
Parallel sessions

On this page you will find a overview of the parallel sessions. Each number in front of the presentation refers to the number in the abstract book which can be found here. 

Parallel session 1 (A-E), Monday at 12:15-13.35

A.    Cultural Diversity (all online, bring your headphones)

 Chair and tech support: Elena Merzliakova, e-mail:

A.Cultural diversity – all online
[90] Elena Merzliakova. Student mobility in kindergarten teacher education in the North: exciting pedagogical tensions in dialogues between Russian and Norwegian students.
[48] Michelle White, Nina Gram Garmann, Ewa Haman et al. A North-South perspective on bilingualism and socioeconomic status.
[80] Virgínia Oliveira and Vanessa Neves. Circle time in an Early Childhood Center in Brazil.
[61] Nina Gram Garmann et al. Diversity among Polish-Norwegian preschool children.


B.    Sustainable solution, room Aud 2

Chair: Veronica Bergan                 Tech support: Anne Eriksen, e-mail:

 B. Sustainable solutions – Room Aud 2

[35] Veronica Bergan, Maritha Berger Nylund and Ida Lervik Midtbø. Leadership for engagement in foraging and gardening activities in kindergarten
[31] Ingrid Løkken and Janine Campell. Inside out: A scoping review of the literature on optimism and growth mindsets for life mastery in ECEC.
[50]  Randi Engtrø, Marianne Sigurdson Lyngvi, Ingirid Geirsdatter Heald Kjær and Eva Mila Lindhardt. Diversity and sustainability.
[23] Aihua Hu and Siv Ødemotland. Fostering Cultural Sustainability in Early Childhood Education through a Neighbourhood Project


C.     Explorative and multimodal methodology, room 1.221

Chair: Liv Torunn Grindheim        Tech support: Maria Dardanou, e-mail:

C. Explorative and multimodal methodology Room 1.221
[46] Åsta Birkeland and Liv Torunn Grindheim. Photo-Elicitation Interviews—A Possibility for Collaborative Provocation of Preconceptions
[98] Pablo Rubin. Perceptions and discourses on Chilean early education. Educators and parents in front of film material on the performance of children in kindergartens
[49] Geralyn Yu and Juana Reyes. Co-researching with young children: The up close and underneath.
[15] Maria Dardanou, Bente Karlsen and Miriam Wiik. Play and exploration in Children’s Museum.


D.     Covid-19, room 1.225

Chair: Hege Wergedahl                Tech support: Siri S. Madsen, e-mail:

D. Covid-19 – Room 1.225
[70] Hege Wergedahl and Eli Kristin Aadland. The lunch meal in Norwegian kindergartens during the covid-19 pandemic.
[1] Adrijana Visnjic-Jevtic , Ivana Golik Homolak and Matea Pintaric. Play under the disinfection: Limitations of the play due to Covid-19 restrictions.
[44] Siri Madsen, Helge Habbestad and Iris H. Borch. Online kindergarten practicum generated by the COVID-19 crisis.
[67] Rebeca Azambuja and Gabriela Mietto. Effects of COVID-19 pandemic context on playful activities on early childhood care and education: considerations of brazilian parents.


E.    STEM, room 1.229

Chair: Anne Suryani                       Tech support: Astrid Wara, e-mail:

E. STEM – Room 1.229
[81] Anne Suryani, Marilyn Fleer and Prabhat Rai. Measuring early childhood educators’ confidence and competence in teaching STEM concepts: Evidence from Australia.
[88] Guri Langholm and Asbjørn Magnar Hov. Attitudes and beliefs towards science teaching among Norwegian kindergarten teachers: – Science in kindergarten support language development and social competences.
[18] Liang Li and Leigh Disney. Mathematical Playworld: A motivating condition to support children’s meaningful mathematical learning.
[17] Leigh Disney and Liang Li. Using a Mathematical Playworld to support early childhood teachers’ pedagogical positioning to enhance mathematical learning.



Parallel session 2 (F-J), Monday at 14:00-15.30


F.     Art, technology and pedagogy, room 1.417

Chair: Trude Hoel            Tech support: Ole-Martin Kanck, e-mail:

F. Art, technology and pedagogy – Room 1.417
[79] Trude Hoel, Katarzyna Tunkiel and Monica Gundersen Mitchell. Which aspects of quality in picturebooks are emphasised by children?
[94] Cecilie Fodstad and Ingvild Alfheim. Diversity in picture books for toddlers.
[95] Elena Tkachenko, Anna Sara Hexeberg Romøren and Nina Gram Garmann. Linguistic Diversity in Mainstream Norwegian ECEC: Challenges and Opportunities
[29] Sri Indah Pujiastuti. Story reading and telling at kindergarten: Fairytales from Indonesia.


G.     Sámi Symposium, room Aud 2

Chair: Johanna Johansen Ijäs      Tech support: Bente Karlsen, e-mail:

G. Sámi symposium – Room Aud 2
[71] Ánte Mihkkal Gaup. Ovttasbargu sámi oahpaheaddjeoahpuin – oahpaheaddjestudeanttat čohkkemin dutkanmateriála sámegielat mánáid gielas máinnastanárbevieru bokte.
[72] Johanna Johansen Ijäs and Nils Oskal. Mánáid ehtalaš jurddašeapmi ja epistemalaš modalitehta mánáid gielas / Ethical reasoning and epistemic modality in child language.
[11] Viktor Johansson and Ylva Jannok Nutti. Decolonising early childhood pedagogies: Following along, being, and doing as a way for Sámi children and educators to engage philosophical courage.
[12] Sara Ellen J. Eira Heahtta. Čállingiela sátnesojahanmáhttu.

H.    Imagination, play and work, room 1.221

Chair: Kathrine Giæver                 Tech support: Torstein Unstad, e-mail:

H. Imagination, play and work – Room 1.221
[3] Katrine Giæver. Navigating discouses in diverse preschools.
[16] Katja Heraković and Adrijana Visnjic Jevtic. Play in Early Childhood curricula – Comparative Analyses
[87] Gloria Quinones, Liang Li, Krishna Kumar Shrestha and Shanti Upadhyaya. Games with rules: A culltural-historical exploration of Nepalese infant-toddler play
[59] Iskender Geril and Ali Kemal Tekin. An Investigation of Preschool Children’s Imagination and Creativity in Play Activities.


I.    Narrative, room 1.225

Chair: Carola Kleemann                Tech support: Maria Dardanou, e-mail:

I. Narrative – Room 1.225
[25] Carola Kleemann. Narrative inquiry as a way to find Sámi Pedagogy.
[4] Jaana Juutinen. Temporal and spatial belonging in the northern early childhood education
[5] Rikka Kess. Peer interview as a research method with early childhood teacher in the culturally diverse North
[33] Vera Caine and D. Jean Clandinin. Perplexities called forth by (Dis)ruptions:  A Narrative Inquiry into the Experiences of Refugee Families with Preschool Children.


J.       Changing and transforming practices, room 1.229

Chair: Anne Myrstad                     Tech support: Pernille Bartnæs, e-mail:

J. Changing and transforming practices – Room 1.229
[92]  Juana Reyes and Geralyn Yu. Speaking Back to Neoliberaliberlism: The radical pursuit of pedagogical documentation with linguistically minoritized young children .
[58] Juana Reyes and Geralyn Yu. Sustaining Practices: Past, present and future relational Pedagogies
[13] Anne Myrstad, Abigail Hackett and Pernille Bartnæs. Lines in the Snow: encountering mutual relations.
[40] Aihua Hu and Kjerstin Sjursen. A window of opportunities: Norwegian kindergarten teachers’ experiences of organizing outdoor play during COVID period.




Parallel session 3 (K-P), Tuesday at 11:00-12:00


K. Cultural diversity (all online, bring your headphones)

Chair and tech support: Laurent Gabriel Ndijuye, e-mail:

K. Cultural diversity – All online
[14] Laurent Gabriel Ndijuye. Early learning attainment: the mediating role of home environments and family socioeconomic status in Tanzania
[24] Michelle Angela Domingues. Criss-Crossing UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development with Creative Reuse Cultural Education, Preschool Community Activism and Mesoamerican Supernaturalism.
[82] Charla Rochella Santiago Saamong and Catherine Mamaid Capio. Early childhood teachers’ views and strategies in engaging young children in physical activity: evidence from the Philippines.


L. Self-organized symposium Monash University, room Aud 2

Chair: Marilyn Fleer                       Tech support: Maria Dardanou, e-mail:

L. Self-organized symposium Monash – Room Aud 2
[55] Marilyn Fleer, Prabhat Rai, Yuwen Ma, Yuejiu Wang, Xianyu Meng and Monique Parkes. Digital Educational Experiments: Theoretical Framing and Creating New Practices.
[56] Prabhat Rai, Marilyn Fleer, Suxiang Yu, Ha Dang and Sonya Nedovic. Educational experiments in the family settings: Digital artefacts and children’s social situation of development.


M. Multilingualism, room 1.217

Chair: Anna Aluf                             Tech support: Sidsel Boldermo, e-mail:

M. Multilingualism – Room 1.217
[26] Anja Pesch and Marit Sundelin. The significance of multilingual children’s voices in research.
[91] Geralyn Schroeder Yu and Juana Reyes. Drawn Together: The Graphic Languages, Translanguaging, and Metaphoric Language with Young Children in Multilingual Contexts
[93] Anna Aluf. Translanguaging as a theoretical lens for contextualizing the importance of the mother tongue for mental health. Experience from the staff in Norwegian kindergarten for Ukrainian children.


N.  Digital and technology, room 1.221

Chair: Siri S. Madsen                     Tech support: Torstein Unstad, e-mail:

N. Digital and technology – Room 1.221
[83] Gulsah Ozturk and Sarah Ohi. Exploring bilingual pre-school children’s home digital literacy practices in Australia.
[52] Marianne Undheim. Children`s participation in collaboratory tecchnology-mediated story creation  process
[99] Nils Christian Tveiterås, Siri Sollied Madsen, Torstein Unstad, Maria Dardanou and Helge Habbestad. A gap between subject curricula in kindergarten teacher education and formal requirement of digital competence as future kindergarten teachers.


O. Outdoor play and learning, room 1.225

Chair: Kari Grutle Nappen            Tech support: Pernille Bartnæs, e-mail:

O. Out door play and learning – Room 1.225
[60] Kari Grutle Nappen, Barbara Marie Sageidet, Maritha Berger Nylund, Liv Åse Solstad Hagland and Karin Olsen. Co-developing children’s social competences and environmental learning
[68] Bente Nordmo and Aud Torill Meland. Physical activity of 3-5-year-old boys and girls in the outdoor playground of the kindergarten, viewed from a gender perspective of the staff.
[45] Minyi Li, Åsta Birkeland and Tianxue Duan. Building education for sustainable futures in early childhood: Transformative learning captured within an intercultural training program for government stakeholders from rural China.


P. Self-organized symposium Sámos, room 1.229

Chair: Marikaisa Laiti                    Tech support: Anne Eriksen, e-mail:

P. Self organized symp Sámos – Room 1.229
[75]  Marikaisa Laiti and Ol-Johán Sikku. SáMOS – Sámi mánáid ođđa searvelatnjat- Sami children’s new learning arenas.



Parallel session 4 (Q-U), Tuesday 12:45-14.05


Q. Cultural historical methodology, room 1.229

Chair: Alicja Sadownik                   Tech support: Sidsel Boldermo, e-mail:

Q. Culture historical methododoly – Room 1.229
[63]  Alicja Sadownik. Superdiversity as a trajectory of diversity in Norwegian early childhood education and care: From a collection of differences to participation and becoming.
[19] Nooshin Karimi, Gloria Quinones and Liang Li. Children’s Sustainability Learning in Family contexts: A case study.
[37] Fatema Taj Johora, Marilyn Fleer and Marie Hammer. Special pedagogy for children with disabilities and their Inclusion in mainstream settings: a cultural-historical perspective.
[22] Gillian Oconnor. Understanding the Process of Science Concept Formation as Children Transition Across the Cultural Age Periods Infancy and Toddlerhood.



R. Indigenous issues, room Aud 2

Chair: Carola Kleemann                Tech support: Ole Martin Kanck, e-mail:

R. Indigenous issues – Room Aud 2
[51] Veronica Bergan and Anne Myrstad. Sami educators’ perspectives on outdoor life in kindergarten.
[73] Marikaisa Laiti. Implementation of “searvelatnja” in Sámi early childhood education.
[41] Monika Abels and Velena Ninkova.Children’s work and play in two sub-Saharan (post-)hunter-gatherer societies
[96] Tove Aagnes Utsi, Inger Wallem Krempig, and Carola Kleemann. Children’s experiences of Sámi reindeer husbandry


S. Explorative and multimodal methodology, workshop, room 1.217

Organizer: Rebecca Lewis            Tech support: Pernille Bartnæs, e-mail:

S. Explorative and multimodal methodology – Room 1.217
[100] Rebecca Lewis. Workshop: Conceptual PlayWorlds Educational Experiment in Practice


T. Exploring and multimodal methodology, room 1.217

Chair: Czarecah Oropilla               Tech support: Torstein Unstad, e-mail:

T. Exploring and cultural formation – Room 1.221
[76] Marcela Pardo, María José Opazo and Pablo Rupin. ECE schoolification in classrooms for 4- and 5- year-olds in Chile.
[7] Natalia Costa, Kaira Neder, Marisa von Dentz and Katia Amorim. Infants` socio-emotional experience and their transition to ECEC: on the lookout for group-oriented processes and constitution.
[2] Zacharias Andreadakis and Elin Eriksen Ødegaard. The Meanings of Exploration: Interim Findings from a Systematic Review
[36] Czarecah Oropilla. Learnings and reflections from intergenerational engagements between young children and older adults in the Philippines during the pandemic lockdown in 2020.


U. Art and pedagogy, room 1.225

Chair: Anne Eriksen                       Tech support: Bente Karlsen, e-mail:

U. Art, technology and pedagogy – Room 1.225
[28] Anne Eriksen. Staff acting and improvising in kindergarten.
[38] Aihua Hu and Maria Grindheim. What are children singing in kindergartens?: A cross-culture study.
[42] Marjolein Deunk, Hanke Korpershoek, Mariëtte Hingstman and Annegien Langeloo. Seeing exclusion: Applying Visual Thinking Strategies to promote pre-service teachers’ (self-)reflection on diversity and inclusion and their emotional engagement.
[84] Trine Hild Blixrud. Movement-improvisations with toddlers.