HNRD moves to a new domain

Dear users of High North Research Documents (HNRD),

It is our pleasure to announce the next development stage of the HNRD. The database was extended to cover both the Arctic and the Antarctic regions better, and has now a much better coverage in research data records. In this context, the service was renamed to be “Open Polar”. You can access the new database from

The new database is still in the test period but it includes around 1.6 million records about the polar regions.

We do hope to get your feedback and comments on the new service.

With or best regards

The team of HNRD

Presentation at Polar Libraries Colloquy in Rovaniemi June 11, 2018

There will be a presentation at the Polar Libraries Colloquy in Rovaniemi, on the service Polar Libraries Colloquy LogoHigh North Research Documents (HNRD), and our plans to enhance and revitalize the service. The presentation will be held by Leif Longva, Academic Librarian at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Monday June 11, 2018. The presentation will give a status of the HNRD service, and also present the plans for a pilot project to investigate how to enhance and improve the service.

Project High North Research Documents 2.0

UiT The Arctic University of Norway is devoted to research on and development of the Arctic. Developing and running a discovery service on scholarly literature and research data with relevance to the High North and the Arctic is thus falling nicely in line with this. And the UiT and its management has been backing our HNRD service, and is also backing our plan to now run a pilot project in order to revitalize the service. The pilot project will be a cooperation between Norwegian Polar Institute and UiT The Arctic University of Norway.

Our pilot project will survey possible cooperating partners world wide. Interested institutions, who work within the thematic scope of the Arctic, are hereby invited to contact us, so we can start discussing how we may cooperate in order to develop a best possible service, to the benefit of all scholars as well as others who have interests in the Arctic.

High North RD updated

High North RD is now updated with a huge increase in number of indexed records. Number of records now counts more than 540 000, of which 124 000 are research data records. Check it out!

Updated version

New and updated version of High North Research Documents published today. The service now includes close to 200 000 documents.

A new feature is the list of content providers. You are now able to see which content providers are contributing, and you may refine your search by the content provider facet.

The border for High North?


Please give us feedback on where we should draw the borderline for High North Research Documents.

We need to draw a geographic borderline, to define what is meant by the High North. Documents related to areas, and topics of relevance to areas north of the line, are included in the database. We are currently using a slightly modified borderline definition from The Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) – one of five Working Groups of the Arctic Council. However, we have received feedback from Canada advising us to draw our borderline farther south. And we may need to adjust the line for other regions as well.

The High North border

We therefore invite you to have a closer look at the map with the current High North borderline (click on the map to get a large image), and give us feedback including arguments for adjustments you want us to implement.

The extraction process

High North Research Documents extracts all relevant documents through a simple but intelligent text mining algorithm. The extraction process is mostly done automatically, but does also involve a manual control.

Our last update resulted in 151 085 automatically extracted records and 5158 we will have to manually control for high North relevance. This work is now in progress and the accepted records will be included in our September update. A preliminary result shows an acceptance rate of 33 %.