A complete overview of our keynote speakers since the 1st Munin Conference on Scholarly Publishing in 2006.
Keynote | Institution | Presentation title and link to materials | Year | |
Whitaker, Kirstie | The Alan Turing Institute | UK | Safe, ethical, and open research in the age of artificial intelligence | 2023 |
Flores Bueso, Yensi | University of Washington and University College Cork | USA and Ireland | Transforming Research Assessment for an Equitable Scientific Culture | 2023 |
Dole, Hervé | Université Paris-Saclay | France | Science and society actions by our universities: From kindergarten to the President of the French Republic | 2023 |
Stojanovski, Jadranka | University of Zadar, Ruđer Bošković Institute | Croatia | Open Science Infrastructure as a key component of Open Science | 2022 |
Mounier, Pierre | École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) | France | Connecting the building blocks of Open Science: an ecological approach | 2022 |
Tate, Dominic | University of Edinburgh | UK | Open Science Policies at the University of Edinburgh | 2022 |
Johansen, Finn-Eirik | University of Oslo | Norway | NOR-CAM – A framework for assessment of academic careers in the Open Science Era | 2021 |
Rooryck, Johan | cOAlition S and Leiden University | Netherlands | Trends in institutional Open Access publishing in Europe | 2021 |
Pattinson, Damian | eLife | UK | Unleashing the potential of preprints | 2021 |
Adema, Janneke | Coventry University | UK | Exploring Experimental Publishing | 2021 |
Rosen, Stephanie | University of Michigan Library | USA | Innovations in Accessible Scholarly Communication | 2021 |
Pölönen, Janne | Federation of Finnish Learned Societies | Finland | Recommendation and implementation of good practice in researcher evaluation in Finland | 2021 |
Huijpen, Kim | Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU) | Netherlands | Making Room for Everyone’s Talent | 2021 |
Ruud, Kenneth | UiT The Arctic University of Norway | Norway | DORA in practice | 2021 |
Røttingen, John-Arne | Research Council of Norway | Norway | Two years with cOAlition S: Recent experiences and future challenges for Open Access to publications | 2020 |
Agate, Nicky | University of Pennsylvania | USA | From Evaluated Outputs to Values-Embedded Practices: The Power of Focusing on Process in Scholarly Communication | 2020 |
Harrower, Natalie | Digital Repository of Ireland | Ireland | Why should we care about FAIR? | 2020 |
Quintana, Dan Heathers, James | University of Oslo | Norway | Transparent evaluation of scholarly communications | 2020 |
Fyfe, Aileen | University of St Andrews | UK | Mission or money? Trends in scholarly publishing since c.1850 | 2019 |
Jensenius, Alexander Refsum | University of Oslo | Norway | Experimenting with Open Research Experiments | 2019 |
Becerril-Garcia, Arianna | University of the State of Mexico | Mexico | The value of the scholarly-led, non-profit business model to achieve Open Access and scholarly publishing beyond APC: the AmeliCA's cooperative approach | 2019 |
Terry, Robert | World Health Organization's Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR) | Switzerland | Research is born free and everywhere is in chains: How the evolution of open access can contribute to developing a more democratic approach for science | 2019 |
Logan, Corina | Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology | Germany | I won't be #BulliedIntoBadScience | 2018 |
Tennant, Jon | Open Science MOOC | UK | Who should own public science? Preprints, power, and publishers | 2018 |
Peters, Paul | Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association | UK | Ensuring a Healthy and Competitive Market for Open Access Publishing | 2018 |
Tsoukala, Victoria | European Commission | Belgium | Open Science, Excellent Science! EC policies and initiatives in support of open science | 2018 |
De Rijcke, Sarah | Leiden University | Netherlands | Towards best practices for authorship and research evaluation: Effects of performance metrics and the Leiden Manifesto | 2017 |
Eve, Martin Paul | Birkbeck, University of London | UK | A Matter of Distribution: APC Logic against Consortial Funding Mechanisms | 2017 |
Gowers, Timothy | University of Cambridge | UK | Perverse incentives: how the reward structures of academia impede scholarly communication and good science. | 2017 |
Curry, Stephen | Imperial College London | UK | Zen and the Art of Academic Maintenance | 2016 |
Kingsley, Danny | Cambridge University | UK | Reward, reproducibility and recognition in research: The case for going Open | 2016 |
McCabe, Mark J. | Boston University's Questrom School of Management, SKEMA Business School in Sophia Antipolis | USA | How Open Access Affects Competition in Scholarly Publishing Markets: A Tale of Good Intentions, Big Deals and Uncertain Outcomes | 2016 |
Hossenfelder, Sabine | Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics | Sweden | Peer review and its discontents | 2015 |
Schekman, Randy | University of California, Berkeley, Howard Hughes Medical Institute | USA | Publishing the most important work in the life sciences | 2015 |
Shieber, Stuart M. | School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University | USA | The role of the HE institutions in scholarly publishing and communication | 2015 |
Suber, Peter | Harvard University | USA | What is OA and where is it going - in a conversation on video link with Caroline Sutton | 2015 |
Boulton, Geoffrey | University of Edinburgh/Royal Society UK | UK | Open Data and the Future of Science | 2014 |
Brembs, Björn | Universität Regensburg | Germany | When decade-old functionality would be progress - the desolate state of our scholarly infrastructure | 2014 |
Neylon, Cameron | PLOS - Public Library of Science | USA | Managing the Transition to an Open Scholarly Literature | 2014 |
Dechamp, Jean-François | European Commision | Belgium | The European Commission and Open Access | 2013 |
Ferwerda, Eelco | OAPEN Foundation | Netherlands | Open Access in Humanities and Social Sciences | 2013 |
Prosser, David C. | Research Libraries UK | UK | What's 'Open' about Open Access? The Vital Role of Copyright and Licenses | 2013 |
Pattinson, Damian | Public Library of Science | UK | Megajournals and what they mean for the future of scientific publishing | 2012 |
Willinsky, John | Stanford University | USA | The Future of Scholarly Publishing is the Future of Scholarship | 2012 |
Neylon, Cameron | Science and Technology Facilities Council UK | UK | I need to publish more and read less! How new platforms will enable you to publish more effectively while reducing information overload | 2011 |
Rasmussen, Martin | Copernicus Publications | Germany | Ensuring Availability and Quality of Research Data through Open Access and Public Peer-Review | 2011 |
Houghton, John | Victoria University's Centre for Strategic Economic Studies (CSES) | Australia | Economic impacts of open access in Europe and the United States | 2010 |
Mele, Salvatore | CERN | Switzerland | Open Access Publishing in 2010: what publishers offer, what researchers want - First results of the SOAP project | 2010 |
Heber, Joerg | Nature Publishing Group | USA | Peer review at Nature | 2009 |
Hurum, Jørn | Naturhistorisk museum, Universitetet i Oslo | Norway | Why did we select open access for the publication of IDA? - and did it matter? | 2009 |
Gasser, Urs | University of St Gallen / Harvard Law School | USA | Comparing Open Access Policies of Selected Universities: Towards a Best Practice Model? | 2008 |
Grimson, Jane | Trinity College Dublin | Ireland | Scientific publication: following up on the recommendations of the European Research Advisory Board | 2008 |
Hallén, Arvid | The Research Council of Norway | Norway | Tilgjengeliggjøring av offentlig finansiert forskning | 2007 |
Vigen, Jens | CERN | Switzerland | Ja takk, begge deler. Om å publisere som før, men nå i fritt leide. | 2007 |
Boye, Erik | Rikshospitalet-Radiumhospitalet, Universitetet i Oslo | Norway | Tellekanter, publiseringsmarkedet og konsekvenser for forskerne | 2006 |
Lundberg, Jonas | Medical Management Centre, Karolinska Institutet | Sweden | Bibliometrics as a research assessment tool - impact beyond the impact factor | 2006 |