Arctic Bubbles Pint of Science

14th September 2022 | Storgata Camping, Storgata 5

Doors open 18:30 | Event 19:00-21:30

Join our scientists for an exciting evening full of Arctic Bubbles, where you can learn more about methane in a changing Arctic and how it impacts our climate!



Guillaume Lamarche-Gagnon: “Are glaciers methane factories?”

“Glaciers and ice caps are melting at an increasing rate, adding their lost masses to our oceans and raising our seas. This is (I hope) a well known, if not sad human-driven reality of today. But is there more to the story; are glaciers only giant ice cubes, remnants of past ice ages, frozen in time until climate (or humans) say otherwise? Here, I hope to convince you that glaciers are much more dynamic than some might think, and that what lies beneath the ice, doesn’t necessarily stay there. Whether glaciers are methane factories and important emitters of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere is still unclear. If you would like to find out more about this issue, or how we might go about to study and try to answer these questions, please join me this September 14, for a pint, of science (amongst other).”

Marie Stetzler: “Methane bubbles in the ocean – What’s all this fizz about?”

“Some parts of the ocean are like sparkling water: fizzy with streams of bubbles. These bubbles are emitted by the seabed and contain methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. What happens to the methane on its journey through the ocean’s water column and can it reach the atmosphere? This “bubble-ology” talk will give some insights.”

Vincent Carrier: “Cold seeps in the Arctic and its microbiology”

“Microbes have colonized all parts of the world, including the most harsh environments. Mysteries on survival of microbes at cold seeps remain, but we will talk during this presentation of their adaptation to these methane-rich ecosystems.”

Freya Sykes: “The Secret Life of Globigerina bulloides

“In a warming world, how do we go about investigating the impact that climate change is going to have on our high latitude oceans? In this talk we will enter the hidden world of Globigerina bulloides, a microscopic single-celled marine organism, prolific to temperate and sub-polar seas. By studying the life and growth of this seemingly tiny, insignificant creature, we are able to unlock a story of past ocean change stretching back over hundreds of thousands of years, and in doing so understand and predict the changes our oceans are facing today.”


Science stalls

After the presentations, join us for the science stalls set up by CAGE and AKMA project scientists and outreach educators with activities for all!

Stand 1: Methane in the geosphere
Stand 2: Methane in the hydrosphere
Stand 3: Past methane histories & methane in the cryosphere
Stand 4: AKMA Arctic methane booth: hands-on unconventional activities for everyone



Abstract submission deadline:

Extended to 4th July

Registration deadline:

14th August 2022

Main conference dates (UiT Campus):

14-16th September 2022

Conference Icebreaker (Nordnorsk vitensenter):

13th September 2022

Arctic Bubbles Pint of Science event (Storgata Camping):

14th September 2022

Conference Dinner (Maskinverkstedet):

15th September 2022


Conference location:

UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Teorifagbygget Hus 1, Aud 2
Tromsø, Norway

Do you have any questions?

Contact us