Gender and Positionalities in the Field

Gender and Positionalities in the Field

Wednesday October 1st
Auditorium 2, 13:30-15:00



Participants: Click on the author name to read an abstract of their paper.

Ayibot Anbacha: Transforming Gender Relations in the Context of Conflicts and Droughts: The Case of Borana Oromo, Ethiopia

Norwegian University of Life Sciences, NMBU

Noor Elahi: Gender Inequality in Accessing Livelihoods Resources in Northwestern Pakistan

Norwegian University of Life Sciences, NMBU

Marianne Millstein: Changing Fieldwork Relations: Some Methodological Reflections from South Africa

The Nordic Africa Institute

Siri Gerrard: Why Research Collaboration South-North is Important in a Feminist Researcher’s Career

University of Tromsø

Panel Chair: Lise Nordbrønd

University of Tromsø, Center for Women’s and Gender Research

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