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Graphical depiction of the funding timeline

Approximate Cumulative Funding (€): 20,450,000

Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia12,090,0002011-2027
Krishna Agarwal9,200,0002017-2025
Florian Ströhl1,220,0002019-2025
Azeem Ahmad800,0002024-2027
Oliver Vanderpoorten210,0002023-2025
Project TitleFunding SourceApproximate Amount (€)StartEndRoles
5D quantitative microscopy for real-time monitoring of Engineered Heart TissueResearch Council of Norway FRIMEDBIO800,00020242027PI: Azeem Ahmad
Instant Volume MicroscopyResearch Council of Norway KOMMERSFORSK50,000


(FS 10,000)

20232024Co-PI: Florian Ströhl
SpermotileERC POC150,00020232025PI: Krishna Agarwal
OH-AMR-Diag: Novel technological solutions for rapid detection and screening of AMR from a One-Health perspectiveResearch Council of Norway KSP1,600,000


(BSA 300,000)

20232026WP Leader: Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia
Exo-Chip: Nanofluidics for label-free detection of exosomes and protein aggregates in neurodegenerative disease researchHorizon 2021 MSCA-IF210,00020232025Researcher: Oliver Vanderpoorten
Hosts: Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia and Florian Ströhl
MUSICAL toward innovationDigital Life Norway Innovation Pilot100,00020222023PI: Krishna Agarwal
NASAR: Nanoscopy assisted selective autophagy researchUiT Thematic Funding2,500,000


(BSA 1,000,000)

20222027Co-PI: Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia
NanoVision: Photonic chip based high-throughput, multi-modal and scalable optical nanoscopy platform
EU EIC Transition2,500,00020222025PI: Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia
Development of Real Volumetric Microscopy through Single Objective Light-Sheet Imaging System (SOLIS)FRIPRO Young Research Talent800,00020212021PI: Florian Ströhl
Organ VisionFET Open RIA3,700,00020212025PI: Krishna Agarwal
Next Generation Optical Nanoscopy Platforms for Biological System -Symbiosis of Advanced Training, Research and InnovationNorwegian Research Council (RCN) INTPART450,00020212024PI: Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia
WP Leader: Krishna Agarwal
Artificial intelligence solutions to virtually stain label-free cell and tissue images for studying cardiovascular diseases of fish and mammalsUiT Thematic Funding3,000,000


(KA 500,000)

20212024Co-PI: Krishna Agarwal
NANOFISH Nano- and microplastics: Do they impact fish health and welfare?Nano2021, RCN1,000,000


(BSA 100,000)

20202024WP Leader: Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia
Chip-based nanoscopy: an affordable, multi-modal and high-throughput super-resolution imaging platformERC POC150,00020202022PI: Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia
Label-free 3D morphological nanoscopy for studying sub-cellular dynamics in live cancer cells with high spatio-temporal resolutionHorizon 2020 ERC Starting Grant1,500,00020192024PI: Krishna Agarwal
Integrated optical nanoscopy for pathology and the clinicNorwegian Research Council (RCN) Nano 20211,000,00020192023PI: Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia
WP Leader: Krishna Agarwal
Label-free nanoscopy of living cells through nanoscale refractive index profilerFRIPRO Young Research Talent800,00020192023PI: Krishna Agarwal
Development of Deep-UV Quantitative Microscopy for the Study of Mitochondrial DysfunctionHorizon 2020 MSCA-IF200,00020192021Researcher: Florian Ströhl
Host: Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia
Super-resolution optical microscopy of nanosized pore dynamics in endothelial cellsHorizon 2020 MSCA-ITN3,800,000


(BSA 300,000)

20182022WP Leader:
Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia
Advanced imaging of cardiac mitochondrial quality controlHelse-Nord350,000


(BSA 70,000)

20192021WP Leader:
Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia
High‐throughput and high-resolution pathology using chip-based nanoscopyNorwegian Research Council (RCN) BioTek800,00020192021PI: Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia
WP Leader: Krishna Agarwal
Centre for Advanced Nanoscopy to Decode Sub-cellular biologicalUiT Strategic Funding1,300,00020162020PI: Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia
Affordable photonic-chip based optical nanoscopyHorizon 2020  ERC Proof of Concept150,00020182019PI: Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia
Chip-based MUSICAL nanoscopy for imaging endocytosis pathways of phage viruses in LSECHorizon 2020 MSCA-IF200,00020172019Researcher: Krishna Agarwal  Host: Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia
High-speed chip-based nanoscopy to discover real-time sub-cellular dynamicsHorizon 2020 ERC Starting Grant1,500,00020142019PI: Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia
Indo-Norway research programme on optics and photonics for bio-medical imaging and environment monitoring.Indo-Norway grant (INCP, SIU funding)120,00020152018PI: Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia
dSTORM on chip, the first entry level nanoscopy solutionNorwegian Research Council (RCN) FORNY700,00020162017Chief Technical Officer:
Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia
University top-up grant to support ERC starting grantUiT Infrastructure1,000,00020142017PI: Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia
High-speed optical super-resolution nanoscopy for live-cell imagingIS-DAAD Mobility10,00020152016PI: Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia
Integrated platform for optical-squeezing of RBC: A marker for structural deformation for stored blood lesionLeiv Eiriksson30,00020112012PI: Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia