Meeting in Göttingen

The MetaMine project had its second meeting in the beautiful town of Göttingen, Germany, 14. – 15.  February 2019.

We decided to have this meeting relatively early in order to be ahead in the preparations and planning regarding sampling of shipworms and metagenomic DNA purification & sequencing.

Ana-Maria Tanase, Luisa Borges and Seila Pandur on their way to the Georg-August University Göttingen, Institute of Microbiology and Genetics, Department of Genomic and Applied Microbiology.



We all presented our results and discussed the path ahead. So far no major setbacks in the project. Ana-Maria Tanase is here presenting the results from the panel deployment in the Romanian Black Sea.




Gustav Vaaje-Kolstad, Ana-Maria Tanase and Iulia Chiciudean.



The next day after the meeting, Birgit and Rolf was showing us the labs.

From left: Seila Pandur, Duarte Toubarro, Birgit Pfeiffer, Ana-Maria Tanase, Rolf Daniel, Luisa Borges and Iulia Chiciudean.



There was plenty of oppurtunity to exercise in the looong staircase.


After the interesting lab tour, the botanical garden on campus was really refreshing to walk through.

From left: Duarte Toubarro, Nelson Simões, Katrina Funkner, Iulia Chiciudean, Ana-Maria Tanase, Birgit Pfeiffer, Seila Pandur and Luisa Borges.

We had a successfull project meting in Göttingen.

Many thanks goes to Birgit, Katrina and Rolf for their great hospitality.

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MetaMine kick-off meeting

The MetaMine project had its kick-off meeting in Tromsø 25. – 27.  April 2018. All partners from four countries were represented. During these days, we went through the project plans and discussed details.

From the left: Gustav Vaaje-Kolstad, Seila Pandur, Ioana Mereuta, Luisa Borges, Rolf Daniel, Ana-Maria Tanase, Bjørn Altermark, Iulia Chiciudean and Nelson Simões.


We connected well during the meeting and all are positive about the project. The chemistry between us is good, and so was the cake!




Lab-tour. Luisa is checking out some ethanol preserved Psiloteredo megotara. We will for sure meet more of this specie and its relatives the coming year.


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