Faces of CO2

CO2 is not a big molecule – but there is so much you can do with it!
– You can convert CO2 to medicine in the lab.
– You can feed CO2 to algae, so they become fish-feed.
– You can detect CO2 in human breath and diagnose diseases.
– You can investigate how organisms in the ocean are affected by raising CO2 levels.
– You can study CO2 emissions in Norway and how they affect our climate goals.

Our exhibition ‘Faces of CO2‘ shows great pictures from CO2 related research at UiT.
See the exhibition at Vitensenteret in Tromsø on April 14th or online here: https://site.uit.no/iccu/faces-of-co2/

CCU WorkShop!


CCU (Carbon Capture and Utilization) workshop at Finnfjord AS (Finnsnes) is POSTPONED!

The reason is that there are so many who want to participate, but who have no opportunity at the chosen date / in May! We have therefore decided to postpone the workshop until the fall of 2018. We will return with a new date soon! We apologize!

Regards Hans Chr. Eilertsen, Richard I. Ingebrigtsen


UiT – The Arctic University of Norway and Finnfjord invites you to join a CCU workshop on May 29th 2018. The workshop will focus on the «status quo» of international CCU. The event aims to recruit potential participants to a planned interdiscplinary and intersectoral CCU consortium that shall function as a forum for exchange of CCU knowledge among industrial and academic partners, alongside exchange of personnel/scientists/students.

For the full invitation, see here: CCU invitation ENGLISH

Open PhD position

Would you like to take a PhD in CO2 conversion?

Join the CHOCO group at UiT to make catalysts for converting CO2 to useful molecules. Application deadline April 2!

Apply here.

On the left: Our goal is to use CO2 as a carbon source instead of oil. On the right a chemical experiment with a CO2 ballon.

Nordic CO2 days

Join us for the Nordic CO2 days at Vitensenteret in Tromsø, April 13-14, 2018.

See CO2-eating algae and chemical CO2 experiments, learn about the carbon cycle in the ocean and the effect of ocean acidification, understand the effect of CO2 on the climate and climate justice, get to know your personal CO2 emission, learn about CO2 breath analyzers, and how CO2 can replace oil. See also: uit.no/tavla/artikkel/543283/nordic_co2_days