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Skrevet av Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv

I en krise er våre kapasiteter som sivile like viktige som myndigheter og Forsvaret. Tillit er nøkkelordet.

I fjor høst fikk alle husholdninger tilsendt brosjyren «Du er en del av Norges beredskap» fra Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap (DSB) med råd om forberedelser og håndtering av mulige kriser.
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Learning Painful Lessons from Afghanistan

By Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv

Conflicts, both in Afghanistan as well as at home, will continue to have both a complex civilian and military character

When the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) finally closed shop in Afghanistan in 2014, many participating nations professed a weariness with complex, civil-military, out-of-area operations. These operations demanded close, often awkward, relationships of cooperation, co-existence, and confrontation between different civil and military actors, including local civilians. Amid the withdrawal, many militaries and their defense departments seemed to express a collective sigh of relief, talking about a ‘return’ to strictly military priorities and operations. The focus shifted to ‘near area’ operations and security concerns at home.

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Hybrid Warfare and the Role Civilians Play

On 16 July 2018 the press conference following the long anticipated Putin–Trump Summit meeting in Helsinki, Finland was met with astonishment and anger from both American media and politicians and allies. American president Donald Trump sided with Russian president Vladimir Putin regarding accusations of Russian meddling in the US 2016 presidential election. The evidence procured by American intelligence agencies against Russian agents and those cooperating with Russia to manipulate public opinion and the American elections has thus far resulted in the indictment of at least 31 people, including some of Trump’s own political staff.
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I seng med fienden?

Etter NATOs tilbaketrekning fra Afghanistan har de europeiske statene fokusert langt mer på sikkerhetsutfordringer i egne nærområder. I Norge kan man for eksempel se denne sikkerhetspolitiske reorienteringen ved en ny aktualisering av totalforsvarskonseptet. Dette konseptet har sin historie fra den kalde krigen, og tilstreber et tett samarbeid mellom Forsvaret og det sivile samfunn for å sikre både menneskelig og statlig sikkerhet.
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UiT skal forske på sivile i hybridkrig

Sivil-militær samhandling er sentralt i et nytt forskningsprosjekt kalt ResilientCivilians ved UiT. Hva skjer med sivile i en hybridkrig?
Det hersker en form for enighet om at fremtidige internasjonale konflikter i Europa kommer til å bli dominert av, eller i alle fall omfatte, hybrid krigføring. En form for slik hybrid krigføring kan f.eks. den påståtte russiske innblandingen i valgkampen i USA.
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The Primakov (Not Gerasimov) Doctrine in Action

The Primakov doctrine has set Russia’s recent course. The Kremlin must decide if it should continue to follow the doctrine, or if it should pursue a more robust set of global ambitions.

Since 2014, Russian “hybrid warfare” has been at the center of attention of Western security analysts. The Kremlin’s reliance on proxies, disinformation, and measures short of war has created the impression that its hybrid capabilities are distinct and separate from its military and can serve as a substitute for hard power. That impression is incorrect. Russian military and hybrid activities and tools are inextricably linked.

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Populism’s Call to Citizenship

By Christopher Holshek

Current threats to democracy and the liberal world order from authoritarian populism are due to the failures in governance and civics that have given it fertile ground. Like terrorism, hybrid warfare, and other distributed people-centric challenges in peace and security within and beyond borders, authoritarian populism is an international strategic challenge in human security and peacebuilding. Strategies to combat authoritarian populism must: first, distinguish it as an international security challenge, including its use of strategic narratives to sway populaces; second, see it as a result of failed citizenship as much as failed government; and third, employ a strategic peacebuilding approach to governance and citizenship that is as bottom-up as top-down.

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