Next Generation Optical Nanoscopy Platforms for Biological System – Symbiosis of Advanced Training, Research and Innovation

The primary focus of the project is to promote interaction among education, research, and innovation for promoting science in nanoscopy and bio-imaging. The project will setup an international network of cooperation in nanoscopy, with mainly focus on education and innovation, with partners of academic and research excellence. It creates a unique network that brings international excellence environments in academia, innovation, and research to the local and national scene. Moreover, it will create expert work force on nanoscopy in order to keep global leadership enhance bioimaging growth in Norway. In addition, a virtual center of nanoscopy will be created that enables international education in cutting edge multi-disciplinary research in nanoscopy and exposure of students to leading academic and innovation environments across the world. It will also provide cross-disciplinary education and training of students on next-generation nanoscopy methodologies to propel research and innovation further. The long-term goal of the project is to develop mechanisms to support sustainable international cooperation towards the integrative approach and promote student exchange for exposure to unique and rich academic and innovation experiences.

In this project we will develop two specific courses, ‘Label-free Microscopy/Nanoscopy’ and ‘Innovation in Photonics & Nanoscopy’. This will help in training of graduate and post graduate students in the natural sciences. Further, the education gap between technologists and biologists hinders the translation and powerful use of nanoscopy for bio-imaging. The project fills this gap by conducting summer courses and workshops across its partners, where students will be given hands-on experience at state-of-the art research infrastructure at the partner sites. Each such training event will address one niche topic that fills an education gap between nanoscopy and its biological application, e.g. “Photo-toxicity in nanoscopy”, “Computational nanoscopy and AI”, “Build your own microscope”, “New labelling procedures”, “Label-free and Correlative nanoscopy”, “Understanding image quality and imaging artefacts” etc.

Further, a virtual centre will be created with an aim to train and co-supervise PhD and master students jointly across institutions. This will develop long-term commitment to a partnership with institutes of established academic excellence and exchange of students will facilitate the cross-pollination of good research practices and help incorporate new research expertise. Students will benefit from experience of different research settings and work environments, thereby develop a mature outlook towards research. This will help to develop and share knowledge of high international quality in science and technology based on research, innovation and education.

The project comprises of 6 partners in 4 nations and several stakeholders:

  1. Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD), New Delhi, India.
  2. Department of Mechanical Engineering and Biological Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge MA, United States of America.
  3. NORINNOVA, Tromsø, Norway.
  4. European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Heidelberg, Germany.
  5. Department of Physics and Technology, Department of the Computer Science, and Department of Medical Biolog at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway.
  6. Center for Advanced Imaging, Harvard University, Cambridge, United States of America.

Associated members/stakeholders of the project are:

  1. Norsk Elektro Optikk AS (NEO), Norway.
  2. Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Oslo University Hospital (UiO), Oslo, Norway.
  3. Department of the Clinical medicine, University Hospital of North Norway (UNN) Tromsø, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway.


For a listing of individual mobility travels and Publication see this table.

INTPART mobility:









Virtual mobility

Physical Mobility

Year -2021


Ayush Somani




Prof. Prasad and Prof. Agarwal

Virtual Staining

Jan 2021 to June 2021





Prof. Prasad, and Prof. Agarwal

AI of bio data

Jan 2021 to June 2021


Ayush Singh




Prof. Prasad

Transparent object segmentation

Jan 2021 to June 2021


Soham Chattopadhyay

Jadhavpur University,



Prof. Prasad

Temporal biosignal anaylsis

Jan 2021 to August 2021


Prakhar Kumar






Jan 2021 to June 2021


Shubham Kumar Gupta

IITG, India



and Dr. Azeem


May 2021 to October 2021


Himangshu Singh

IITG, India




April 2021 to June 2021


Sibasish Mishra

IITD, India



May 2021 to July 2021



Nirwan Banerjee




Prof. Prasad



April 2022 to August 2022


Sunil Bhatt

IITD, India


Prof. Agarwal and Dr. Butola


March 2022 to November 2022


Sathi Das

IITD, India


Prof. Ahluwalia, Dr. Ahmad and Dr.Dubey

June 2022 to December 2022


Anuj Saxena

IITD, India


Prof. Ahluwalia, Dr. Ahmad and Dr.Dubey


June 2022 to December 2022



Pramila Thapa

IITD, India


Prof. Ahluwalia, Dr. Ahmad and Dr.Dubey


May 2023 to July 2023


Sathi Das

IITD, India


Prof. Ahluwalia and

Dr. Tinguely



May 2023 to July 2023


Ritish Kamboj

IITD, India


Prof. Ahluwalia and Dr. Ahmad


May 2023 to November 2023



Matěj Špaček

Brno University of Technology,

Czech Republic



Prof. Ahluwalia



February to July 2024


Veronika Žáková

Brno University of Technology,

Czech Republic


Prof. Ahluwalia



February to July 2024


Prof. Joby Joseph

IITD, India






(March to April 2024)


Shubham Sharma

IITD, India


Prof. Ahluwalia



From September to November 2024


Veronika Žáková

Brno University of Technology,

Czech Republic


Prof. Ahluwalia



From September to November 2024


Matěj Špaček

Brno University of Technology,

Czech Republic


Prof. Ahluwalia



From September to November 2024


Shereena Joseph

IITD, India





In October


Shital Devinder

IITD, India


Prof. Ahluwalia



From October to November 2024

Location Key:

IIT (ISM): Indian Institute of Technology, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, India.

IITD: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India.

IITG: Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Assam, India.

JUK: Jadavpur University Kolkata, India.


Prof. Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia (BSA)

Prof. Krishna Agarwal (KA)

Prof. Dilip K. Prasad(DKP)

Dr. Anowarul Habib (AH)

Dr. Azeem Ahmad (AA)

Dr. Arif Ahmed Sekh (AAS)

Dr. Jean-ClaudeTinguely(JCT)

Dr. Vishesh Kumar Dubey(VKD)


Short Mobility (Workshops)



(Title and Year)


Participants and Affiliation

Physical mobility


Virtual mobility



Microscopy, Bioimaging and Artificial Intelligence’’


21-22 December 2021, India


1.     Balpreet S Ahluwalia, UiT(Nowray)

2.     Anowarul Habib UiT(Nowray)

3.     Azeem Ahmad UiT(Nowray)

4.     Nikhil Jayakumar UiT(Nowray)

5.     Ankit Butola UiT(Nowray)

6.     Ayush Somani UiT(Nowray)

7.     Dushan N. Wadduwage Harvard University (United States)






Convergence of microscopy, spectroscopy, nanotechnology and AI for bio-imaging INTPART Funded “Nano-SymBioSys” Project (Research council of Norway)



12-13 September 2022, Norway

1.     Anurag Sharma IITD,(India)

2.     Joby Joseph IITD,(India)

3.     Dalip Singh Mehta IITD,(India)

4.     Enakshi Sharma

5.     Kedar Khare IITD,(India)

6.     Satish Dubey IITD,(India)

7.     Dushan Wadduwage,Harvard University, (United States)

8.     Suyog IITD, (India)

9.     Anupriya IITD, (India)

10.  Manish IITD,(India)

11.  Mansi IITD,(India)

12.  Sunaina IITD,(India)

13.  Ramith Hettiarachchi Harvard University (United States)

14.  Raja Naeem Ahmad, Harvard University (United States)





Phase for Life: Quantitative Phase Microscopy for Life Sciences

INTPART Funded “Nano-SymBioSys” Project (Research council of Norway)


Hybrid Mini-Conference

12-13 august 2023,




1.     Yongkeun Park, KAIST (Korea, Republic of)

2.     Aydogan Ozcan, UCLA (United


3.     Stephen Boppart, UIUC (United States)

4.     Dalip Singh Mehta, IIT Delhi (India)

5.     Laura Waller, UC Berkeley (United States)

6.     Jerome Mertz, BU (United States)

7.     Maciej Trusiak, Warsaw Univ. of Tech. (Poland)

8.     Yang Liu, Univ. of Pittsburgh (United States)

9.     Adam Wax, Duke Univ. (United States)

10.  Björn Kemper, Univ. of Münster (Germany)

11.  Natan Shaked, TAU (Israel)

12.  Chamira Edussooriya, Univ. of Moratuwa (Sri Lanka)

13.  Kedar Khare, IIT Delhi (India)

14.  Balpreet Ahluwalia, UiT (Norway)

15.  Peter So, MIT (United States)

16.  Azeem Ahmad (UiT)

17.  Vishesh kumar Dubey (UiT)

18.  Alex Matlock (MIT)










Indo-Norway workshop “Optics4Life: Photonics tools for life sciences” Supported by the INTPART Project from Research Council of Norway

Workshop19-21 December 2023, India



1.     Prof. Balpreet S Ahluwalia, UiT(Nowray)

2.     Ms.Hege Widnes, UiT(Nowray)

3.     Dr. VisheshDubey, UiT(Nowray)

4.     Dr. AzeemAhmad, UiT(Nowray)

5.     Dr. Jean-ClaudeTinguley, UiT(Nowray)

6.     Dr. DeannaWolfson, UiT(Nowray)

7.     Dr. Murali Krishna, India

8.     Prof. Renu John, India

9.     Prof. Rakesh Singh, India

10.   Prof. Sivarama Krishnan, India

11.   Prof. Pramod Gopinath, India

12.   Prof. Prashant Mishra, India

13.   Dr. Anurag Srivastav, India

14.   Dr. DeepikaMishra, India

15.   Prof. SouravTripathi, India

16.   Prof. SakthiKumar, India

17.   Prof. RitwickDas, India

18.   Prof. DheerajPratap, India





Optics4Life: Convergence of microscopy, nanotechnology and AI for life sciences Tromsø Workshop 2024

Supported by the INTPART Project from Research Council of Norway

08-09 October 2024

UiT, Tromsø



1.     Prof. Anurag Sharma, India

2.     Prof. Rainer Pepperkok, Germany

3.     Prof. Peter So, USA

4.     Prof. Sakthikumar Dasappan, Japan

5.     Prof. Awanish Pandey,India

6.     Prof. Renu John, India

7.     Prof. Prashant Mishra, India

8.     Prof. Dushan Wadduwage, USA

9.     Dr. Firehun Tsige Dullo, Norway

10.   Dr. Giriram Mohana, Germany

11.   Alex Matlock, USA






  1. S Chattopadhyay, L Zary, C Quek, Dilip K. Prasad “Motivation detection using EEG signal analysis by residual-in-residual convolutional neural network.” Expert Systems with Applications 184 (2021): 115548.
  2.  Azeem Ahmad, Vishesh Dubey, Nikhil Jayakumar, Anowarul Habib, Ankit Butola, Mona Nystad, Ganesh Acharya, Purusotam Basnet, Dalip Singh Mehta, and Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia. “High-throughput spatial sensitive quantitative phase microscopy using low spatial and high temporal coherent illumination.” Scientific reports11, no. 1 (2021): 1-13.
  3. Nur MM Kalimullah, Amit Shelke, and Anowarul Habib. “Multiresolution Dynamic Mode Decomposition (mrDMD) of Elastic Waves for Damage Localisation in Piezoelectric Ceramic.” IEEE Access9 (2021): 120512-120524.
  4. Sayantani Bhattacharya,  Prakhar Kumar, Nitin Yadav, Azeem Ahmad, Frank Melandsø, and Anowarul Habib. “Multiple damage detection in piezoelectric ceramic sensor using scanning point contact excitation and detection method.”arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.11105.
  5.  Azeem Ahmad, Vishesh Dubey, Nikhil Jayakumar, Anowarul Habib, Ankit Butola, Mona Nystad, Ganesh Acharya, Purusotam Basnet, Dalip Singh Mehta, and Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia. “High-throughput spatial sensitive quantitative phase microscopy using low spatial and high temporal coherent illumination.” Scientific reports11, no. 1 (2021): 1-13.
  6. Prakhar Kumar, Nitin Yadav, Muhammad Shamsuzzaman, Krishna Agarwal, Frank Melandsø, and Anowarul Habib. “Numerical method for tilt compensation in scanning acoustic microscopy.” Measurement187 (2022): 110306.
  7. Kaushik Shukla, Azeem Ahmad, Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia, Frank Melandsø, and Anowarul Habib. “Finite element simulation of transmission and reflection of acoustic waves in the ultrasonic transducer.” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics61, no. SG (2022): SG1029.
  8. Azeem Ahmad, Anowarul Habib, Vishesh Dubey, and Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia. “Unbalanced low coherence interference microscopy.” Optics and Lasers in Engineering151 (2022): 106932.
  9. Ayush Somani, Arif Ahmed Sekh, Ida S. Opstad, Åsa Birna Birgisdottir, Truls Myrmel, Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia, Alexander Horsch, Krishna Agarwal, and Dilip K. Prasad. “Virtual labeling of mitochondria in living cells using correlative imaging and physics-guided deep learning.” Biomedical Optics Express13, no. 10 (2022): 5495-5516.
  10. Azeem Ahmad, Anowarul Habib, Vishesh Dubey, and Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia. “Unbalanced low coherence interference microscopy.” Optics and Lasers in Engineering151 (2022): 106932.
  11.  Azeem Ahmad,  Ramith Hettiarachchi, Abdolrahman Khezri, Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia, Dushan N. Wadduwage, and Rafi Ahmad. “Highly sensitive quantitative phase microscopy and deep learning aided with whole genome sequencing for rapid detection of infection and antimicrobial resistance.” Frontiers in Microbiology14 (2023): 1154620.
  12. Sathi Das, Kanchan Saxena, Jean-Claude Tinguely, Arijit Pal, Nima L Wickramasinghe, Abdolrahman Khezri, Vishesh Dubey, Azeem Ahmed, Perumal Vivekanandan, Rafi Ahmad, Dushan N Wadduwage, Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia, Dalip Singh Mehta “SERS nanowire chip and machine learning enabled instant identification and classification of clinically relevant wild-type and antibiotic resistant bacteria at species and strain level.” bioRxiv(2023): 2023-01.
  13. Sathi Das, Jean-Claude Tinguely, Sybil Akua Okyerewa Obuobi, Eduarda Mazagao Guerreiro, Natasa Skalko-Basnet, Omri Snir, Kanchan Saxena, Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia, and Dalip Singh Mehta. “Honeycomb-inspired SERS nano-bowls for rapid capture and analysis of extracellular vesicles and liposomes in suspension.” bioRxiv(2023): 2023-05.
  14. Dalip Singh Mehta, Shilpa Tayal, Azeem Ahmad, Sunil Bhatt, Vishesh Kumar Dubey, Ankit Butola, and Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia. “Effect of partial spatial coherence of light on quantitative phase microscopy of biological samples: improved spatial phase sensitivity, space-bandwidth product, and high accuracy in phase measurement.” Quantitative Phase Imaging IX. Vol. 12389. SPIE, 2023.
  15. Sathi Das, Jean-Claude Tinguely, Vrishty Kundu, Kanchan Saxena, Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia, Dalip Singh Mehta “Sculptured silicon nanopillars bridging face to face nanogaps with metal-insulator-metal coating for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy.” Surfaces and Interfaces 44 (2024): 103836.

Conference proceeding

  1. S Chattopadhyay, A Malachowski, JK Swain, RA Dalmo, A Horsch, D. K. Prasad, “Mapping functional changes in the embryonic heart of Atlantic salmon post viral infection using AI technique”, International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Bordeux, France, 16-19 October, 2022.
  2. Singh, A. Habib, F. Melandsø, B.S. Ahluwalia and S. A. Ahmad, “A deep autoencoder for ultrasonic image denoising in point contact excitation and detection method” Proc. of Sym. on Ultra. Elect. 42, Japan, 7-9 November 2021
  3. Shukla, A. Ahmad, B S Ahluwalia, F. Melandsø, A. Habib,” Finite element modeling of acoustic transmission and reflection loss in ultrasound transducer”  of Sym. on Ultra. Elect. 42, Japan, 7-9 November 2021
  4. Nur M. M. Kalimullah, Amit Shelke, and A. Habib., “Bayesian Filtering for Parameter Estimation of Mechanical Properties of Isotropic Material”Proc. of Sym. on Ultra. Elect. 42, Japan, 7-9 November 2021
  5. Nitin Yadav Kumar, A. Jethliya, A. Ahmad, F. Melandsø, and A. Habib., “Defocus correction in Scanning Acoustic Microscopy ”Proc. of Sym. on Ultra. Elect. 42, Japan, 7-9 November 2021
  6. P. Kumar Bhattacharya, N. Yadav, A. Ahmad, F. Melandsø, and A. Habib.,”Multiple damage detection in piezoelectric ceramic sensor using scanning point contact excitation and detection method” Proc. of Sym. on Ultra. Elect. 42, Japan, 7-9 November 2021
  7. Kumar Gupta, A. Ahmad, B. S. Ahluwalia, F. Melandsø, and A. Habib.,’ Ultrasonic signal denoising using hybrid filter for image reconstruction’Proc. of Sym. on Ultra. Elect. 42, Japan, 7-9 November 2021
  8.  Sunil Bhatt, Ankit Butola, Sebastian Acuña, Daniel Henry Hansen, Jean-Claude Tinguely, Dalip Singh Mehta, Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia, and Krishna Agarwal. “Quantitative phase imaging for tracing the motion of waveguide trapped bead particle.” In Imaging, Manipulation, and Analysis of Biomolecules, Cells, and Tissues XXI, vol. 12383, pp. 19-26. SPIE, 2023.
  9.  Sathi Das, Kanchan Saxena, Abdolrahman Khezri, Vishesh Dubey, Azeem Ahmad, Jean-Claude Tinguely, Dalip Singh Mehta, Rafi Ahmad, and Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia. “Rapid identification of antimicrobial drug resistance strains of E-coli using SERS nanowire chip.” In Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine XX, vol. 12396, pp. 64-69. SPIE, 2023.
  10. Udith Haputhanthri, Kithmini Herath, Ramith Hettiarachchi, Hasindu Kariyawasam, Azeem Ahmad, Balpreet S Ahluwalia, Chamira US Edussooriya, Dushan N Wadduwage “From hours to seconds: towards 100x faster quantitative phase imaging via differentiable microscopy (Conference Presentation).” Quantitative Phase Imaging IX. SPIE, 2023.


Phase for Life: Hybrid Mini-Conference, 12-13 August 2023
