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Covid session

The role of mathematics and statistics in the political and health political decisions in the covid crises: A panel discussion with

  • Arnoldo Frigessi (University of Oslo)
  • Tom Britton (Stockholm University)
  • Solveig Engebretsen (Norwegian Computing Center)
  • Sharon Kuhlmann-Berenzon (Folkhälsomyndigheten)
  • Tuija Leino (Finnish Institute for health and welfare)
  • Lasse Leskelä (Aalto University)

Statistics is playing a very important role in understanding and predicting the covid-19 pandemics. In the Nordic countries the opinions and advises of statisticians and their model-based results have been instrumental in the political and health political decisions trying to control the pandemics. We want to look back to how this happened, what is the lesson-learnt, what have been the possibilities and challenges, with focus on Finland, Norway and Sweden. What was the effect? What went fine and what was difficult? What should we do in a different way next time? What strengths and deficiencies of statistical and mathematical methodology have appeared? Will this experience change how we will do statistics in real-time emergence situation or even more generally, what we teach, the way we do research, the collaborations?

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