Gunnar Hartvigsen
gunnar.hartvigsen AT
Gunnar Hartvigsen, PhD, is professor at the University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway (UiT), Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Computer Science, and Head of the Health Informatics and -Technology group (HIT) (former: Medical Informatics & Telemedicine group (MI&T)). Hartvigsen is also professor 2/Forsker 1 (Senior researcher) at The Helgeland Hospital Trust/Helgelandssykehuset HF (from 2023). In 2018-2022, he was professor at Department of Health and Nursing Science, Faculty of Health- and Sport Science, University of Agder (UiA) (part time) and affiliated with the Centre for e-health, UiA. Dr. Hartvigsen was in 2016–2017 professor at the Norwegian Centre for eHealth Research, University Hospital of North Norway (UNN) (part time). In 2000-2015 he was professor at the Norwegian Centre for Integrated Care and Telemedicine (NST), University Hospital of North Norway (UNN) (part time). He holds an MSc and a PhD degree in Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) from UiT.
His research interests include various aspects of telemedicine and medical informatics, including electronic disease surveillance, self-help systems for people with chronic diseases, social media and mixed reality social computer games for people with chronic diseases, medical sensor systems, HCI for mobile systems, digital patient communion, context-sensitive communication, physical activity sensors, e-health applications for people with intellectual disability, telemedicine systems in private homes, and motivational mechanisms in e-health.
Recent highlights: Cristin
Alexander Horsch
alexander.horsch AT
Alexander Horsch, Dr. rer. nat. Dr. med. habil., is professor at and former Head of the Department of Computer Science, UiT. His main research interests are: eHealth, medical image processing, computer-aided diagnosis, and biosensor applications and infrastructures.
Recent highlights: Cristin
Eirik Årsand
eirik.arsand AT
Eirik Årsand, PhD, is Professor in health technology at the University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway (UiT), Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Computer Science. In addition, he also have a Professor 2 position at the Norwegian Centre for E-health Research (NSE). Årsand does research on how to use technologies to improve health, with a main focus on diabetes self-management. He is involved in ten eHealth, mHealth (mobile health), mDiabetes (mobile diabetes) and social media projects. He is also the team leader of the mHealth research team among members UiT and NSE. The research includes sensor-, smartphone- and smartwatch-based self-help applications and systems for enabling health care systems and personnel to relate to the patient-gathered data. It includes research around the technologies, user needs, user-perception, and medical outcomes of mobile ways of doing diabetes management for people with diabetes and other diseases. He has more than 400 research results recorded in the Cristin system.
Letizia Jaccheri
letizia.jaccheri AT
Letizia Jaccheri (Ph.D. from Politecnico di Torino, Italy) is Professor at the Department of Computer Science, NTNU, and Professor II at UiT. Jaccheri’s research is on: software engineering; entertainment computing; computational creativity; ICT-enabled social innovation.
Recent highlights: Cristin
André Henriksen
andre.henriksen AT
André Henriksen, Ph.D., is Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science, UiT The Arctic University of Norway. He has a master’s degree in computer science and a master’s degree in business administration. He worked 10+ years in the industry as a developer and program manager before he started his PhD position in 2016. His achieved his Pd.D. in 2021, on the topic of continuous sharing of physical activity data from participants in large population studies, using participant owned smart phones, smart watches, and activity trackers.
Recent highlights: Cristin
Visiting Faculty
Keiichi Sato
sato AT
Keiichi Sato is the Professor Emeritus and former Charles Owen Professor at the IIT Institute of Design. He teaches graduate courses in design theory and methodology, product and system architecture, human-centered system integration, and interactive systems design.
Recent highlights: Cristin
Antonio Martinez Millana
anmarmil AT
Antonio Martinez Millana is Telecommunications Engineer in 2009, Master on Biomedical Engineering specialized in eHealth Systems in 2013 and PhD on Technologies for Health and Wellbeing in 2017. Dr. Millana is working as research assistant for European e-Health projects in ITACA and lecturing in the Department of Electronic Engineering of Universitat Politècnica de València. His research interests are on diabetes, mathematical modeling, biomedical engineering and process mining
Recent highlights: Cristin
Senior researchers
Miroslav Muzny
mmuzny AT
Miroslav Muzny, PhD, is a scientific programmer at University Hospital of North Norway and UiT The Arctic University of Norway. He comes from the Czech Republic. After he finished his studies in a Computer science in 2012, he applied for a PhD position in Biomedical informatics (Charles University in Prague), which he completed in 2021. Within the area of software development, he has a special interest in a development for wearable electronics.
Recent highlights: Cristin
Pietro Randine
pietro.randine AT
Pietro Randineis a PhD student currently working at UiT – Health informatics and -technology (HIT) Group. He holds a MSc and BSc both in Computer Science from the University of Milano Bicocca in Italy. He has experience in IoT in medical applications for Diabetes. His current research interests are in ICT for chronic diseases consultation.
Recent highlights: Cristin
Erlend Johannessen
erlend.johannessen AT
Erlend Johannessen is a PhD student currently working at UiT in the Health informatics and -technology (HIT) Group. He holds a MSc in Computer Science from the University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway (UiT). His current research interests are in infrastructure for data collection from a large population.
Recent highlights: Cristin
Henriette Michalsen
henriette.michalsen AT
Henriette Michalsen, psychologist, is research scholar at the University Hospital of North Norway, and involved in the project “Effect of physical activity with e-health support in individuals with intellectual disabilities. A randomised controlled study”. The project is funded by Helse Nord.
Recent highlights: Cristin
Dillys Larbi
Marte Hoff Hagen
Svein Gunnar Johansen
Recently defended PhDs
Ashenafi Zebene Woldaregay
ashenafi.z.woldaregay AT
Ashenafi completed his PhD in 2021 from UiT – Health informatics and -technology (HIT) Group. He has experience in the use of machine learning algorithms in image processing and Biometric verifications systems. His current research focuses on an early detection of infection incidences using self-recorded data from people with diabetes. Generally, his interests lie on machine learning applications in healthcare, such as prediction and anomalies detection.
Recent highlights: Cristin
Miguel Angel Tejedor Hernandez
miguel.tejedor AT
Miguel completed his PhD in 2021 working with the UiT Machine Learning Group. He has experience in the use of machine learning algorithms in medical applications using hyperspectral images. His current research interests are focusing on reinforcement learning and simulating the Glucose Insulin model.
Recent highlights: Cristin
David Issom
david.issom AT
David has a Bachelor degree in Business Information Systems from the Geneva School of Business Administration and holds a Master degree in Health Informatics from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. He is passionate about Digital Health and Global Health. Combining his background in biomedical and computer sciences, he completed his PhD in 2021 at the University of Geneva. He is particularly interested in developing technologies supporting patients’ self-management needs and health prevention.
Recent highlights: Cristin
Meghan Bradway
meghan.bradway AT
Meghan Bradway, PhD, MBA, BSc, is a research scholar at NSE, and affiliated with the project “Full Flow of Health Data Between Patients and Health Care Systems”. Bradway is Master of Business Administration (MBA), Loyola University Chicago, 2012-2013, and Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Biology, Minor in Biostatistics, Loyola University Chicago, 2008-2012. In 2015, she became a Certified Revenue Cycle Representative, Healthcare Financial Management Association. Prior to joining NSE, she was a Math Science and Leadership Program Instructor, University of Washington, Tacoma, 2013, and Researcher, University of Illinois at Chicago’s College of Dentistry, Wound Healing and Tissue Regeneration Lab, 2010-2012.
Recent highlights: Cristin
Dorthe Dybwad
Daniel Ursin
Markus M. Fenes
Neethan Puvanendran
Sigurd J. Brattland
Alexander Nordvik
Keerthana Sivakumar
Andreas H. Brunes
STUDENTs (2000-)
Sivilingeniør (MSc) in computer science (30 ECTS)
- Andorsen, “User interface for Symbo: A symbol based email client for young children”, Fall-2001.
- V.Falao, “The good room infrastructure: A smart home infrastructure based on scaling, authorisation and alarm handling”, Fall-2001.
- Jørgensen, “Online banking user interface for senior citizens based on large high-resolution displays”, Fall-2001.
- Ø.Skogstrand, “GRO Comfort Zone Infrastructure: A Home Network Infrastructure that Prioritize Seamless Integration and Extensibility”, Fall-2001.
- Bønes, “Pasent – the Patient’s Personal Health Advisor”, Fall-2001.
- Ness, “Visualization and modification of neural network-based information filters: The PaSent approach”, Fall-2002.
- I.Olsen, “EHR based medication monitoring and control”, Spring-2003.
- S.H.Lund, “Integration of data from BodyMedias SenseWear Armband in PASKOR and PanDa: An example of integration of sensor data in electronic health records”, Fall-2003.
- Johnsen, “Electronic notice board for homes, habitats and residential areas”, Fall 2003.
- B.Rolandsen, “PASENT: Electronic Health Advisor”, Fall-2003 – Spring-2004.
- Johansen, “PASENT: Electronic Health Advisor”, Fall-2003 – Spring -2004.
- Ø.Sletteng, “PanDa: Electronic patient diary for control with medication”, Fall-2003 – Spring-2004.
- M.Jensen, “Electronic Medicine List”, Spring-2004.
- T.Hagberg, “LAVAL – Location-based administration and alerting service for search operations” (LAVAL – Lokasjonsbasert Administrasjons- og VArslingstjeneste for Leteaksjoner”), Fall-2004.
- Berg, “Semi-Automatic Analysis of Web Pages.” Spring 2005.
- Nygård, “TAB-IM: Telemedicine Availability Broker: Instant Messaging in Health-Sector,” Fall-2005.
- Simonsen, “SymboMed: Symbol-based medication list for small children”, Spring-2005.
- Bård Johan Hanssen, “Beyond hospital walls – Extramural mobile communication with CallMeSmart”, Spring 2015.
- Mats C. Sørensen, “The We.Tree app – connecting young individuals with diabetes mellitus type 1 in rural areas through serious games”, Fall 2015.
- Harald Arntsen, “CallMeSmart – Handling alarms from Ascom”, Fall 2016.
- Ida Charlotte Rønningen, “Diaquarium – a social game for young people with diabetes”, Fall 2016.
- Martin Haugen Mikalsen, “Group-based Internet of Things Mini Displays for People with Type 1 Diabetes”, Spring 2018.
- Sverre Coucheron, “EDMON – An Infection Detection System in People with Type 1 Diabetes: A wireless communication platform”, Spring
- Marius Foshaug Wiik, A game-inspired and avatar-based health-model for monitoring and increasing physical activity among people with intellectual disabilities”, Spring
- Tobias Robin Borgen Olsen, “DiDiMAp – Diet Diary for Monitoring of low-FODMAP Diet App”, Spring
- Vebjørn Haugland, “Game-inspired app for recording of outdoor physical activity (walking, hiking) for people with intellectual disabilities”, Spring
- Asgeir Nilsen, “Improved physical activity using exercise bicycles for people with intellectual disabilities”, Spring-2020.
- Thomas Eilertsen, “Activity Game Avatar: A interactive exergame for people with intellectual disabilities – Physical activity combined with motivational mechanics in a game-environment”, Fall 2020 – Spring-2021.
- Joakim Sjøhaug, “Motivation, Notification and Warning System for people with diabetes using Internet of Things Mini Displays”, Spring-2021.
- Benjamin Bakli Aglen, “Preparing for hospital visits using data from sensors, mobile phone apps and electronic Patient Reported Outcome Measures (ePROM) ”, Spring-2021.
- Bernt Julian Klevstad, “From Palm to Arm: The system design of a standalone smartwatch application for diabetes management”, Spring-2022.
- Thonas Luzi, “Sorterius 2: Implementing Motivational Features for an Augmented Reality Game Encouraging Physical Activity for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities”, Spring-2022.
- Dorthe Dybwad, “ Internationalizing mobile health applications for persons with intellectual disabilities”, Spring-2023.
- Neethan Puvanendran, “Intelligent Mobile Nutritional Delivery-System”, Spring-2023.
- Sigurd Johannes Brattland, “A mobile system for managing type 1 diabetes in children”, Spring-2023.
- Andreas Hansen Brunes, “Game-inspired app for pre-operative, intramural and post-operative digital communication with patients: The PIPP project”, Spring-2023.
- Daniel Ursin, “system for biometric data collection and machine learning in semi-automated migraine prediction”, Spring-2023.
Cand.scient. in computer science (20 vekttall – 60 ECTS)
- E.Nilsen, “SymboL – a symbol-based language Symbo”, Fall-1997 – Spring-2007.
- Myhre, “Replicated File Repository based Distributed diary”, Fall-1997 – Spring-2001.
- I.Kristoffersen, “Communication needs and communication infrastructure in private homes”, Spring-2002 – Fall-2004.
- Solbakk, ”Sensor integration in electronic health records: Integration of data from PiKo Flow Meter in Proper”, Fall-2002 – Spring-2007.
Master of science (30 ECTS)
- Lorenzo Gironi: “A prototype system for Context Sensitive Communication in hospitals based on an Ascom/trixbox experimental platform”, Spring-2011.
Master of science (MSc) (60 ECTS)
- R.Helle, “SymboPaD: A painting- and symbol-based electronic patient diary for children”, Spring-2003 – Spring-2005.
- Sveen, ”Asthma Patient Diary (AsthmaPaD): Telehomecare and follow-up of asthmatic children without writing and reading skills”, Fall-2004 – Spring-2005.
- Granberg, “The Infectious Health Analysis (IHAS) system: Detecting infections by auditing and analyzing captured infection indicator parameter data from sensors patients”, Spring-2006.
- Henriksen, “An Open Source PACS study”, Spring-2006.
- S.Hanssen, “Design and implementation of an Encourager and Motivator Application of Physical Activity based on Bluetooth devices and Argos Middleware Platform”, Spring-2008.
- Aleksandr Agafonov, “Diabetes Automata for Serious Games”, Fall-2014 – Spring-2015.
- Valter Berg, “Recording physical activity on exercise bicycles for people with intellectual disabilities”, Fall-2018–Spring-2019.
- Madhu Koirala, “EDMON – Integrating Various Sensors Readings from Mysignal into a Standalone Diabetes Mobile Health App”, Fall-2019–Spring-2021.
- Magnus Stellander, “Game-inspired app for recording of outdoor physical activity (walking, hiking) for people with intellectual disabilities”, Fall-2020–Spring-2021.
- Alexander Trondsen Nordvik, “A system for health data transfer from patient to a national health register – diabetes as a use case”, Spring-2023–Fall-2023.
- Keerthana Sivakumar, “Game-inspired app for recording of outdoor physical activity – Customizing game content for improved involvement for people with intellectual disabilities”, Fall-2022–Spring-2023.
- Markus Madsen Fenes, “mSpider – Secure collecting of physical activity data from study participants through mobile solutions”, Fall-2022-Spring-2023.
Master in telemedicine and e-health (30 ECTS)
- Gudleif Aronsen, “Visualization of contagious disease outbreak information for primary care physicians”, Spring-2007.
- Anders Baardsgaard, “The Scandinavian Health Network: Connecting the Scandinavian countries’ health networks”, Spring-2007.
- Harald Igesund, “Writing Electronic nursing care plans: An approach to facilitate navigating the standardized nursing vocabularies NANDA and NIC”, Spring-2007.
- Terje Johannesen, “Mobile blood donor registration system, Dodoma Regional Blood Transfusion Centre, National Blood Transfusion Service, Doodoma/Dar es Salaam, Tanzania”, Spring-2007.
- Olsen, Odd-Arne, “A sensor device and its application in e-health”, Spring-2007.
- Håvard Blixgård, “Automatically Tailored Information to Patients with Lifestyle Diseases”, Spring-2007.
- Taridzo Chomutare, “A context-sensitive framework for mobile terminals for assisting Type 2 diabetes patients”, Spring-2008. (Award: Best master thesis in 2008 at the Faculty of Science)
Master in telemedicine and e-health (60 ECTS)
- Ashokbaku Ravuri, “A prototype system for Context Sensitive Communication in hospitals based on an Ascom/trixbox experimental platform”, Fall-2009 – Spring-2010.
- Joanna Adobea Dawson, “Comparative study on system requirements and success factors of telemedicine solutions in resource-poor settings”, Fall-2010 – Spring-2011.
- Eunji Lee, “Smart Carb – a mobile nutrition self-management application for people with diabetes”, Fall-2010 – Spring-2011.
- Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw, Snow Integrated Communicable Disease Prediction Service. Fall-2011 – Spring-2012.
- Alexandra Makhlysheva, “A mobile phone-based serious game for children with Type 1 diabetes”, Fall-2012 – Spring-2013.
- Kristina Livitckaia, “Diabetes Care”: Application Development to Support Diabetes Management in General Practice. Fall-2013 – Spring-2014.
- Petros Endale Begna, “Home Based Monitoring of Health Status of Pre-Surgical Patients: Patient Centred Collaborative Care to Reduce Surgery Cancellation.” Fall-2013 – Spring-2014.
- Dmitry Fatiev, “Object tracking for improved telementoring and telestration”, Fall-2014 – Spring-2015.
- Sanjit Jung Thapa, “eMedication – a smartphone-based e-medication system for hospitalized patients”, Fall-2014 – Spring-2015.
- Ashenafi Zebene Woldaregay, “Electronic Disease Surveillance System Based on Inputs from People with Diabetes: An Early Outbreak Detection Mechanism”, Fall-2015 – Spring-2016.
- Panagiotis Andreou, “Knowledge, Attitudes and Perspectives among senior Nurse students for the use of mHealth: A quantitative study in Greece and Cyprus”, Fall-2016 – Spring-2017.
- Prosper K. Yeng, “Implementation of Cluster Detection Mechanism of Syndromic Surveillance System in EDMON”. Fall-2018 – Fall-2019.
Master in medicine, UiT
- Frida Juliussen Hjortdahl, “Use of closed loop systems during physical activity in type 1 diabetes mellitus – what are the challenges seen from a user perspective?” (“Bruk av closed loop-systemer under fysisk aktivitet ved type 1 diabetes mellitus – hva er utfordringene sett fra et brukerperspektiv?”), 2023.
Master in health- and social informatics, Universitetet i Agder (30 ECTS)
- Sigrid Selheim Huglen, “Telemedicine in the specialist health service: Healthcare personnel’s experiences with the follow-up of premature infants using video consultations” (“Telemedisin i spesialisthelsetjenesten: Helsepersonell sine erfaringer med oppfølging av premature barn ved bruk av videokonsultasjon”), Fall-2020–Spring-2021 (40 ECTS).
Master in computer science, University of Bergen
- Sander Jokiel Høyvik, “Creating a privacy-oriented mobile application for gathering self-collected health data”, University of Bergen, 2020.
Master of Science in Medical Engineering / Medozintechnik (TU München)
- Uwe Tränkler, “Video Quality of 3G Videophones for Telephone CPR”, Spring-2007.
Master in health informatics (sundhetsinformatikk), Aalborg universitet, Danmark
- Jonas Nørgaard Lauritzen, Kirstine Hjære Rosenbeck, “A customizable mobile tool for diabetes patients to support health-related interventions”, 2009.
- Jens Henrik Rauff Hansen og Lasse Lefevre Samson, “HypoDetect – Algoritme til detection af hypoglykæmi”, 2012.
Master in computer science, Turkey
- Ömer Pektaş, “Design of an Android Wear smartwatch application as a wearable interface with the Diabetes Diary application”, 2018.
Master in computer science, Uppsala universitet, Sverige
- Niklas Andersson, “Prototype for Transmission of Glucometer Data by Wireless Technology”, 2002.
Master of Science in Health Informatics (Health Informatics Centre, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden) (30 ECTS)
- David Zacharie-Issom, “Investigating needs and barriers in developing e-health tools supporting self-management of patients with Sickle Cell Disease”, Spring-2015.
PhD (UiT)
- Johan Gustav Bellika, Spring-2000 – Spring-2006. “The Snow Agent system. A mobile agent system platform for extending electronic health record systems with clinical decision support modules”. (Dissertation submitted February 2006. Defended 4.10.2006)
- Eirik Årsand, Spring-2005 – Fall-2009. “The Few Touch Digital Diabetes Diary – User-Involved Design of Mobile Self-Help Tools for People with Diabetes” (Dissertation submitted July 2009. Defended 10.12.2009)
- Bernt Ivar Olsen, Fall-2004 – Spring-2012. “Display Scale in a ‘Document’ perspective: size matters.” (Dissertation submitted May 2012. Defended 26.11.2012.)
- Ståle Walderhaug, Spring-2007 – Fall-2012. “Model-Driven Software Development for Continuity of Care Information Systems: Toolchain design and evaluation.” (Dissertation submitted 14.11.2012. Defended 13.02.2013)
- Terje Solvoll, Spring-2007 – Spring-2013. “From being interrupted by mobile devices to CallMeSmart.”. (Dissertation submitted 30.4.2013. Defended 22.08.2013)
- Naoe Tatara, Spring-2008 – Fall-2013. “Studying usage and experiences of mHealth technology for its improved usability- Mixed methods research for understanding users’ long-term engagement with the Few Touch application for self-management of Type 2 diabetes mellitus” (Dissertation submitted 24.10.2013. Defended 28.02.2014)
- Andre Dias, Spring-2008 – Fall-2013. “Associations of pulmonary parameters with accelerometer data”. (Dissertation submitted 26.11.2013. Defended 25.03.2014)
- Taridzo Chomutare, Spring-2011 – Fall-2013. “Complex Network Structure Patterns in Open Internet Communities for People with Diabetes”. (Dissertation submitted 12.2013, Defended 14.05.2014.)
- Andrius Budrionis, Spring-2012 – Fall-2015. “Web-Based Surgical Telementoring. Service design and evaluation of the key features” (Dissertation submitted 06.2015, Defended 13.10.2015.)
- Kassaye Y. Yigzaw, Spring-2013 – Fall-2016. “Towards Practical Privacy-Preserving Distributed Statistical Computation of Health Data” (Dissertation submitted 10.2016, Defended 10.01.2017.)
- Alain Giordanengo, høst-2015–Spring-2020. Title: “Using FullFlow to manage the overwhelming flood of patients’ self-collected health data: A system that addresses acceptance barriers regarding the introduction of diabetes patients’ self-collected health data into electronic health records and medical consultations”. (Dissertation submitted 12.2019, Defended 31.03.2020.)
- Meghan Bradway, “mHealth: opportunities and challenges for health intervention research” (disp. 2020)
- Miguel Angel Tejedor Hernandez, Fall-2016–. Preliminary title: “Glucose Regulation for In-Silico Type 1 Diabetes Patients Using Reinforcement Learning” (Dissertation submitted 03.2021, Defended 07.05.2021)
- Ashenafi Zebene Woldaregay, Spring-2016–Fall-2021. “EDMON – Electronic Disease Surveillance and Monitoring Network: A Personalized Health Model-based Digital Infectious Disease Detection Mechanism using Self-Recorded Data from People with Type 1 Diabetes”. (Dissertation submitted 02.2021, Defended 28.05.2021.)
- Andre Henriksen, Fall-2016–Spring-2021. “Continuous physical activity recording: Consumer-based activity trackers in epidemiological studies” (Dissertation submitted 03.2021, Defended 04.06.2021.)
- Svein-Gunnar Johansen, Spring-2014–. Serious games for children with Type 1 diabetes.
- Henriette Mikalsen, Fall-2017–. (Health science UiT) Preliminary title: “Promoting physical activity with e-health support for people with intellectual disability” (50% position)
- Pietro Randine, Fall-2019 -. Preliminary title: “Patient support system before, during and after clinical visits”
- Erlend Johannessen, Fall-2020 -. Preliminary title: An infrastructure for large scale health monitoring of the citizens of Tromsø.
- Marc Weitz, 2021-. Preliminary title: AI-based Lifestyle Modelling in Free Living Individuals. High North Population Studies. Faculty of Science and Technology and Faculty of Health Science.
- Khayam Ashraf Butt, Fall-2022-. Preliminary title: “Implications of telecommunication technology in clinical surgery and surgical education”, Department of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway.
- Dillys Larby, 2022-. Title: A Physical Activity Social Media Chatbot for Behaviour Change; Department of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, UiT.
- Marte Hoff Hagen, Spring-2022–. Preliminary title: “Designing Digital Psychosocial Follow-up of Survivors of Childhood Critical Illness”.
PhD (University of Agder)
- Sarala Ghimire Subedi, Spring-2021–. Preliminary title: “Augmented Videoconsultation for pregnant women”.
PhD (International)
- David-Zacharie Issom, Spring-2016–Fall-2021. Title: “Empowering Individuals with Sickle cell disease Through Crowdsensing: A Patient-led Approach”, Institute of Global Health, Division of Primary Care Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva (UNIGE) (Defended 14.09.2021.)
- Miroslav Muzny, 2015-2020. Title: Artificial Intelligence Methods for Automatic Classification of Biological Signals in Real Time, Charles University, Prague, Czech (Defended 24.02.2021)
- Jeremiah Scholl, Spring-2007–Fall-2010. (Funding: NFR)
- Taxiarcis Botsis, Spring-2007–Fall-2010. (Funding: NFR TTL)
- Eirik Årsand, Fall-2009–Spring-2011. (Funding: Helse Nord)
- Conceicáo Granja, Fall-2013–Spring-2017. (Funding: Helse Nord)
- Kari Dyb, Fall-2013–Fall-2017. (Funding: Helse Nord)
- Taridzo Chomutare, Fall-2014–Spring-2017. (Funding: Helse Nord)
- Terje Solvoll, Spring-2015–Fall-2017. (Funding: Helse Nord)
- Elia Gabarron, 2016-2018, (Funding: Helse Nord)
- Anne Helen Hansen, 2017-2019, (Funding: Helse Nord)