Jennifer has been working with San communities in Botswana and Namibia since 1998, both as a researcher and as a consultant for the development and evaluation of community-based education and development initiatives and human rights programmes. Her PhD thesis in Anthropology (State University of New York, Albany, 2007) focuses on the problems surrounding the transition of Nyae Nyae Ju|’hoansi children and youth to the formal education system. Her recent publications and areas of research explore issues related to indigenous rights and education, indigenous knowledge, and rights to land and economic livelihood. From 2007 – 2010 she was a research fellow in comparative indigenous studies in the Department of Archaeology and Social Anthropology at the University of Tromsø. Jennifer is currently based in Paris, where she is a member of the European Research Council project Scales of governance, the UN, the States and Indigenous Peoples: Self-determination in the time of globalization, (SOGIP) at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes des Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris.
Jennifer Hays is a member of the KURF Working Group Indigeneity in sub-Saharan Africa
Den/ui Village School, Nyae Nyae, Namibia. Photo: Jennifer Hays