Registration (open)

The registration fee is:

3200 NOK for full participants and PhD students

2000 NOK for master students (big discount thanks to generous support from the Norwegian Biochemical Society!)

3800 NOK for late registrations (after 12.02.2018)

Please register below, an invoice will be sent to the e-mail you provide, and your registration will be confirmed upon received payment.

There is a limited number of rooms reserved for the conference until 13.02.2018, please make sure to register as soon as possible. We would also like to encourage sharing rooms when possible as there is a limited number of rooms in the hotel and there are no other hotels on Sommarøy. All rooms not reserved by MR2018 have already been booked by other guests.

NOTE: The hotel has managed to free up more rooms so there should not run out of rooms. At most someone might have to share suite with separate bedrooms, or a sea cabin with separate bedrooms.