CAGE International Conference on

Methane in a Changing Arctic

Tromsø – Norway | 14-16th September

Thank you for joining us in September 2022!












Arctic Bubbles Pint of Science

Join our scientists for an exciting evening full of Arctic Bubbles, where you can learn more about methane in a changing Arctic and how it impacts our climate! Presenters Guillaume Lamarche-Gagnon: “Are glaciers methane factories?” Marie Stetzler: "Methane bubbles in...

Abstract submission deadline extended!

We would like to let you know that the abstract submission deadline has been extended to the 4th July for the Methane in a Changing Arctic CAGE International Conference. We look forward to seeing you in September.

Student support available

We are able to support up to 5 presenting students (inc. PhD and ECR within 3 years of PhD completion) with a limited grant. The aim is to encourage new students and early career scientists to present at the conference and network with other more senior researchers....


We are pleased to announce that the registration and abstract submission forms are now open for the Methane in a Changing Arctic International Conference. This conference will be held in Tromsø, Norway between 14-16th September 2022. We hope that you will consider...


Between 14-16th September 2022, Centre for Arctic Gas Hydrate, Environment and Climate (CAGE) will host the ‘Methane in a Changing Arctic’ International Conference in Tromsø, Norway. WHAT’S THE CONFERENCE ABOUT? This conference aims to bring together scientists...


Abstract submission deadline:

Extended to 4th July

Registration deadline:

14th August 2022

Main conference dates (UiT Campus):

14-16th September 2022

Conference Icebreaker (Nordnorsk vitensenter):

13th September 2022

Arctic Bubbles Pint of Science event (Storgata Camping):

14th September 2022

Conference Dinner (Maskinverkstedet):

15th September 2022


Conference location:

UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Teorifagbygget Hus 1, Aud 2
Tromsø, Norway

Do you have any questions?

Contact us