Nordic Consortium for CO2 Conversion

Open Science

CADICAT Open Science Platform


NordCO2 is actively participating in the CADICAT Open Science platform that NordCO2 PI Kim Daasbjerg at AU has initiate. It is built on the Open Science platform SPOMAN ( that was established at AU in 2017 to promote collaborations between academia and industry on polymer materials and nano composites.

As SPOMAN was highly successful, this initiative was followed by a new platform opened in 2018 for open science collaborations on CO2 and Catalysis, named CADICAT ( On the platform, everyone can present their research and obtain input from academic and industrial partners. The projects are generally open to the entire public, although it is possible to communicate in closed groups.

The NordCO2 consortium is actively supporting the CADICAT platform, and arranged a course in March 2019, where all students were trained in using CADICAT for sharing research results and ideas, and for communicating between NordCO2 nodes. Read more at the CADICAT website. For more information and to participate in the Open Science initiative, please contact