

Head of GIS Projects

Department of Geospatial Monitoring & Information Technology

French Institute of Pondicherry                                                        Email:

Research Expertise: Spatial data monitoring, specialized in Coastal areas erosion, satellite image analysis and GIS-systems.

Balachandran N.


Ecology Department

French Institute of Pondicherry

Research Expertise: Botany and ecology, monitoring ecosystems changes, and specialized in biodiversity.

Nicolas Bautes


Department of Social Sciences

French Institute of Pondicherry                                                       Email:

Research Expertise: Political geography, specialized in heritage politics and social issues. Skilled in comparative mixed-methods on spatial dynamics and politics. Main field work in India and Brazil.

Senthil Babu D.


Department of Social Sciences

French Institute of Pondicherry                                                       Email:

Research Expertise: History and history of science and anthropology of technics. Skilled in participatory approaches and social movements.

Arun B. Inamdar


Centre of Studies in Resources Engineering                                   Indian Institute of Technology Mumbai                                          Email:

Research Expertise: Remote sensed data for assessing/monitoring various water quality parameters and primary productivity (PP) of the coastal ocean; coastal land use and vulnerability studies; wetlands; integrated coastal management.

D. Parthasarathy


Humanities and Social Sciences

Indian Institute of Technology Mumbai 

Research Expertise: Urban Studies, Development Studies, Rural / Agrarian Sociology, Law and Governance, Legal Pluralism, Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change, Gender and Development, Disaster Studies.

Martina Bofulin

Research Assistant

Slovenian Migration Institute                                                Research Centre of Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts Email:

Research Expertise: Chinese migration, immigration to Slovenia, Chinese tourists, migration studies, ethnic studies, migrants and health care, transnational families, ethnographic methodology.

Nataša Rogelja

Research Fellow

Research Centre of Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts


Research Expertise: Mediterranean studies (with a special focus on the Adriatic area), anthropology of tourism, maritime anthropology, lifestyle migration and ethnographic methodology.

Nitya Rao


School of International Development

University of East Anglia                                                                           Email:

Research Expertise: Gendered land relations, agriculture, migration and livelihoods, especially in a context of climate change, food and nutrition security, education, and intra-household relations.

Carole White

Senior Research Associate and Associate Tutor

School of International Development

University of East Anglia                                                           Email:

Research Expertise: Social environmental scientist with research interests in social wellbeing, resilience and social-ecological systems, specializing in coastal fishing communities.

Becky Taylor


University of East Anglia                                                               Email:

Research Expertise: Histories of state expansion and change, migration, ideologies and violence,  as well as histories of marginalization, xenophobia and identity. Intersections between national, imperial and international structures in the regulation of migration, refugee movements, public health and welfare.

Maria Abranches


School of International Development

University of East Anglia


Research Expertise: Social anthropology and development

Natalie Djohari

Research Associate , School of International Development

University of East Anglia


Research Expertise: Social Anthropologist with interest in emotional geographies and the relationship between place and well-being. She has a particular interest in young people’s experiences and has previously explored the social and community benefits of angling in coastal communities.

Maarten Bavinck

Professor                                                                                          Department of Geography, Planning and International Development Studies, University of Amsterdam

Norwegian College of Fisheries Science                                                UiT Arctic University of Norway                                                  Email:

Research Expertise: Fisheries governance, coastal zone development, livelihood/wellbeing studies, legal pluralism, South Asia

Bjørn-Petter Finstad

Associate Professor, Vice Dean of Education

Norwegian College of Fisheries Science

UiT Arctic University of Norway

Research Expertise: Modernization and industrialization of Norwegian fisheries, WWII fisheries, fish processing industry, conflicts over trawl fishing, polar history, organizations and institutions in fisheries.

Keshav Prasad Paudel

Associate Professor

Norwegian College of Fisheries Science

UiT Arctic University of Norway                                                  Email:

Research Expertise: GIS and remote sensing, social ecological system, marine resource management, adaptation to climate change, ecosystem services.

Tara Nicole Lawrence

PhD student

Norwegian College of Fisheries Science

UiT Arctic University of Norway


Research Expertise: Trawl fisheries, ecological and social transformation of costal India

Surabi Ganapathy

PhD student and Project Manager

Madras Institute of Development Studies


Research Expertise: Contract Farming in South India