Ylva Jannok Nutti is an Associate Professor at Sámi Allaskuvla/ Sámi University of Applied Sciences in Guovdageaidnu/ Kautokeino. Dr. Jannok Nutti has been conducting several action research and school development project with focus on Sámi traditional knowledge, and she has an background as primary school teacher at a Sámi school in the Swedish part of Sápmi. Her doctoral dissertation focused on how to transform mathematics teaching for Sámi pupils on basis of both Sámi tradtional knowledge and national curriculum. Co-operation within international researchers in several formal and informal networks. In 2008 her research focus was ethnomathematics and she published her licentiate thesis “Mathematical Thinking within the Sámi Culture on the basis of the Stories of Sámi Crafters and Reindeer Herders“. Collaboration between participants from the fields of mathematics education, education, traditional handicrafts and reindeer herding have been central in her research. Today she is head of a research project “Engaging the voices of Sámi children: Sustaining traditional knowledge through kindergarten, school and community knowledge transfer“. All these projects are based on Indigenous knowledge and place-based teaching approaches.
Proceedings of IndigMEC 2017 is now online.
Please visit Journal of Mathematics and Culture Volume 11 number 3.
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- Second Call and Call for Teacher Presentations
- Second Call and Call for Teacher Presentations
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- Keynotes
- About IndigMEC – Indigenous Mathematics Education Conference
- First Call
- Guidelines
- Preliminary Program
- Tromsø, September 4th – September 7th 2017
- Contact IndigMEC – Indigenous Mathematics Education Conference