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5th DNA Polymerase meeting

Participated in the 5th DNA Polymerase meeting in Leiden, The Netherlands, 23. – 26. September 2018. An exciting meeting about many aspects of DNA polymerases, e.g. structure, biochemistry, genetics, applications to molecular biology and medicine. http://www.dnapolymerases-leiden2018.com/

Prize for innovation based research

On 20. June 2018 we received the prize for excellent work on innovation based research from UiT – The Arctic University of Tromø. We are very proud of that. https://uit.no/nyheter/artikkel?p_document_id=581590&p_dim=88205  

MarSynth RRI-1 workshop

September 20, 2017, the first workshop planned for the Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) part of the MarSynth project took place in Tromsø.

Enzyme Engineering XXIV Conference

September 24-28, 2017, we attended the Enzyme Engineering XXIV Conference in Toulouse, France, and participated in the poster presentation.