Tag Archives: M.Sc

To all of our new and old students!

clip_image001Welcome to the department of Industrial Engineering (IN).

Some of you are just starting your academic career by attending our B.Sc programme while others are more experienced and will join the M.Sc studies. Some have travelled far (China, India, Iran a.o.) while others are locals, or as we say it in Norwegian “Narvik vaering”. Common for all of you are the high expectations of the years to come and the work to be done…. and you are right; expectations should be high, both towards the study you have chosen and the IN professionals. I can ensure you: IN staff will do their best to give you a modern, professional education of the highest standard.

You have made a good choice of study, and by managing your studies well you are facing a prosperous future as working engineers. Our previous students have managed to get well-paid jobs and are found working in all kind of technology based businesses. Many have got management positions and responsibilities. You can read some of their stories on these pages.

These pages are our NEW web- journal (or BLOG). Here you will find updated information or say “what’s on” at our department. You can even participate through comments, or publish your own articles. We wish to develop this to a lively meeting place for students, staff, industry and other guests. Until recently most articles are written in Norwegian only, but from now on many articles will be produced in English.

For those of you who are new to the department please visit us at A-BLOCK 4th floor.

Yours Sincerely

Bjørn Solvang

Head of Department