Karachentseva, Ya.M., & Kuzmenkov, A. A. (2020). Justification of the choice of engineering support systems for an experimental wooden low-rise building. In Resource-saving technologies, materials and structures: a collection of articles of the scientific-practical conference (pp. 36-43)
Buryachenko, S. Y., Karachentseva, I. M., Voronin, Z. A., & Kuzmenkov, A. A. (2020, July). The influence of enclosing structures of walls on the energy efficiency of a wooden building (on the example of the international project KO 1089 “Green Arctic Building”). In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 539, No. 1, p. 012024). IOP Publishing.
Kuvshinov, D.A., & Kuzmenkov, A.A. (2020, September). Air temperature and humidity monitoring system for an experimental wooden frame house. In European research: collection of articles XXVIII Intern. scientific and practical conf. Penza (Vol. 7, pp. 36-40).
Kuzmenkov, A.A., Karachentseva, Ya.M., & Derbenev, A.V. (2020). Construction of an experimental wooden low-rise building. In Wooden low-rise housing: economy, architecture and resource-saving technologies (pp. 32-50).
Kuvshinov, D.A. (2020). Testing the temperature and relative humidity monitoring system of the experimental wooden house. In Wooden low-rise housing: economy, architecture and resource-saving technologies (pp. 51-58).
Buryachenko, S. Yu., & Popova, O. M. (2020). History and prospects for the development of wooden housing in Arctic cities (on the example of the Murmansk region). In Wooden low-rise housing: economy, architecture and resource-saving technologies (pp. 130-139).
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Lucrezia Ravasio, Raymond Riise and Svein-Erik Sveen (2020): Green Building in the Arctic region: a literature review. E3S Web of Conferences. 172, Nordic Symposium on Building Physics 2020.
Buryachenko, S., Voronin, Z., Karachentseva, I., Kuzmenkov, A., & Popova, O. (2021). Factors influencing the rating of low-rise wooden houses as “green” buildings. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 263, p. 05018). EDP Sciences. https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202126305018 indexed in Scopus (Q4);
Buryachenko, S., Voronin, Z., Karachentseva, I., Kuzmenkov, A., & Popova, O. (2021). Monitoring of thermophysical properties of wooden buildings envelopes in climatic conditions of Murmansk and Petrozavodsk. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 244, p. 05025). EDP Scienc. https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202124405025 – indexed in Scopus (Q4).
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Kuzmenkov, A. “Assessing thermophysical properties of building materials, model object case study” / Kuzmenkov, A., Karachentseva, Ia.// “Wooden Low Housing Construction: Economics, Architecture and Energy-saving Technologies” collection of articles/ PetrSU. – Petrozavodsk, 2021;
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Karachentseva, Ia., Kuzmenkov, A., (2021). “Reasoning the method for determining thermophysical properties of building materials of wooden housing enclosing structures” POTENTIAL FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY. Best practices in Norway, Finland and Murmansk: Russian- Norwegian conference, Murmansk;
Kuzmenkov, A., Karachentseva, Ia., Derbenev A.: “Reasoning design and technological solutions for the construction of a wooden low-rise model object within green building principles” // Resources and Technology (2021);
«Energy-efficient building materials for Arctic conditions as a criterion for “green building”» (Yana Karachentceva, Svetlana Buriachenko, Oksana Popova MSTU, Zahar Voronin, Aleksander Kuzmenkov, PetrSU);
«Thermal imaging survey results of an experimental wooden building» (Yana Karachentceva, Svetlana Buriachenko, Oksana Popova MSTU, Zahar Voronin, Aleksander Kuzmenkov, PetrSU);
Buriachenko, S., Voronin, Z., Karachentseva, Ia., Kuzmenkov, A., & Popova, O: “Selecting outdoor environment criteria for certifying green buildings in the Arctic”, SCIT 2021 Conference 2021;
Alexander Kuzmenkov, Svetlana Buriachenko, Dmitrii Kuvshinov, Iana Karachentseva, Oksana Popova, Zahar Voronin, Filip Fedorik and Antti H. Niemi: «Humidity Regime of a Double Wooden Wall Made of Rounded Logs». Springer Nature; https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-96383-5_142
Kuzmenkov, A. A., Kuvshinov, D. A., Buriachenko, S. Y., Kaychenov, A. V., Karachentseva, I. M., & Voronin, Z. A. (2021, December). “Monitoring system for temperature and relative humidity of the experimental building”. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 2131, No. 5, p. 052070). IOP Publishing. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/2131/5/052070/meta – indexed in Scopus (Q4);
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A Trishina, Zh Vasileva, R Petriakov, I Glukhikh “Research of urban development influence on the air pollution creation in Murmansk”//IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science (in print);
Zh Vasileva, N Podobed, V Petriakova “Assessment of the thermal environment in the classrooms of a higher educational institution: A case study in the subarctic climate of Russia”// SCIT-7654 (in print);
A Trishina, ZhVasileva “Energy preservation and efficiency capacity of public buildings in Murmansk oblast”/ POTENTIAL FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY. Best practices in Norway, Finland and Murmansk: Russian- Norwegian conference, Murmansk;
A. Shironina and A. Trishina “Seasonal fluctuations of air quality in outdoor parking spaces of mixed-use development”/ “Science and Education – 2021”, Murmansk.
Petri Hietaharju, Jari Pulkkinen, Mika Ruusunen, Jean-Nicolas Louis: “A stochastic dynamic building stock model for determining long-term district heating demand under future climate change”, Journal Applied Energy, August 2021, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.116962.
K.E. Anders Ohlsson, Thomas Olofsson. Benchmarking the practice of validation and uncertainty analysis of building energy models, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2021.110842
Ingrid Allard, Gireesh Nair, Thomas Olofsson: Energy performance criteria for residential buildings: A comparison of Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, and Russian building codes. Energy & Buildings 250 (2021) 111276, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2021.111276
Hongxia Zhou, Åke Fransson and Thomas Olofsson: An Explicit Finite Element Method for Thermal Simulations of Buildings with Phase Change Materials, Energies 2021 14, 6194,
K.E. Anders Ohlsson, Gireesh Nair, Thomas Olofsson: Uncertainty in model prediction of energy savings in building retrofits: Case of thermal transmittance of windows. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 168 (2022) 112748. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2022.112748
UoO: A manuscript on the verification of hygrothermal simulation technology is being finalized and will be submitted during Q1/2022.
UiT: A manuscript on the effect of cold radiation on perception of indoor thermal climate is finalized and will be published in Q3/2022.
UiT: A manuscript on the ventilation and energy use of multifamily building in cold climate environment is being prepared and will be published in Q3/2022.