Trondheim branch
All members of Flere språk til flere in Trondheim are working in the Department of Language and Culture Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).
Our research focuses on language acquisition and variation.

Our team
- Anne Dahl, førsteamanuensis (co-director)
- Kjersti Faldet Listhaug, førsteamanuensis (co-director)
- Kristin Melum Eide, professor
- Tor A. Åfarli, professor
- Brit Mæhlum, professor
- Terje Lohndal, professor
- Annjo K. Greenall, professor
- Mila Vulchanova, professor
- Kaja Borthen, professor
- Dave Kush, førsteamanuensis
- Anna-Lena Nilsson, professor
- Lindsay Ferrara, førsteamanuensis
- Charlotte Agerup, universitetslektor
- Marta Velnic, postdoktor
- Torill Ringsø, stipendiat
- Nicole Busby, førstelektor
- Tina Ringstad, førsteamanuensis
- Linda Evenstad Emilsen, høgskolelektor
- Anne Mette Sunde, førsteamanuensis
- Sunniva Strætkvern, stipendiat
Our goal
We aim at connecting research with society (multilingual families, teachers, politicians etc.) so that more children experience the benefits of bi- and multilingualism.
Our contribution
Are there several languages spoken in your family? Do your children grow up with two or more languages, and you need advice? Are you worried about how multilingualism can affect your child’s academic achievement at school? Would you like to know more about bi- and multilingualism?
If you need advice or information on these or other questions, you may either consult the sources found on this website (see Resources), check the FAQs page or send us an email at
Please note that we can only give advice on typical language development: We do not have the competence to comment on medical or psychological conditions. If you are concerned about your child’s physical or mental health, you should contact professionals.
Talks for parents and teachers
We are happy to come to schools, kindergartens or other relevant places to give outreach talks on bi- and multilingualism.
Contact Information
The Trondheim branch Flere språk til flere Trondheim is also part of the Bilingualism Matters network.