Sunil Bhatt awarded a travel grant for NEO Meeting

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Congratulations to Sunil Bhatt, who was granted travel fees for participating in the prestigious Norwegian Electro Optics (NEO) Meeting 2022 to present his paper ‘Motion trace analysis based on Label-free imaging and MUSICAL’. The NEO Meeting took place in September … Continued

One of our researchers featuring on DLN newsletter

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One researcher in our group, Dr. Ida Sundvor Opstad has recently featured in the newsletter of The Centre for Digital Life Norway (DLN), a Norwegian centre for biotechnology research, education and innovation. For more details, please visit the link below: … Continued

Prof. Ahluwalia receives a 2nd ERC-PoC grant

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Congratulations to our PI, assoc. prof. Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia, on his second Proof of Concept (PoC) grant from the European Research Council (ERC). The project titled “Chip-based nanoscopy: an affordable, multi-modal and high-throughput super-resolution imaging platform” in short, “ChipNano”, has … Continued