Richard Bowd

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Dr Richard Bowd is conflict transformation and peacebuilding specialist with over 10 years programming, analysis and research experience in the areas of conflict, peace and security. He holds an array of skills illustrative of his ability to deliver high level, practical solutions in conflict and post-conflict contexts including: design and management of a broad range of security and peacebuilding programming; policy development and advice; advocacy strategy development; training for civil society, governments and international community on peacebuilding issues; monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of policy and programming on peace and security; and qualitative research methodology design and execution. He is experienced in engaging with a wide-range of stakeholders from the grassroots level up to national government, Donors and UN officials, and has widespread regional knowledge/experience on the Balkans, the Great Lakes and East Africa, Asia Pacific, South Asia and the Middle East. A proven strategic planner, problem solver, connector and staff manager, Dr Bowd has the ability to strategically realign programmes and to motivate and develop teams.