Next Generation Optical Nanoscopy Platforms for Biological System – Symbiosis of Advanced Training, Research and Innovation
The primary focus of the project is to promote interaction among education, research, and innovation for promoting science in nanoscopy and bio-imaging. The project will setup an international network of cooperation in nanoscopy, with mainly focus on education and innovation, with partners of academic and research excellence. It creates a unique network that brings international excellence environments in academia, innovation, and research to the local and national scene. Moreover, it will create expert work force on nanoscopy in order to keep global leadership enhance bioimaging growth in Norway. In addition, a virtual center of nanoscopy will be created that enables international education in cutting edge multi-disciplinary research in nanoscopy and exposure of students to leading academic and innovation environments across the world. It will also provide cross-disciplinary education and training of students on next-generation nanoscopy methodologies to propel research and innovation further. The long-term goal of the project is to develop mechanisms to support sustainable international cooperation towards the integrative approach and promote student exchange for exposure to unique and rich academic and innovation experiences.
In this project we will develop two specific courses, ‘Label-free Microscopy/Nanoscopy’ and ‘Innovation in Photonics & Nanoscopy’. This will help in training of graduate and post graduate students in the natural sciences. Further, the education gap between technologists and biologists hinders the translation and powerful use of nanoscopy for bio-imaging. The project fills this gap by conducting summer courses and workshops across its partners, where students will be given hands-on experience at state-of-the art research infrastructure at the partner sites. Each such training event will address one niche topic that fills an education gap between nanoscopy and its biological application, e.g. “Photo-toxicity in nanoscopy”, “Computational nanoscopy and AI”, “Build your own microscope”, “New labelling procedures”, “Label-free and Correlative nanoscopy”, “Understanding image quality and imaging artefacts” etc.
Further, a virtual centre will be created with an aim to train and co-supervise PhD and master students jointly across institutions. This will develop long-term commitment to a partnership with institutes of established academic excellence and exchange of students will facilitate the cross-pollination of good research practices and help incorporate new research expertise. Students will benefit from experience of different research settings and work environments, thereby develop a mature outlook towards research. This will help to develop and share knowledge of high international quality in science and technology based on research, innovation and education.
The project comprises of 6 partners in 4 nations and several stakeholders:
- Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD), New Delhi, India.
- Department of Mechanical Engineering and Biological Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge MA, United States of America.
- NORINNOVA, Tromsø, Norway.
- European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Heidelberg, Germany.
- Department of Physics and Technology, Department of the Computer Science, and Department of Medical Biolog at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway.
- Center for Advanced Imaging, Harvard University, Cambridge, United States of America.
Associated members/stakeholders of the project are:
- Norsk Elektro Optikk AS (NEO), Norway.
- Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Oslo University Hospital (UiO), Oslo, Norway.
- Department of the Clinical medicine, University Hospital of North Norway (UNN) Tromsø, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway.
For a listing of individual mobility travels and Publication see this table.