
Peer Reviewed


Ghosh S, Proisy C, Muthusankar G, Hassenrück C, Helfer V, Mathevet R, Andrieu J, Balachandran N, Narendran R. (2022) Multiscale Diagnosis of Mangrove Status in Data-Poor Context Using Very High Spatial Resolution Satellite Images: A Case Study in Pichavaram Mangrove Forest, Tamil Nadu, India. Remote Sensing. 14(10):2317.

Sundaramoorthy, S., Moorthy, P., Chokkalingam, L., Gowrappan, M., Anandaraj K. (2022) Seawater ingression vulnerability Study in the coastal aquifers of Cuddalore district. Stochastic Modeling & Applications, 2022, 26 (3 (Special Issue 2022 , Part – 3)), pp.347-363.

Natarajan, L., Usha, T., Gowrappan, M. et al. (2021) Flood Susceptibility Analysis in Chennai Corporation Using Frequency Ratio Model. J Indian Soc Remote Sens49, 1533–1543.

Periyasamy, R., Roy, P.D., Chokkalingam, L. et al. (2021) Transformation Analysis on Landuse/Land Cover Changes for Two Decades Between 1999 and 2019 CE with Reference to Aquaculture—Nagapattinam Coast, Southeast India. J Indian Soc Remote Sens 49, 2831–2845.

Natarajan, L., Sivagnanam, N., Usha, T. et al. (2021) Shoreline changes over last five decades and predictions for 2030 and 2040: a case study from Cuddalore, southeast coast of India. Earth Sci Inform 14, 1315–1325.


Taylor, B. (2021). Who was ever ‘a fisherman’? Revisiting Paul Thompson’s Living the Fishing. Twentieth Century British History, 32(3), 416-440.


Rogelja, N., Bofulin, M., Pipan, P. (forthcoming 2022). Following mullet and seabass: Competing and complementary appropriations of the past in the North Adriatic. MAST Maritime Studies.

Rogelja, N., Janko Spreizer, A., Bofulin, M. (2021). Morje mnogih rib : odbiranja preteklosti v severovzhodnem Jadranu. Traditiones : zbornik Inštituta za slovensko narodopisje 49 (3):  17-34.

Janko Spreizer, A., Rogelja, N. (2020). Ribištvo v najsevernejšem zalivu Mediterana : primer Slovenije. In: LAZAR, Irena (ed.), PANJEK, Aleksander (ed.), VINKLER, Jonatan (ed.). Mikro in makro : pristopi in prispevki k humanističnim vedam ob dvajsetletnici UP Fakultete za humanistične študije : 1. knjiga. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, p. 343-358.

Rogelja, N., Janko Spreizer, A. (2020). Small-scale fisheries in Slovenia (Northeastern Adriatic): from borders to projects. In: PASQUAL-FERNÁNDEZ, José J. (ed.), PITA, Cristina (ed.), BAVINCK, Maarten (ed.). Small-scale fisheries in Europe : status, resilience and governance, (MARE publication series, ISSN 2212-6260, 23). [Cham]: Springer.

Rogelja, N., Janko Spreizer, A. (2020). “Back to the future” : sprehod med ostanki ribiške industrije v Izoli. In: KOSMOS, Iva (ed.), PETROVIĆ, Tanja (ed.), POGAČAR, Martin (ed.). Zgodbe iz konzerve: zgodovine predelave in konzerviranja rib na severovzhodnem Jadranu, (Kulturni spomin, ISSN 2232-3872, knj. 7). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, p. 212-235.

Rogelja, N., Janko Spreizer, A. (2020). “Back to the future”: šetnja među ostacima ribarske industrije u Izoli. In: KOSMOS, Iva (ed.), PETROVIĆ, Tanja (ed.), POGAČAR, Martin (ed.). Priče iz konzerve: povijest prerade i konzerviranja riba na sjeveroistočnom Jadranu. Zagreb: Srednja Europa, p. 212-235.


Galparsoro, I., Pinarbasi, K., Gissi, E., … Paudel, K.P., Ziemba, A., Depellegrin, D. (2021). Operationalisation of ecosystem services in support of ecosystem-based marine spatial planning: insights into needs and recommendations. Marine Policy 2021, 131:104609.

Other publications


Ajit Menon, Maarten Bavinck, Tara N. Lawrence, Nitya Rao, Muthusankar G., Balasubramanian D., Arunkumar A.S., Bhagath Singh A., Senthil Babu D., and Nicolas Bautès (2022). Coastal Transformation and Fisher Wellbeing: Perspectives from Cuddalore District, Tamil Nadu, India. Madras Institute of Development Studies. Chennai. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7503034

Bhagat Singh, A. (2022) Rings of fire: Fishing gear conflicts have again erupted along the Coromandel Coast. Samundra Report 87. ICSF.

Menon, A., and Arunkumar A.S (2021) Industrialization gone wrong in coastal Cuddalore [Commentary].  Mongabay-India.

Shakila, H. (2021) Vaazhthalai kadinamaakiya kaala nilai maatram (வாழ்தலைக் கடினமாக்கிய காலநிலை மாற்றம்). Poovulagin Nanbargal (பூவலகின் நண்பர்கள்)


Rao, N and I. Patil. (2022). What happened to the fishing school? Education, mobility and perceptions of wellbeing in a traditional fishing community in western India. In: North, A and E. Chase (eds.) Education, Migration and Development Critical Perspectives in a Moving World. Bloomsbury Academic. London. pp 129-146.


Rogelja, N. , Bofulin, M. (interviewees). Kako je ribištvo spodbudilo emancipacijo žensk : prostor, ki si ga lastijo različni interesi, vse manj pripada tistim, ki so nanj tradicionalno vezani [How the fishing brought about emancipation of women: the space, desired by manifold interests, is increasingly pushing out those to whom it traditionally belonged]. [Spletna izd.]. 22. sep. 2021, ilustr. ISSN 1854-6544.

Rogelja, N. (2021) Where is Rižana? Alternator 39, 9.9.2021.

Rogelja, N. and Bofulin, M. [curator and editor] ( 2021). Coastal transformations : virtual exhibition, launched 28. jun. 2021 at the MARE Policy Day.


Holm, P. & Finstad, BP. (2020) April 18, 1989: The Acceptance of Overfishing in Norway, inGarrido, Á. and Starkey, D. (eds.): Too Valuable to be Lost. Overfishing in the North Atlantic since 1880. De Gruyter Oldenbourg.