Abstract submission starts January 15, 2021.
We very much welcome you to submit an abstract (max 1 page) for a contributed talk or poster. Please e-mail your contribution to contact.nordstat2021@uit.no. A list of suggested topics for the contributed sessions is given here (S1 – S15). If your contribution fits with one of these topics, please specify this in the e-mail, but contributions are not restricted to these topics. Also, please specify if you prefer to give an oral presentation or a poster. The length of contributed talks will be 15 – 20 minutes.
If you have been invited by one of the organisers of the invited sessions, please submit your abstract to contact.nordstat2021@uit.no including your session number in the e-mail (unless you have made other agreements with the session organiser). The length of the invited talks will be 20 – 30 minutes,
To submit your abstract using latex, please use the file myname.tex. Your abstract-file can be compiled using compile.tex. Please e-mail both the source file “myname.tex” and the compiled pdf-file (change myname to your own surname in file titles).
If you are unfamiliar with latex, you can also submit your abstract using Word. Please include the following: title of talk, authors with affiliations and e-mail addresses and then the text of your abstract.