May 2018. Joint Proxies workshop at the Institute for Archaeology, History, Religious Studies and Theology, UiT – The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø. Assessing results from first batch of isotope and element analyses from zooarchaeological material from the Younger Stone Age and Early Metal Age (c. 5000 – 0 BC) in varanger, northeastern Norway.
June 2018. Continued excavations of the Younger Stone Age site, Skjåvika, on the northcoast of the Varanger peninsula, northern Norway. Huge quantities of bones from fish and marine mammals, a stone-lined hearth and possible dwelling remains.

Photo: H.P. Blankholm 2018
INQUA, Dublin 2019. Eva Panagiotakopulu and H.P. Blankholm organize the session Quaternary polar environmental history: Joint proxies and views from both poles.