LLL Online in Aalborg

LLL Online sessions at The 29th Congress of Nordic Historians:

Lars Levi Læstadius – en reformator i den nordlige ødemarken

Lis Mari Hjortfors, Roald E. Kristiansen, Hannu Mustakallio, Kosti Joensuu and Rolf Inge Larsen (Photo: Siv Rasmussen).

Associate professor Rolf Inge Larsen, Tromsø:

Læstadius og «de hundre talenters forbandelse» (read pdf )

PhD/Researcher Kosti Joensuu, Rovaniemi:

Vitalist psychology and philosophy of religion in Laestadius’ thought

Summary: There is a strong emphasis on the significance of pre-reflective and pre-cognitive life of human being in Lars Levi Laestadius’ (1800-1861) philosophical theology. This experiential-existential emphasis is theoretically based on physiological medicine of enlightenment and its theological roots are in pietistic religiosity and Luther’s anti-philosophy. In this context I will question the nature of Laestadius’ critique of metaphysics and rationalism and the way how it paves a way for the later despise of intellectual rationalizations of living faith within northern pietism.

Professor Hannu Mustakallio, Joensuu:

Reformerna i den finska stiftsförvaltningen och hotet från laestadianismen i nordkalotten under senare hälften av 1800-talet (read pdf)

PhD Student/Researcher Lis-Mari Hjortfors, Umeå:

Laestadianismens betydelse för samernas liv, religiositet och identitet  i lulesamiskt område

Summary: Lars Levi Laestadius som grundade rörelsen var same och höll predikningar på samiska. Församlingen återfinns i både Sverige och Norge och har medlemmar även i Finland och USA. När koloniseringen och kristnandet av samerna inleddes var det många lulesamer som hittade en plats i laestadianismen för att bevara sin kulturella och språkliga identitet.

Associate professor Roald E. Kristiansen, Tromsø:

The Sacred Geography of Firstborn Laestadianism

Summary: Within a couple of decades after its beginning in 1845, the Laestadian movement had established numerous congregations not only in northern Sweden, Finland and Norway, be also in North America. Internal tensions, however, caused a split in which the movement at the end of the 19th century, resulting in an Eastern and a Western branch. The identity of the Western branch was based on a view of the congregations, which emphasized the need for submitting to the religious authority of the Lappland leadership. The concept of “Lappland” thus took on a religious significance, which became the hallmark of the Western Laestadian group, also known as the Firstborns.


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One Response to LLL Online in Aalborg

  1. Hello from a descendant of Lars Levi. He was not a genuine laplander, but had some laplandish drops in his blood, due to some of his early ancestors

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