A complete overview of our keynote speakers since the 1st Munin Conference on Scholarly Publishing in 2006.

KeynoteInstitutionPresentation title and link to materialsYear
Whitaker, KirstieThe Alan Turing InstituteUKSafe, ethical, and open research in the age of artificial intelligence2023
Flores Bueso, YensiUniversity of Washington and University College CorkUSA and IrelandTransforming Research Assessment for an Equitable Scientific Culture2023
Dole, HervéUniversité Paris-SaclayFranceScience and society actions by our universities: From kindergarten to the President of the French Republic2023
Stojanovski, JadrankaUniversity of Zadar, Ruđer Bošković InstituteCroatiaOpen Science Infrastructure as a key component of Open Science2022
Mounier, PierreÉcole des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS)FranceConnecting the building blocks of Open Science: an ecological approach2022
Tate, DominicUniversity of EdinburghUKOpen Science Policies at the University of Edinburgh2022
Johansen, Finn-EirikUniversity of OsloNorwayNOR-CAM – A framework for assessment of academic careers in the Open Science Era2021
Rooryck, JohancOAlition S and Leiden UniversityNetherlandsTrends in institutional Open Access publishing in Europe2021
Pattinson, DamianeLifeUKUnleashing the potential of preprints2021
Adema, JannekeCoventry UniversityUKExploring Experimental Publishing2021
Rosen, StephanieUniversity of Michigan LibraryUSAInnovations in Accessible Scholarly Communication2021
Pölönen, JanneFederation of Finnish Learned SocietiesFinlandRecommendation and implementation of good practice in researcher evaluation in Finland2021
Huijpen, KimAssociation of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU)NetherlandsMaking Room for Everyone’s Talent2021
Ruud, KennethUiT The Arctic University of NorwayNorwayDORA in practice2021
Røttingen, John-ArneResearch Council of NorwayNorwayTwo years with cOAlition S: Recent experiences and future challenges for Open Access to publications2020
Agate, NickyUniversity of PennsylvaniaUSAFrom Evaluated Outputs to Values-Embedded Practices: The Power of Focusing on Process in Scholarly Communication2020
Harrower, NatalieDigital Repository of IrelandIrelandWhy should we care about FAIR?2020
Quintana, Dan
Heathers, James
University of OsloNorwayTransparent evaluation of scholarly communications2020
Fyfe, Aileen University of St AndrewsUKMission or money? Trends in scholarly publishing since c.18502019
Jensenius, Alexander Refsum University of OsloNorwayExperimenting with Open Research Experiments
Becerril-Garcia, Arianna University of the State of MexicoMexicoThe value of the scholarly-led, non-profit business model to achieve Open Access and scholarly publishing beyond APC: the AmeliCA's cooperative approach2019
Terry, Robert World Health Organization's Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR)SwitzerlandResearch is born free and everywhere is in chains: How the evolution of open access can contribute to developing a more democratic approach for science2019
Logan, CorinaMax Planck Institute for Evolutionary AnthropologyGermanyI won't be #BulliedIntoBadScience2018
Tennant, Jon Open Science MOOCUKWho should own public science? Preprints, power, and publishers
Peters, Paul Open Access Scholarly Publishers AssociationUKEnsuring a Healthy and Competitive Market for Open Access Publishing2018
Tsoukala, Victoria European CommissionBelgiumOpen Science, Excellent Science! EC policies and initiatives in support of open science2018
De Rijcke, SarahLeiden UniversityNetherlandsTowards best practices for authorship and research evaluation: Effects of performance metrics and the Leiden Manifesto2017
Eve, Martin PaulBirkbeck, University of LondonUKA Matter of Distribution: APC Logic against Consortial Funding Mechanisms2017
Gowers, TimothyUniversity of CambridgeUKPerverse incentives: how the reward structures of academia impede scholarly communication and good science.2017
Curry, StephenImperial College LondonUKZen and the Art of Academic Maintenance2016
Kingsley, DannyCambridge UniversityUKReward, reproducibility and recognition in research: The case for going Open2016
McCabe, Mark J.Boston University's Questrom School of Management, SKEMA Business School in Sophia AntipolisUSAHow Open Access Affects Competition in Scholarly Publishing Markets: A Tale of Good Intentions, Big Deals and Uncertain Outcomes2016
Hossenfelder, SabineNordic Institute for Theoretical PhysicsSwedenPeer review and its discontents2015
Schekman, RandyUniversity of California, Berkeley, Howard Hughes Medical InstituteUSAPublishing the most important work in the life sciences2015
Shieber, Stuart M.School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard UniversityUSAThe role of the HE institutions in scholarly publishing and communication2015
Suber, PeterHarvard UniversityUSAWhat is OA and where is it going - in a conversation on video link with Caroline Sutton2015
Boulton, GeoffreyUniversity of Edinburgh/Royal Society UKUKOpen Data and the Future of Science2014
Brembs, BjörnUniversität RegensburgGermanyWhen decade-old functionality would be progress - the desolate state of our scholarly infrastructure2014
Neylon, CameronPLOS - Public Library of ScienceUSAManaging the Transition to an Open Scholarly Literature2014
Dechamp, Jean-FrançoisEuropean CommisionBelgiumThe European Commission and Open Access2013
Ferwerda, EelcoOAPEN FoundationNetherlandsOpen Access in Humanities and Social Sciences2013
Prosser, David C.Research Libraries UKUKWhat's 'Open' about Open Access? The Vital Role of Copyright and Licenses2013
Pattinson, DamianPublic Library of ScienceUKMegajournals and what they mean for the future of scientific publishing2012
Willinsky, JohnStanford UniversityUSAThe Future of Scholarly Publishing is the Future of Scholarship2012
Neylon, CameronScience and Technology Facilities Council UKUKI need to publish more and read less! How new platforms will enable you to publish more effectively while reducing information overload2011
Rasmussen, MartinCopernicus PublicationsGermanyEnsuring Availability and Quality of Research Data through Open Access and Public Peer-Review2011
Houghton, JohnVictoria University's Centre for Strategic Economic Studies (CSES)AustraliaEconomic impacts of open access in Europe and the United States2010
Mele, SalvatoreCERNSwitzerlandOpen Access Publishing in 2010: what publishers offer, what researchers want - First results of the SOAP project2010
Heber, JoergNature Publishing GroupUSAPeer review at Nature2009
Hurum, JørnNaturhistorisk museum, Universitetet i OsloNorwayWhy did we select open access for the publication of IDA? - and did it matter?2009
Gasser, UrsUniversity of St Gallen / Harvard Law SchoolUSAComparing Open Access Policies of Selected Universities: Towards a Best Practice Model?2008
Grimson, JaneTrinity College DublinIrelandScientific publication: following up on the recommendations of the European Research Advisory Board2008
Hallén, ArvidThe Research Council of NorwayNorwayTilgjengeliggjøring av offentlig  finansiert forskning2007
Vigen, JensCERNSwitzerlandJa takk, begge deler. Om å publisere som før, men nå i fritt leide.2007
Boye, ErikRikshospitalet-Radiumhospitalet, Universitetet i OsloNorwayTellekanter, publiseringsmarkedet og konsekvenser for forskerne2006
Lundberg, JonasMedical Management Centre, Karolinska InstitutetSwedenBibliometrics as a research assessment tool - impact beyond the impact factor2006