Registration form

Here, you can reg­is­ter for par­tic­i­pa­tion in the conference.
You can reg­is­ter your abstract in the abstract form
Reg­is­tra­tion fee pri­or to June 15:
Full nor­mal pay­ment: NOK 3000
Students/unemployed/retired: NOK 2000
Full late pay­ment
NOK 4000
Students/unemployed/retired late fee: NOK 2800

The fee includes three lunch­es, cof­fee breaks, din­ner par­ty and social activties Mon­day, Tues­day and Wednesday.
Not includ­ed is par­tic­i­pa­tion in excur­sion on Wednes­day after lunch, which has to be signed up for separately.
Fill in the form and sub­mit it, and we email an invoice to you which has to be paid with­in two weeks, or no lat­er than July 20. After that, we can no longer guar­an­tee par­tic­i­pa­tion in the din­ner par­ty or social events Monday. 

    I am pay­ing

    (Invit­ed ple­nary speak­ers are exempt from fee) 

    Stu­dents sub­mit­ting an abstract for pre­sen­ta­tion can apply for stu­dent sup­port, to be indi­cat­ed in the abstract sub­mis­sion form 

    I am inter­est­ed in par­tic­i­pa­tion in orga­nized excur­sion after lunch Wednes­day (price and des­ti­na­tion TBD, depend­ing on no. of inter­est­ed. If checked, you will be con­tact­ed with fur­ther details) yes

    I am inter­est­ed in a guid­ed hik­ing trip to the ban­quet din­ner restau­rant (ca 400 m alti­tude) yes

    Invoice address:


    Postal code and town: 


    Arrival and depar­ture dates (no par­tic­u­lar format):

    Food require­ments:

    If oth­er, please indi­cate here:

    Abstract info:

    Top­i­cal field:

    Invit­ed, con­tributed Talk or poster (choose one): Invit­ed TalkTalkPoster:



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