14. Andreassen, H. N. & Berez-Kroeker, A. (2019). Data citation in linguistics publictions. A scholar-led, community-based initiative. Paper presented at the 14th Munin Conference on Scholarly Publishing, November 27-28, Tromsø, Norway. Slides not yet available.
13. Andreassen, H. N., Berez-Kroeker, A., Collister, L. B., Conzett, P., Cox, C., De Smedt, K., Gawne, L., & McDonnell, B. (2019). Writing data citation guidelines for linguistics: Lessons learned. Poster presented at the RDA 14th Plenary Meeting, October 23-25, Helsinki, Finland. (poster)
12. Andreassen, H. N. (2019). La citation de données de recherche dans des publications en linguistique: L’histoire d’une initiative prise par la communauté scientifique. Séminaire “Journée évaluation des corpus : où en est-on, où allons-nous ?” organised by CORLI (Corpus, Langues, Interactions), October 3, Paris, France. (slides)
11. Andreassen, H. N., Collister, L. B., Conzett, P., De Smedt, K., McDonnell, B., Berez-Kroeker, A., & Cox, C. (2019). Citation of research data for linguistic publications. Working meeting organised at the RDA 13th Plenary Meeting, April 2-4, Philadelphia, USA. (slides)
10. Gawne, L. (2018). Where does this sentence come from? Citing linguistic data. Linguistics in the pub, October 16, Melbourne, Australia. (web add)
9. Gawne, L., Krajcik, C., Andreassen, H. N., Berez-Kroeker, A., & Kelly. B. F. (2018). Data transparency and citation in Gesture. Poster presented at the 8th International Society for Gesture Studies (ISGS) International Conference, July 4-8, Cape Town, South Africa. Poster not yet available.
8. Gawne, L., Berez-Kroeker, A., & Andreassen, H. N. (2018). Data Citation in Linguistics: Looking forward to new standards. Paper presented at the 20th International Congress of Linguists, July 2-6, Cape Town, South Africa. Paper not yet available.
7. Andreassen, H. N., Berez-Kroeker, A., & Gawne, L. (2018). The Austin Principles of Data Citation in Linguistics. Poster presented at the RDA 11th Plenary Meeting, March 21-23, Berlin, Germany. (poster)
6. Andreassen, H. N., Conzett, P., De Smedt, K., Berez-Kroeker, A., & Gawne, L. (2018). Data citation and metadata standards in linguistics. Working meeting organised at the RDA 11th Plenary Meeting, March 21-23, Berlin, Germany. (slides)
5. Andreassen, H. N. (2018). The Austin Principles of Data Citation in Linguistics. Unannounced paper presented at Fonologi i Norden (FiNo)/Phonology in the Nordic Countries, February 8-9, Lund, Sweden. (slides)
4. Berez-Kroeker, A., Collister, L., Koller, E., Kung, S., & McDonnell, B. (2018). Data Management Plans for Linguistic Research. Workshop presented at the Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, January 4, Salt Lake City, USA. (slides)
3. Gawne, L., Berez-Kroeker, A., Andreassen, H. N., & Okura, E. (2017). Data citation in linguistic typology: Working towards a data citation standard in linguistics. Paper presented at the 12th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT), December 12-14, Canberra, Australia. Poster not yet available.
2. Andreassen, H. N., Berez-Kroeker, A., & Gawne, L. (2017). Research Data Alliance et les données linguistiques. Paper presented at the Journées FLOraL-PFC: dialectologie et phonologie de corpus, November 23-25, Paris, France. (pdf)
1. Gawne, L., Berez-Kroeker, A., & Andreassen, H. N. (2017). Data citation and attribution in Linguistics: Toward a common standard. Working meeting at the Research Data Alliance (RDA) 10th Plenary Meeting, September 19-21, Montréal, Canada. (pdf)